The heat of the moment

After walking around and greeting guests all night Dahlia could finally rest her feet the moment they got into Azriel's study.

"You look exhausted," Azriel spoke as he shut the door behind him.

"That's because I am. I can hardly breath with this corset on." Dahlia sighed as she plumped onto the couch.

"Want me to loosen the dress for you?"

"Yes, please." She turned her back to him and moved her hair aside so he could loosen her dress straps.

Shaking his head with a smile on his face, Azriel sat beside Dahlia and started undoing her straps. "It took all the strength in me to stop myself from whisking you off to our room before the party was over." He rested his head on the nape of her neck while talking.

"The party still isn't over." Dahlia tried to hold on to her sense and not focus on Azriel's fingers that were tracing lines on her back or his hot breath running down her neck.