Is this fate ?

Is this fate ?

Kuroshaku hid behind the sake store room while covering himself with alcohol. He had hid the devil fruit in the basket of sea berries. Both were almost identical in colour and size. So no one would be able to find out. The reason behind his hiding was the commotion that was being made by the royal guards. It seems they were using the Dognose sharks, in their investigation. Those damned sharks have the most smell sensitive nose in the entire world. Those things were dangerous. But they also have a weakness. In reality their strength is there weakness. Due to their super sensitive nose, they often cannot stand smells that are revolting for them. And that thing is alcohol.

Due to his superior sonar like sensing ability, Kuroshaku immediately noticed the presence of the royal guards along with Dognose sharks outside the inn.

So he decided to hide. He threw the bartender a sack of gold coins and sneakily put the devil fruit in the basket of sea berries.

"I want to hide in your sake store room. I hope the gold is enough."

After seeing the gold coins the bar tender nodded immediately. Kuroshaku looked around the inn cum bar. It was almost empty. In a corner two young human girls were chatting with each other. They didn't even seem to notice him.

"Follow me." The bartender said to him. And Kuroshaku immediately followed him.

Being in the most lawless area of the fishman Island, this inn didn't follow the rules like others. So instead of handing him over to the guards in his suspicious behaviour the bar tender choose to hide him instead.


"You want to drink ? You are twelve !" Silver exclaimed.

"I can handle alcohol way better than you even if I am 12." Hancock retorted "Hey bartender ! Bring the most expensive alcohol and some snacks here !" Hancock said haughtily. She might have sobered up and lost some of her pride and arrogance after her death, but in her heart she has still her pride mixed with a little bit of arrogance. Which was for all the people she was not friends with.

But her voice carried a strange sense of command in it. It was like the words cannot be disobeyed.

The bar tender quickly prepared two clean glasses and a big bottle of the most expensive sake he had, along with some sea weed chips and sea berries as snacks.

Besides her commanding presence, Hancock was also his most expensive customer he had. When they first arrived along with boss Jimbei, he thought, that they might look for some discount. But contrary to what he thought, they paid him full price and took some of his most luxurious services which gave him a lot of profit. So he immidiately gave importance to his best customer.

When he was leaving to his counter after serving Hancock and Silver, the door of the in suddenly opened and a few royal guards entered his inn. Anyone can recognise them from their uniform . Unlike normal soldiers they have the emblem of the royal family on their back.

The bar tender was very professional. He knew how to deal with this kind of situation. At first he was worried that his best customers might cause his downfall. But when he saw them gulping glasses after glasses of sake, he was relieved.


Hancock was busy enjoying her sake when the one of the soliders came to bother her. She was annoyed at first. But she decided to calm down and see the situation first.

"Miss, we have sound that it writer from the royal palace is hiding in this location have you saw any fish man with a large forehead and Shark fin on his back ?" The soldier asked professionally. He was quite young compared to the other soldiers.

Hancock also remember that she has seen such a fishman a few minutes ago.

"Yeah ! Wasn't he drinking there at the counter ? Sorry I was busy chatting with my friends so I didn't notice did he left or what ? But he never used the front door. I would have noticed if he had used the front door." Hancock said in a slightly drunk voice.

In response the soldier nodded and wind away to report his superior.

The captain of the royal guards listen to the reports of all his subordinates. He thought that the bastard has escaped. So just when he was about to order his subordinates to leave, the underfloor door of the sake store room, burst open revealing Kuroshaku.

At that moment three things happened simultaneously.

First, a drunk Hancock ate the devil fruit which has been named mero mero no mi by the world government even if they didn't know about it's actually appearance.

Second, Kuroshaku shouted "my devil fruit !" And tried to run towards Hancock.

Third, all the soldiers surrounded Kuroshaku and captured him immediately.


"Yeeee ! What the hell ! What the hell did I just eat ?" Hancock shouted. But soon she felt a familiar feeling inside her. A feeling that she was missing ever since she has gotten this second chance. She was feeling the power of mero mero no mi just waiting for her to use it.

And that same time the captain of the royal guards smashed the head of Kuroshaku on the floor. "Where the hell did you hide the secret treasure of the royal family ?"

"You fool ! That was the secret treasure of the royal family ! That devil fruit she just ate !" Kuroshakuspat at the captain and pointed towards Hancock.

""""""Whaaaaaaat !""""""


(I wanted to create a situation similar to Luffy.)


Check out my other fanfictions

Side Character with Cheats SI Tenten

Uzumaki Naruko

Naruto Asmodeus Template

Reborn as a useless girl

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You can also read the advance chapters of my other fanfictions in the tier FanFiction phase 1.

Check out

Side Character with Cheats SI Tenten

Uzumaki Naruko

Naruto: Asmodeus Template

Reborn as a Useless girl