Nearly poisoned

A few nerve wrecking minutes later, Lyonne charged in through the door with Analice right behind him. "What's going on?" He asked once he saw the stressed look on Dahlia's face and the anger Azriel was seething out.

Analice wasted no time before walking up to Dahlia's side, "Is everything okay?" She asked.

Being too shaken up to talk after nearly facing death, Dahlia simply nodded a no and reste her head on Analice's shoulders for support.

"We were nearly poisoned." Azriel finally spoke up, "The food brought to us was spiked with Xarbalte."

"Xarbalte?" Lyonnes eyes widened, "Are you sure? Did you confirm it?" He asked.

"I did. It's the same substance as the ones we found on the rouge wolves." Azriel was angrily clenching his fists as he spoke. 

"Then that means the castle has been breached and-"

"Someone on the inside is working for our mystery man."