Her Mate

Luna felt her brow twitch in annoyance, a tick mark appeared, then another and then another, finally she couldn't take it any more and stood up her fists shooting out at her sides as she yelled.

"You crazy hag! How do you expect me to carry out such a ridiculous 'exercise'?!" She glared at Lyka baring her fangs. Old Lyka just sipped from the cup of tea in her hands then sighed

"Calm down pup" she said making Luna growl again

"I am NOT a pup" she muttered, Lyka simply ignored her comment continuing

"Why don't you want to do the exercise? This is exactly why your father hasn't let you join the warriors, you can't obey a simple order" she berated while shaking her head. Luna almost erupted as her face turned red with anger and smoke nearly pouted out of her ears.

"Old hag, who orders their student to lie on the ground and let a pet use their face as a butt pillow?!!!" She yelled startling the nekomata that had been lounging beside her leg.

"Tsk, tsk, you don't understand the need to have your face sat on by a smaller creature. The experience of using one's head serve as a butt pillow awakens a kind of submissiveness that can never be imitated" Lyka said as if saying some profound wisdom. Luna felt her body was really going to combust if the old wolf didn't stop talking

"You-!!" She could only manage to exclaim biting her lip to hold back the curses about to flow out.

"It's to induce submissiveness I say! Submissiveness!!" Lyka exclaimed. Luna turned around deciding to leave before she offended one of the pack's eldest.

"I'm leaving!" She growled before stomping out. Lyka watched an amused smirk playing at her lips, she glanced down at the black nekomata

"Good job Nero" she praised, Nero meowed feeling pleased.

* * * * *

Luna stomped out of the tall building that was just as ancient as the occupant muttering curses but not daring to say them out in case someone hears and decides to make town news of it.

As if sensing her thoughts, five girls walked out of the surrounding forest circling her. They were all daughters of respected families in the pack who had each achieved something. Either joining the pack warriors successfully or completing the training to be a pack medic, one had even become a member of the official pack hunters. They had all been friends with Luna at one point but alas, the nature of mortals is greed. They all found some stupid excuse to break off from her and for some reason, took taunting her as an important secondary job.

"Hey Elliape, you seem to have finished your training early today" the tallest one standing directly in front of her said and the others snickered.

'Unconsciously letting your target know you've been spying on them, amateur much?' Luna couldn't help thinking completely paying them no mind 

"Hah! As if doing menial tasks can be called training!"

"Her dad was probably embarrassed by her inability to join the warriors and dumped her here to serve as the old hag's nanny" another quipped earning a bout of laughter from the others.

Luna furrowed her brows displeased by the way they referred to old Lyka but said nothing not wanting to make trouble for her father. After all, news of the pack head's daughter getting into a fight with a bunch of low lives will definitely deal a blow to the royal family's name.

"Oh, I know. Maybe it's training to be a wife" one with red hair said and the others smirked


Luna sighed and started walking towards the first girl standing in front of her

"Why even bother though? It's obvious she's not going to find her mate" another said

"Maybe the pack head's has decided to let her marry anyone from the pack" the tall one said tilting her head with a smile "how sad" she added

"Yeah, her whole Luna powers will be useless" another said. Luna ignored everything they were saying and walked past the girl in front of her shocking all of them. Lunaelliape's hot-headedness was well known throughout the pack

"Hey! Are you listening to us?!" The tall girl yelled but Luna ignored and kept on walking, soon she felt a stinging pain at the back of her head that spread throughout her upper body and she stopped.

She put a hand on the back of her head and felt something hot and wet, when she brought her hand back forward to look at it, she saw blood all over it. She sighed very deeply but kept on walking either way angering the girls, especially the very tall one.

"Lunaelliape you b****! You think you're too good for us?! We're not worth a bit of your time?!!" She yelled.

'exactly, so f*** off' Luna thought rolling her eyes still walking away.

"Kayla calm down. I think she's running away because we breached a sensitive topic " one of them said grabbing the tall one, Kayla's arm while looking at Luna in mock pity

'the f***! Sensitive my a** how delusional are these creeps ' Luna thought feeling annoyed but still walking away. Meanwhile Kayla had a look of realization on her face which instantly changed to spite.

"Ah I see. It seems as if you're right Gina" she muttered nodding her head.

"Hey Elliape, is it possible that you've already met your mate?" She asked. Luna stopped walking as her mind, for some reason, automatically flashed to Luciano and she bowed her head to hide the blush that creeped up her neck and cheeks. Kayla mistook this for embarrassment and smirked "oh I see you have" she muttered. Luna whipped around to face them so fast that Kayla stumbled backwards in shock

"No I haven't!! I haven't met him and neither will I ever!!!" She yelled. The filter in her mind translated it as 'Luciano is definitely not my mate! He never has been and he never will be!'. Kayla misunderstood this and smirked

"Ah, Elliape, don't tell me your mate is a good for nothing" she said in a really low voice ticking Luna off but she managed to keep herself in check

"Haha, she wouldn't be able to tell who her mate was if he was a wolf Kayla, have you forgotten?" Gina, Kayla's best friend chimed sending a taunting smirk at Luna. Kayla feigned understanding as she looked at Gina

"Oh really? I'm so sorry Elliape" she apologized with fake sympathy turning back to face Luna. Suddenly her face contorted in actual realization after which she smirked irking Luna even more

'what bull s*** is she planning to spew now?!' She groaned in her mind

"Elliape, did your mate end up being a human?" Kayla asked tilting her head.

Once again, Luna's mind went Luciano and she shook her head to dispel the thought.

"I don't have time for this" she muttered turning around to walk away

"Ah, don't tell me on top of being a human your mate turned out to be an imbecile? Poor Elliape, having to live while hiding her mate because of how shameful he is. I mean he can still get you preg-" Kayla's face got smashed into sending her flying before she could complete her sentence shocking all of them. Two of them quickly ran to help her while Gina and the other two turned to face Luna who was once again gone .

"Kayla!" Gina yelled quickly turning back to see Luna about to deal another blow to Kayla. Luckily, one of the girls still running towards Kayla pulled out a silver net shooter and shot Luna down.

Under the influence of the silver, Luna felt strength leave her body and could only growl up at the girls that had now surrounded her. What they were doing was akin to treason being the chief's daughter but with all the border dispute the pack was having she knew that punishing these few ignorant rats was just going to put more strain on the pack's defense.

Kayla stood up with the help of the other two and spat out blood while holding her cheek. She glared down at Luna who wasn't any less menacing and smirked

"You're going to pay, you bitch" she growled. Unknown to them, a pair of brown eyes stared at them from within the shadows.

Kayla and the others had gotten tired of beating Luna as she hug upside down on a tree still inside the net. She hadn't made a single sound and simply gazed at them with predating eyes which, as they hated to admit, made them scared.

"Come on, let's go" Kayla said turning around and not daring to look back. The others followed moving tensely as they still felt chills from the gaze they were receiving.

Luna stared at their backs until they were gone and her eyes immediately turned to look at the bushes a few feet away.

A tall wolf with grey fur walked out from the same bushes shaking off dirt and leaves from its body before slowly morphing into a tall slender but muscular guy with fair skin and ash blonde hair. His brown eyes stared up at her filled with curiosity and Luna's still golden ones stared back down with no emotion.

The guy walked further towards her until he was right below her then, whipping out his claws, climbed up the tree really fast and cut the rope that tied the silver net to tree. The net fell unraveling in the process and Luna landed on her feet the naked guy landing right beside her. She dusted her body under the gaze of the strange beautiful guy before finally turning to face him

"Thank you" she said looking up at him. He smiled widely before nodding

"You're welcome" he said looking back down at her. Luna nodded in understanding

"What's your name? I'll try to return the favour whenever we meet in the future" she said making the guy smile wider than before almost resembling joker at this point. A far more handsome and sexy joker.

"It's Damon, Damon Argolf" he answered surprising Luna who still showed no expression on her face

'Argolf?' She repeated in her mind nodding in the outside

"Okay Mr. Argolf, I hope to see you in the future" she said holding out her hand. Damon's smile changed to an amused smirk as he accepted the handshake offer

"So do I miss....."

"Elliape" Luna completed forcefully pulling her hand away when the handshake took longer than necessary.

"By the way, Miss Elliape, what those females said about you not being able to recognize your mate-"

"Is none of your business" Luna cut him short as she began walking away.

"You should train yourself more on simple courtesy, you apparently know nothing of it" she added finally walking past a bunch of shrubs and bushes.

Damon smiled as he stared at her fading figure

"Of course, mi propia" he muttered putting his thumb on his lower lip and licking it.

* * * * *

Reena smiled at Tara undoubtedly annoying the older witch

"Yeah, yeah, you're quite skilled for your age and training" she said making Reena's smile widen

"However!" Tara quickly added stopping Reena from saying what she was going to say

"Your equipment on the other hand is mediocre. You need a new spell book and better wands" she said making Reena raise a brow

"Wands? As in plural?" She questioned and Tara rolled her eyes

"Yes, wands, as in plural" she replied not expantiating. She got down from her floating broom and grabbed it before walking into the hut. Reena huffed as she followed

"I never should've asked" she muttered. On getting inside, she quickly grabbed to coat and map that were thrown at her then looked up at Tara raising a questioning brow again

"That mark on the map is where your new task will take place" Tara said and Reena put on the coat before opening the map, It was a map of the were kingdom.

"The border town, Saber" she read out the name of the marked place looking back up at Tara

"Which was the main battlefield of the Ultimatum war, you'll find your first item there" Tara said turning around to sort some items throwing some into a leather bag. At the mention of ultimatum, Reena remembered Luciano who she was sure had received her gift well by now and she smiled her mind automatically going to Dexter

'I wonder how those two are faring? It must've been a shock to them both finding out what they are' she thought with a sigh. She was immediately brought out of her thoughts by the heavy leather bag that she managed to grab in time before it slammed into her face.

"What are you standing around sighing for?!! Get going!" Tara scolded her floating broom pushing Reena out while she stood with folded arms frowning

"Don't come back until you have something!" She added as her broom gave Reena a final smack making the young witch yelp

"Yes yes, I hear ya!" She yelled rubbing her backside with an annoyed expression

"Okay Tara, see you when I get back!" She called before walking away. Tara watched then turned to glare at the uninvited guest that had appeared right after the young witch was gone

"Ramonda, to what to do I owe the pleasure?" She asked sitting down on the stool beside her. The beautiful woman smiled devilishly

"Of course I must visit my daughter's teacher. There's nothing wrong with that right?" She tilted her head and Tara withheld her frown

"Of course not" she muttered