Beginning of a journey

Luciano found himself in a desert-like terrain. He looked around but all he could see was sand, no end and no beginning.

"Where the hell am I?" He muttered as he took a step forward, he stumbled a bit and almost fell but was able to stabilise himself

"Little pup, what do you want to see?" Luciano stood up straight and turned around in record time, he saw nothing

"Down here" the gruff voice sounded again and Luciano looked down to see a very short old man with white hair and wrinkles all over his face

"You are?" Luciano asked raising a brow

"Ferrardo, come with me" the old man turned around and started walking away, Luciano, being the obedient pup he was, followed.

* * * * *

Lyn stirred then slowly blinked coming awake. His eyes opened finally and he saw a ceiling he knew wasn't his but was very familiar with. He sat up and it was then he noticed he was naked and uncovered, he sighed, he felt too tired and sluggish to do or think about anything. He stood up and walked to the bathroom to freshen up.

Lyn walked into the dining room and sat at the head of the table, the maids immediately started serving the dishes and Lyn couldn't help raising a brow at how many dishes they arranged

"What's with the many dishes?" He asked while staring at the dishes and the maid who was putting down the last dish bowed as she turned to face him

"The young miss prepared these all for the master earlier this morning" the maid answered. Lyn waved his hand and she bowed lower than she already was before walking out with the food trolley. Lyn resumed staring at the food, he wasn't a fool so he definitely knew what transpired between them, strangely enough, he wasn't angry. Rather he was upset about the fact that she left right after pulling that ridiculous stunt.

Lyn arrived at his office a little later than normal which was highly unusual. A knock sounded on his door before a tall average looking guy walked in and sat on the chair in front of Lyn's desk

"Lyn, oh my f***ing goodness! What the f*** happened to you?" The man exclaimed, Lyn glanced up at him enotionlessly before looking back fown at the document in his hand

"Eon, language" he cautioned causing Eon to gasp

"Lyn what happened to you? By now I'd be on the ground with a bruised face anytime I cuss" he exclaimed. Lyn rolled his eyes in annoyance

"Wow, masochistic much?" He muttered picking his pen and scribbling stuff on the paper. Eon raised a brow bending over the table to look at what he was writing before snatching the paper from him and standing up

"Lyn! Are you repeatedly scribbling the name of that girl you took home? What happened? Did something happen to her?" Eon asked holding the paper up to look at it before turning to look at Lyn again, Lyn simply stared at him with an emotionless expression.

"What? She's your daughter right?" Eon added sitting down and Lyn glared

"Are you retarded?" He asked feigning curiosity and tilting his head. Eon slammed his palms on the table

"Lyn? How could you ask your dearest best friend such an insulting question?" He cried shaking Lyn's desk

"She is not and has never been my daughter" Lyn simply explained picking up a piece of paper

"I know, you're just three years older. But you adopted her already right?" Eon muttered leaning back in the chair and crossing his arms.

"I did not" Lyn answered not looking up at him. Eon raised a brow

"You decided to take care of her despite being only sixteen" Eon stated

"One, you are an absolute fool if you think any court house would let a sixteen year old adopt another child of relatively close age" Lyn stated making Eon blush in embarrassment

"Two, I simply took her home, nothing legal involved and three, I didn't raise her out of the goodness of my heart, there were much younger kids I could have picked up back then" Lyn finished and looked up at Eon who quickly caught on

"You had an ulterior motive other than using her" he stated. Lyn simply stared at him with his usual -_- face

"What about your fiancée?" Eon asked

"Was never happening" Lyn answered causing Eon to chuckle

"Her father would have your head you know" he muttered shaking his head

"That is if he can. I have now signed a loyalty contract with the prime minister" Lyn said, Eon raised a brow wondering how that solved anything. A loyalty contract was a contract that the prime minister made certain ministers and state officials whom he found capable sign so as to guarantee their support being the head on a non-religious kingdom. Lyn sighed wondering how he befriended such a slow person

"It's the other way round Eon" Lyn muttered, Eon furrowed his brows in thought

"Other way round..hmm....wait what the f***?! How on earth did you get the prime minister to guarantee loyalty to you? How did you even get to meet him?!!" He yelled sitting up quickly with his eyes widened. Lyn couldn't help the smirk that came to his face, seeing the befuddled expression on his friend's face reminded him of how he was going to bitch-slap all those stupid officials that thought they could walk all over his family and he felt somewhat better.

"For your first question, promised access to the night realm, for your second, you'll find out when you prove yourself" he explained

"What the f***?!" Eon exclaimed slightly bending his neck backwards in incredulity both because Lyn had some kind of access to the night realm and because he had said he would have to prove himself.

"Will you be my ally Eon?" Lyn asked before Eon could say anymore. Eon stated at him trying to calm himself down.

"Are you serious?" He asked, Lyn nodded, after a while Eon regained his original sheepish smile

"Well of course then, it wasn't easy to befriend and keep such a stuck up kid like you in the first place, I'm not gonna back off just because you've gone crazy" he muttered nodding his head self-appreciatively as he spoke. Lyn wanted to hit his annoying head but the distant sound of heels clicking against the floor told him Eon would get enough torture without his effort.

"In that case, your first job is to get rid of minister R's daughter" he said and Eon opened his mouth and widened his eyes in shock

"My 'fiancée'" Lyn completed. As if on cue, the door to his office opened and in walked a tall beautiful lady with waist length purple hair and violet eyes

"Lyn~ I've come to see you~" she sang with an annoying smirk. Usually, Lyn would either play along or show how annoyed he was but this time he was feeling amused knowing what was about to happen

"Hello Sarina" he greeted with a smile. Eon looked between the two and felt like he was going to kill Lyn one day

'No one told me his fiancée would be this beautiful!!!' He screamed mentally.

* * * * *

Leila arrived at the Deregardo house and walked in through the back door as usual. She was familiar with Delialh enough and considering the fact that Luciano would either be at the city library or somewhere else hanging out with his best friends, she felt she didn't need to knock.

When she entered, she met the pretty dark-haired cousin of Luciano seated on the kitchen counter on her phone. She smiled a bit and raised her right hand up in greeting

"Hey" she greeted feeling slightly awkward, she was well aware of how, other than Delilah, everyone close to Luciano disliked her. It wasn't their faults though, even she was annoyed by the fake personality she had had to keep up.

Fey simply nodded in acknowledgement then stood up straight

"Follow me" she said before walking away, Leila tightened her grip on her bag before following her into the the house. They walked into the den and through a door she never noticed was there. Then again, she spent most of the time in the kitchen with Delilah so she didn't know much about the rest of the house.

They walked in and Leila gasped in surprise when she saw the trap door. Fey put her phone in her pocket as she got down and began climbing down

"You coming?" She asked raising her head to look up at her, Leila jumped back a little as she Shook her vigorously then she stopped and nodded before finally realising Fey could not see her, she blushed in embarrassment

"A-ah, I-I'll be down right after you!" she called louder than necessary and Fey raised a brow despite already muttering an okay.

'Wasn't she always bitchy? How on earth us she stuttering?' She thought as she climbed down the last step

"You can come down now!" She called before walking further into the basement. She knew there was a basement but had never actually seen it so she was quite surprised when she saw the room.

"Leila, you're here!" Delilah greeted with joy written all over her face once the blonde teen had arrived in the room. Fey stepped out of the way so Delilah could make her way to the girl. She watched as the two hugged each other while Delilah whispered words into Leila's ear, Fey raised her brow again.

'Aunt Delilah is awfully close to Leila huh?' She thought as she stared at them. Once they let go of each other, Fey looked around then back at Delilah who was now zipping up a bag. Everything was so confusing, they enter this once forbidden room when they are supposed to be running, from what? She had no idea, and she sees strange pictures with even stranger scribblings on it almost everywhere in the room, Leila is apparently coming along and her aunt keeps checking her watch every five seconds.

"Aunt Delilah, what's wrong?" She asked tilting her head

"What is this place?" Leila asked almost synchronously with Fey, which Fey found annoying. She felt more annoyed when Leila looked at her with a flustered expression while apologising continuously. Delilah spoke up stopping Leilabfrom apologising any longer

"Leila, this is our house basement, also the place where Luciano's father, Deregardo, taught him. Fey, we are currently being hunted" She said answering them both

"Hunted?!!" Fey and Leila exclaimed at the same time

"Yes, I am sure you are both aware how real the night realm is-"

"Wait, I know about it but I'm not well aware of it" Fey said interrupting Delilah as she looked between her and Leila, they both seemed to be aware of it

"Well, you will soon enough. Luciano's father was a night creature and a run away too, yesterday, Luciano began his journey to finding out what he is and probably where Deregardo is as well but the gate he used would have alerted those who have been trying to find his father" Delilah explained calmly, Fey felt it was all too much but sensed the urgency in Delilah's voice so refrained from speaking, Leila simply nodded knowingly

"So we have to leave before they capture us in a bid to get to him" Delilah muttered finishing her explanation

"Aunt,I understand why we have to leave but why is she coming with?!" Fey asked pointing at Leila, Delilah smiled but said nothing as she turned round and walked towards the huge chest at one side of the room

"Come help me" she called pulling on the side of the chest. Leila glanced at Fey nervously before running over to help Delilah. Fey sighed, she knee yelling wouldn't do her any good, her aunt would always stubbornly do what she wants no matter the consequence. Even marry a man that wasn't human despite facing complete emotional and legal separation from her family.

They were finally able to pull the chest away from its original position and were greeted with the sight of another trap door. Just as Delilah bent down to open it, the ceiling boards around the stairs linking the basement to the den came crashing down along with a set of people Fey thought she was definitely imagining as she stared at the furry ears and tails of the burly men that had crashed through the upstair floorboards. A hand went to cover her opened mouth while the other held the wrist of the first as she gaped, Leila stared at them with eyes widened in fear while Delilah remained in her crouched position not daring to open the trap door or look back.

"Where is the ULTIMATUM?"