Dex to

Dexter arrived at the path leading to Luciano's home after running at sound-speed for about thirty minutes. He was wearing just a pair of black pants and gloves but the early morning chill barely fazed him.

'What's going on?' Dexter thought as he strolled down the road.

He once again bent forward a bit as he took off running. On getting to the familiar house, he could barely stop himself from colliding with the door.

'How annoying, I can't control the speed of this body' he muttered clicking his tongue in annoyance as he pushed himself away from the door. After grumbling to himself for a while in dissatisfaction, he finally perceived a scent, He looked into the house from the windows but there was nothing in the house that explained the very uncanny and unpleasant scent he was perceiving.

'what on earth are werewolves doing around here?' He thought to himself stepping back away from the door. As he prepared to find another way in, the scent of fresh human blood struck his senses and he immediately grit his teeth seething with rage.

"those bastards are f***ing dead" he muttered as he kicked the door down.

At the basement, Rekia had long since picked up the sound of someone approaching but he decided to say nothing and had no intention of alerting the others. Instead, he just watched the others' attempt at questionung the three female humans they had captured and shook his head pitifully.

The taller one of the two men with him kicked at one of the women again while growling

"Where is the ultimatum?!!!" he yelled again in front of her. The woman, obviously the oldest of the three, seemed to be smart and was very aware of the hostility with which they arrived as she refused to give up any information . Rekia almost smirked admiring the woman's tenacity, if she could keep up what she was doing, their helper would arrive in time to stop the werewolves before they decided to take her to the base.

Delilah grit her teeth holding back a wince as the tall burly man kicked her once more growling out the same question. She didn't quite understand what an ultimatum was but she knew it had something to do with her husband and now, son. The man grabbed a fist full of her hair and pulled violently bringing her face up to his

"Do you think you, a mere human, could hide him?" The guy asked. Glancing at the slightly shorter guy who stood beside the one interrogating her, Delilah pursed her lips and decided to ask him the question as he seemed calmer.

"You've been asking me where this 'ultimatum' is but really, what is an ultimatum? I don't even know what it is" she only managed to mutter, the calm shorter one furrowed his brows

"You don't know who-" before he could finish his sentence both his head and that of the violent tall guy were twisted in very wrong directions and with so much force that it produced a loud disturbing sound as well as a splash of blood. Delilah's face was instantly covered as she fell suddenly not expecting what happened.

Rekia raised up both hands and tilted his head to the side baring his neck, a gesture that was used among supernaturals to display complete submission. Dexter stopped where he was behind him and dropped his pale hand that was a millisecond away from snapping another neck.

"Wise of you to surrender" he simply muttered stepping out from behind him to look at the baffled and bamboozled ladies seated on the floor

"D-D-Dexter?" Fey stuttered finding it hard to believe that it was her cousin's best friend Dex, that she was staring at. However, the usual resting butch face that he unconsciously had along with that characteristic voice which was just a tad bit deeper could never be mistaken else where.

Dexter smiled a bit, his fangs glittering in the now dimly lit room.

"Hey Fey" he greeted raising a palm with a smile. Fey and Leila's mouths dropped open in shock, disbelief written all over their faces. Delilah had a more cool headed reaction and simply stood up while dusting her clothes.

"Dexter, it's great to see you" she greeted smiling up at him, Dexter's gaze turned soft as it fell on her and nodded his head

"It's great to see you're alright Mrs Deregardo. How's Luciano?" He asked finally wondering where his best friend was when his mother and cousin where in such a situation as he looked around. It was then he finally noticed Leila who was starting to regain her composure and began standing up, albeit with a slight stagger, he first stared at her in askance before returning his gaze to Delilah who simply shook her head at him before going on to pull Fey off the ground.

"Luce is...." Delilah trailed off as she glanced at Rekia in a guarded manner. Dexter's eyes widened slightly as he put two and two together then turned to Rekia with a furious glare.

"I'm not one of them!" Rekia quickly exclaimed. Dexter's brow rose in mockery as he sneered

"You have the same scent and came here together, how could you not be 'one of them'?" He asked his tone dropping down an octave. Rekia felt a shiver run down his spine and Fey couldn't help staring at Dexter in awe finding his voice really fascinating.

Rekia cleared his throat understanding how his mis-spoken words might have sounded worse than he intended.

"What I mean is that, I never had the same goal as they did. I simply wanted to meet the ultimatum and see him with my own eyes before they killed me" he explained looking Dexter straight in the eye. Dexter folded his arms

"Oh, is that so?" He asked feigning understanding as he tilted his head a bit.

"In that case, it shouldn't matter if I kill you here, now" he said his lips pulling up in a devilish smirk which quickly alarmed Rekia

"I can help you! I'm sure you don't know much about the night realm or the people out to get the ultimatum!!!" He exclaimed in alarm. His last statement caught all of them's attention as by then, they could all tell that whatever this ultimatum was, it had something to do with Luciano.

Dexter glanced at Delilah and she nodded in agreement. Dexter sighed turning back to Rekia

"How do I know you won't betray us?" He questioned already preparing his mind to suffer the stench of another dead wolf if it came to that. As if knowing his thoughts, Rekia shivered in fear and cowered back

"Hold out your hand" he instructed and Dexter obeyed immediately. Rekia got on one knee putting his head under Dexter's palm and a grey bony snake emitting black smoke slowly came out of his palm. The snake curled itself round Rekia's neck eventually settling down when it's entire body had completely curled round it, more black smoke poured out of its body obscuring their visions and by the time the smoke was gone, all that was left on Rekia's neck was the black and white tattoo of chains.

Dexter stared at Rekia's neck with curiosity and asked, "what is that?". Without looking or standing up, Rekia answered

"A slave contract"