Luciano Deregardo, age 18, having stormed out of his home the night of his birthday found himself in a weird situation, weird, but delightful as he had awaited this moment for five good years.

Let's do a rewind.

* * 2 hours ago * * *

Luciano turned his phone on and discovered there was no signal. He sighed wondering how he forgot there was no reception in the woods surrounding their home.

'Meh, whatever, I ain't going back there tonight anyway' he thought putting his phone in his pocket and leaving his hands in it.

He started walking down the path that lead to Laklow grumbling in his mind about how unfair Delilah was while cursing at Leila.

He decided to not think about them anymore and began to recall his meeting with the werewolf girl.

'Her voice sounded so damn sexy' he thought with a smirk and sighed out loud when he realised his train of thoughts was going in the wrong direction

"I hope I get to see her again" he muttered out loud.

Time went on and Luciano started to feel uncomfortable not because of the eerie surroundings that had started to get condensed with fog, but because of how he suddenly felt restless and....itchy inside.

He paused in his steps as he started breathing heavily and put a hand over his chest where his heart was already beating extremely quickly. His pupils flashed between their typical brown colour and white until it was just white with a black line separating it from the rest of his eye. His ears were ringing as all of a sudden he started hearing voices of people he did not know or see along with the sound of extremely fast steps. Five in total but he could tell one was a woman and she was being chased.

His body began to ache and all sorts of sounds could be heard, crickets screeching, owls hooting, animals preying, even some horns which he could swear were from the vehicles in the city. Funny thing was that he was sure he hadn't walked half the way he was supposed to to reach there so why was he hearing all the typical noises from the city? Plus who were those people and how were they so insanely fast in walking? He didn't understand anything, his mind was in such a mess if you asked what his Name was at that moment he would say Jennifer Lopez.

As if controlled by a force his eyes shot up irises completely white and faced the wide and brightly shining full moon.

"Arhooooo!" He howled and howl he did for a long time. His nails elongated a bit, okay more than a bit and his throat rumbled as his back grew wider. Obeying the urge, 'he' ran in a particular direction through the bushes and came onto a path. He ran and ran and as time went on it seemed the nicotine in his blood had weared off. He tripped on an uneven part of the ground and fell down passing out in the process.

About a minute later, his eyes shot open and he was gasping for air. Sitting up as he placed his hand round his throat, he felt his chest ache as he sucked in excess air causing his lungs to hurt. Once he had calmed down, he staggered up dusting himself as he did so.

'What just happened? The last thing I remember is thinking about werewolf girl, why did I wake up in the floor? When did I fall asleep? Did I really fall asleep or did I pass out?' He kept thinking and thinking as he looked around.

Other than where he was and about 5 metres ahead, he could see nothing as the entire place was dense with fog. His ears twitched and he could hear footsteps again, he instinctively squinted his eyes to see better.

'Hah, as if squinting would help in such dense fog' he laughed in his mind once he realised what he was doing. He gradually opened his eyes wide normally and strangely enough, he began to see clearly.

'Did I get a super power or something' Luciano thought with an amused smirk on his face as he strolled down the path with his hands in his coat pocket.

He noticed a wolf with a crescent on its forehead and his breath hitched. Of course it was bigger than in his memories, time had passed so she must have grown, but he would never mistake or not recognise that beautiful wolf with jet black fur.

She slowly morphed back into human form. Luciano watched as her body shifted and flinched a bit from how loud the snapping sound was. He intended to approach her silently and walked up to her from behind quietly. She appeared hurt so he didn't want to scare her.

"Hey wolfie" he whispered right behind the stark naked lady that now stood in front of him with her long waist-length hair sticking to her sweaty body. She reacted instantly as she got on all fours and jumped close to ten metres away from him growling. Her canines flashed dangerously and Luciano raised his palms In a surrendering manner

"Hey hey hey, I'm not going to hurt you okay? Chill" he said in a cool voice trying to coax her as he kept walking towards her. The girl lifted her right hand as her nails elongated and turned into sharp claws that she raised towards him.

"Woah, that's amazing" Luciano gasped in awe as he stared at the claw

On the part of the were-lady, she felt conflicted as she stared at the suspicious looking man-boy before her. At the time she was being chased, she almost got caught save for the fact that the presence of a superior wolf was suddenly felt. It was faint but upon hearing the loud howl that was released, her pursuers were displaced. She was able to leave two of them fatally injured but she herself was seriously injured. The others took their injured friends and left her thinking the wolf owning the territory would deal with her either way.

Now a man or boy, she could not tell as his image seemed like that of a man but his disposition was that of a boy, stood in front of her marvelling at the simple blaring of claws that she did

'Is he perhaps human? If so, why is he alive? No, he is obviously responsible for that howl earlier' she stopped her train of thoughts when she noticed he was getting closer.

Just as Luciano thought he would get close, the lady jumped at him swiftly swinging her claw. He thought he'd get scratched if not wounded badly but amazingly, he dodged way faster and even captured her wrists in his hand. He spinned her round so she was backing him and pressed her hands up

"Hey, let go of me, let go!" she growled angrily as she still attempted scratching him despite being captured.

"Just stay still" he said but she started to kick out her legs while releasing girlish grunts. It became harder for Luce to hold onto her and he was annoyed

"I said" he started as he held onto her wrists tighter and brought them down behind her back "stop struggling!" He growled fiercely finally shutting her up and making her docile.

He huffed and pulled her closer to himself

"Good" he muttered. Upon considering his situation, Luciano found himself getting more and more excited

'Oh my goodness, the woman in my dreams is in my arms right now and it's not a dream! Her wrists are softer than I assumed they'd be, how can a wolf woman have such a sexy body' his thoughts were running wild and he unconsciously nuzzled his nose in her hair

'So soft' he thought. All of a sudden he paused

"You're naked" he muttered and the wolf lady froze

'Yeah, no shit sherlock' she thought.

And so we come back to how the story began, with Luciano awfully excited and a bit weirded out.