Luciano jumped over a Bush and finally landed on the path leading to his home. He let out a breath as he stretched his body

'I guess I'll reconsider going to the city, I still have to see Luna after all' he thought walking in the direction of his home. As he walked lost in thought, he almost bumped into someone but stepped back just in time with wide eyes.

'What's someone doing here at this time?' He thought. His question was answered soon enough though as he recognised the soft masculine voice of his best friend

"Luce! I've finally found you! Where in earth were you?! It was like you disappeared!" He was ranting as he stomped towards Luciano and grabbed his shoulders tightly

'Wow, Dex doesn't rant, he must have been extremely worried' Luciano thought as he smiled

"What the hell are you smiling about?! we were worried sick about you, and you think smiling would make me feel better?!" Decter exclaimed shaking him. Luciano pat his hands on his shoulder his smile turning into a smirk

"Of course not, that would be totally gay" he said. Dexter snorted and punched him in the gut hard

"Oof!!!" Luciano grunted doubling over and holding his torso while Dexter walked away

"Come on, let's head to your home" he said without care

"Yeah yeah, you don't care about me at all" Luciano taunted as he followed behind him slowly still holding his torso

"Have you been working out more than usual? your punch hurts a lot more than normal" he asked. Dexter paused momentarily then huffed

"You've probably just gone soft" he said. Luciano gasped feigning rage

"How dare you?" He muttered causing Dexter to chuckle quietly.

Dexter and Luciano arrived at his home to meet Fey, his cousin, pacing to and fro on the porch together with Delilah. Fey spotted them immediately and ran over

"Luciano!" She exclaimed jumping onto him and hugging him tightly. Delilah perked up at looked at him, she opened her mouth to say something but then her face dropped and she closed her mouth deciding not to say anything.

"Come on Fey, don't hug me so tight" Luciano said trying to pull her off gently

"Just let her do what she wants, you already made her worry so much despite her condition" Dexter said holding rolling his eyes. Luciano sighed acquiescing.

Fey let go of him suddenly and glared at him hard

"You deserve to burn!" She cursed fiercely and Luciano chuckled

"Now now cousin, don't go saying wors you'll obviously regret if they come true" he said patting her head

"I mean it, Dexter looked so worried I thought he would cry" Fey said swatting his hand away from her head. Luciano raised a brow at Dexter who just shrugged

"Well, you'll found me already what's the use ruminating over it all, let's go to sleep, okay?" Luciano said flicking his wrist dismissively as he walked towards the front door. They all walked past Delilah with only Fey greeting good night and Dexter telling her it was already morning.

* * * * *

Lunaelliape knelt on one knee in front of her dad who sat on the wide throne at the apex of the large castle throne room. The vaulted ceilings was covered with images from a bloody war that had taken place when the Ultimatum was killed giving an eerie feeling to the room.

Valentino stared down at his one and only child full of rage but he knew more than to lash out at her.

Luna felt intimidated by her father's vicious stare but remained unmoving in her place like she didn't care.

"How on the freaking accheus did you manage to get seen by a human?" He asked with a slight growl in his tone. Luna flinched

"I am sorry father, it was as a result of my carelessness, I-"

"Recount what happened to me" Val said cutting her off.Luna sucked in a deep breath

"The dark rise pack. Whether unanimously with the pack or individually, a group of young warriors from the dark rise pack chased after me right after I escaped from my captors. The human boy happened to be around and the warriors ran off to avoid being seen leaving me behind. I let my guard down overall and he saw me" she explained deciding to withhold the truth from him. Valentino chuckled quietly

"You let your guard down huh? What exactly have I and all thirteen instructors of yours been teaching you all this time?!" He scolded raising his voice as he stood up and Luna flinched in fear

"T-to not let my guard down ever" she answered

"Yes! To never let down your guard no matter the situation, to never rely on or trust anyone!, to be your own saviour!" Valentino continued letting out all his anger, he let out a breath to calm himself and sat down back

"You are a member of the blood night clan, not just any member, a royal and ambassador of the were-rulership. You have shamed me not just as a father but as your alpha" He said rubbing his forehead to ease the growing ache there. Luna's furry ears drooped and pressed themselves against the sides of her head in sadness.

"Anyway, it's My fault for not being strict enough with you, in fact it's both our faults, you never paid attention to your instructors!" Valentino muttered shaking his head

"I apologise papa, I will make sure to pay close attention to my instructors from now on" Luna said slightly whimpering

"Hah!" Valentino scoffed looking away from her and Luna whimpered a bit louder to his hearing.

"Aargh, whatever, you may rise just stop making that sound" he said flicking his wrist and Luna stood up still bowing her head

"Thank you papa" she said and Val huffed.

Luna stood there contemplating a bit before she actually spoke, Val watched his daughter silently wondering if he was really too lenient with her.

"Um, papa" she called and Val nodded at her

"Can you tell me about the run away alpha?" She asked, Val raised a brow

"Why do you want to know?"

"I'm just curious"

"Hmmm" he hummed suspiciously still looking at her skeptically, Luna pouted a bit feigning a wronged expression

"Fine, pay attention" Val said and Luna nodded vigorously

"Back then, the entire werewolf line lived together as one colony, one kingdom ruled by a single alpha. As time passed, conflicts and differences in interests set in with four superior wolves being at the heart of it. These wolves were royals, so the alpha split the kingdom into four clans for their sake. Despite their differences, all the clans agreed to there being a unitary council to maintain peace, law and order among the four clans. The original alpha was made the head of the council and called the ultimatum. A separate castle was built at a hidden location for the ultimatum who, like his title, had ultimate power over all decisions. The council was apparently there to just give advice but the decision itself lied with the ultimatum himself. Not every member of the council was happy and neither was every werewolf."

"During the one hundred and twenty-third reign of the original alpha's great grandson, the internal conflict finally reached a climax and a war broke out. It was originally just between the Con Faction and Uni Faction, but out of crave for victory, each Faction involved other races in the fight. The blood race, the caster race and the copycats were involved as none of the other races wanted part in it.

Eventually, the war was stopped by the sacrificial death of the ultimatum who all along had been trying to get each side to reconcile while preventing the war from having major effects on the people. His son took over.

Peace was restored but only temporarily, this time though, the 'elders' as council members were termed, were very discreet about it. Three years later, the ultimatum was gone" Val paused to take a deep breath. Luna folded her arms putting her right index finger on her jaw

"Papa, you haven't mentioned the ultimatums name" she said looking up at Val

"Deregardo Von Lano the second" Val answered and Luna's eyes widened as she recalled Luciano's introduction

'....I'm Luciano Deregardo...'

'Oh my goodness! It can't be a complete coincidence right?' She thought. Val snapped a finger to draw her attention

"What are you thinking about? I told you to pay attention" he said glaring at her slightly.

She smiled unfolding her arms and clasping her hands behind her back

"Of course papa" Val huffed

"Anyway, it was believed one of the royals, the one currently ruling the black fangs clan was responsible for Deregardo the first's death" he finalised before standing up and walking down the steps from the throne

Luna hurriedly Jerked forward

"But papa, on what basis was the alpha of black fangs suspected?" She asked

"A coat with his insignia was found at the scene" Val said reaching the final step

"Anyway, do not mention the name of the run away alpha, it brings horrible luck" he added ss he walked towards the exit, the lit candles going out as he passed by them

"But papa-"

"Go to sleep Elliape, you shall take a test tomorrow, and you must not fail" Val said cutting her off as he exited the room leaving Luna standing in the dark more confused than ever.