Luciano smiled cheekily as he faced the wolf lady handing his coat over to her.

"Aren't you ashamed ogling a woman's bare body like that?" She scolded feeling unusually self-conscious as she quickly accepted the coat and wore it wrapping it around her body. Luciano felt extremely good seeing his coat on her naked body and felt as if a part of him was being wrapped wound her instead

"Of course not, you're not ashamed to be seen naked, why should I be ashamed to behold the beauty that is your sexy body?" He answered raising a brow as if it was the most matter-of-fact thing to be known. The lady blushed and turned her head the other way but did not dare try running away, he had earlier threatened to tie her down in his basement if she trued running away again and she was too uninformed to test him. That was good for Luciano because the threat was all talk, if she really did run away, he didn't know how he would catch her in the first place talkless of tying her down.

"What's your name?" He asked staring straight at her while smiling like a young teen talking to his crush.

"Lunaelliape, Luna for short" she answered feeling uncomfortable from his stare. She'd have to be dense to not know why he was staring at her the way he was, strangely she was not grossed out.

"Okay Luna, first of all, nice tits. Don't worry, they'll grow" he said and smirked when she crossed her hands over her chest tighter with an obvious blush on her face and stepped back

"Perv!" She exclaimed

"Yeah, yeah, whatever you say Luna, second, you have a beautiful name." Luciano complimented still smiling at her. Lunaelliape Stared at him

"Do you remember me?" He asked startling Luna

"What?" She questioned jerking her head back a bit. Luciano pushed back his naughty thoughts

"You know, the not so little boy that saw you naked in the bushes before you turned and fled after trying to warn him" he explained willing for her to remember. Luna blushed at the 'saw you naked' part and slowly lowered her head in a nod

'Of course I do, that was the only other time I was seen' she thought while just saying yes outloud

"I get the feeling you think more than you say" Luciano muttered stepping closer to her and she stepped backwards, he stepped closer again and she stepped back away from him. He noticed this and stopped

"That's good, I had always wanted to see you again" he said

'Heh, what would he do if he found out that I had been watching him long before that time we met' she thought sighing on the inside

"Where do you come from by the way? I thought Luna is a title given to the mate of a clan's alpha" Luciano commented

"I was born into the noble family of the blood moon pack on a blood moon with a crescent on my forehead so I was named Lunaelliape not exactly Luna and yes, you are right about the whole title thing" Luna answered.

"Hmmm, Luciano nodded

"Okay, mind explaining why you were being chased?" He asked folding his arms. Luna's tail twitched in anticipation

'So he is responsible for that howl earlier, but then, why is he acting this way? Does he have no memory or awareness about what he is? Then again, he has lived as a human for eighteen years even I had thought he was a human' she thought. Luciano stood waiting for her to answer him patiently

"Being the daughter of a pack's alpha, I am always targeted by enemy pack, plus I wasn't so popular with the others so I was never really looked after" she finally answered

"Why were you so unpopular?" Luciano asked despite the fact that he was actually happy with it

"I was basically an egoistic spoilt brat that thought she meant everything to everybody, being kidnapped five years ago marked the beginning of my years of being targeted every second. I managed to escape that time, but this time, if not for-" Luna stopped talking. She was pretty sure this guy in front of her was not aware of the fact that he himself was a werewolf and she couldn't mention what he did not know about

"What? If not for what?" Luciano asked

"Nevermind" she said shaking her head

Luciano stepped closer to her faster than she could expect and grabbed her hand

"What?! Tell me" he growled and she flinched

"I d-don't want to" she stuttered her lashes fluttering. Being close, Luciano noticed and also took note that she was mildly shaking

Luna oddly felt frightened by Luciano's silence and gaze. The guy was the same person that had been so chatty the moment they had met, him being so silent all of a sudden really made her feel anxious in a bad way

"Are you frightened by me?" He asked after staring into her dark eyes for a long time. Luna wasn't sure how she was going to answer, she herself was feeling very uncertain about the whole situation. Luciano unconsciously tightened his grip as he repeated the question. Luna felt as if her bone would break and quickly nodded

"Yes alpha!" She spoke quickly and without thinking. Luciano strangely felt good hearing that and released her hand, she stepped back

"Haha, do you call all males alpha? I'm Luciano Deregardo by name. If you want to make me feel good, call my name a hundred times with that sexy voice of yours" Luciano said smiling. Luna looked down hiding her face. She had never heard a living being spout so many improper sentences and be confident about it before

'What breed of homo sapiens is he?' She thought listening to him absentmindedly

"And besides, you shouldn't be frightened by me, you're the one with the whole wolf powers and stuff, I am just an ordinary teen living an insignificant normal life" he added shrugging as he watched her rub her wrist

"Hah, you'll understand the value of normal when you lose it" Luna muttered under her breath but Luce still heard. He raised a brow at her

"Did you just preach to me?" He asked and Luna quickly shookber head in denial

"N-n-no I-"

"You don't have to deny it Luna, I'll listen to you anyway, after all, you have the voice of a fucking succubus" Luciano said with a smirk while winking flirtatiously at her. Luna's face heated up in embarrassment and she huffed

"I thought the saying you humans use to compliment girls was 'voice of an angel'" she muttered

"Yeah sure, but an angel's voice brings out the best in people" Luciano explained moving closer and bending his head to her level. Luna didn't bother moving away, the really close proximity was becoming something normal to her.

"yours brings out the beast in me" Luciano whispered into her ear in a slurred voice then blew on it. Luna felt her body shiver but did not dare move

Luciano looked her up and down once more then took her hand in his

"Did I hurt you like this?" He asked noticing the deep purple mark round her wrist

"Just noticing?" Luna asked sighing sarcastically

"I'm sorry, I didn't mean to hurt you" Luce said massaging it gently

"It's just a bruise don't worry about it" Luna said but Luce didn't let go of her hand

"Elliape! Elliape!" A deep mature voice sounded through the woods causing Luna to freeze

"My dad" she mouthed to Luciano as if scared to talk. Luciano's eyes widened

"I hate dads" he mouthed back to her almost making her smile. Luciano quickly took a small bottle from his jacket and put it in her hand

"Ointment, use it." He mouthed as he began jogging off still facing her. She nodded and watched as he waved before turning round and sprinting away.

Lunaelliape watched until she could no longer hear the sound of inyb footsteps then turned and ran in the direction of her dad's voice.