An unexpected Recruitment

An unexpected Recruitment

"We are finally out of that scary storm !" Marigold exclaimed.

Looking at her sister Hancock shook her head. It has been

"Captain, We need to restock. Salome has eaten all of our foods again !"

Silver complained.

Hancock looked at her pet snake who was soundly sleeping on the deck. As if feeling her gaze, Salome looked at her. And after looking at her cold eyes, she frantically shook her head denying the acquisition.

"I am not familiar with the sea routes here. We can't hurry our journey to the Amazon Lily if we want to restock.

I don't even know where the reverse log pose is pointing." Hancock said to silver.

"We don't have much food left. Weekend probably last for one and half day before we run out of food. I think we should give it a try. How far do you think this rivers log pose is pointing ?" Silver suggested to Hancock.

"Fine let's go to that Island first. But we should also hunt down sea kings for our food. " Hancock agreed to her proposal.


"This is Jaya island." Hancock round after looking at the island in front of them with the telescope.

She recognised the island immediately after looking at it's port. How could she not ? It was a rather famous Island in her previous life after all. Mock town, a famous place for pirates and outlaws.

"Jaya island ? Is there anything special about this Island ?" Silver asked Hancock.

"As far as I remember then there is nothing special. The island itself is mostly covered with dense forest. There are rumours that many direction sensitive birds were found here. But I don't know if there true or not. But the main attraction for any pirate is mock town. It is a common gathering place for many pirates. Marine does not come here very often. And even if they come nothing major changes. The place is filled with bars and casinos. So you can guess the rest. " Hancock informed silver about what she knew from her previous life about Jaya and mock town.

"Alright I have decided. Since this place is full with rowdy pirates, we will not leave the ship alone. At first, me and Marigold will go to the town. And after we return, you two will go." Everyone nodded after listening Hancock.

Soon their ship docked in the port of mock town.


//Earlier that day, mock town, jaya island.

Doflamigo was resting in the most luxurious hotel in the Jaya island. Besides him was vergo. He was there for a simple reason. It was to lay down the preplans for his future endeavours. He had many plans. Like overthrowing the current king of dressrosa or planting vergo as a agent in the marines. But before any of these plans Doflamingo wanted some sacrificial pawns for his plan. And what would be the best place to find some pawns ? Especially some strong ones. Obviously a place full of pirates.

Doflamigo has recently gotten a bounty of 98 million berries after his exploites in North blue. So in a place like this he was treated as the biggest shot.

"There is something interesting in today's newspaper. Especially bounty. Do you want to see doffy ?" Vergo while reading the newspaper said to Doflamigo.

"What is so interesting Vergo ?" Doflamigo asked offhandedly.

In response, Vergo handed over the bounty flyer to Doflamigo.

Doflamigo looked at the bounty poster. It was a drawing, not a picture, that you would expect from a normal bounty poster. That means the marines were unable to capture photos.

But the poster itself was very interesting.



Love Princess

99,000,000 berries

Note - The above name is just an alias. The true name is unknown.

Doflamigo was intrigued.

They didn't have much description on her. But it seems that she has done something to piss off world government or marines. Otherwise a bounty of this size is not a joke.


"We have most of the things that we wanted. Do you want anything more Marigold ?"

Hancock asked casually. But marigold turned to the route that they took. There were several stone statues on the path, they came from. She sighed. There opponents were looking for trouble in the first place.

Hancock has left a trail of stone statues in her path. Thanksfully the news quickly spread and the more time they spent on the island, the less trouble some people approached them.

"Maybe we should buy some snacks ?"

Marigold suggested.

"Ok,-" after looking around for a while Hancock noticed decent looking bar "-that bar looks decent. Let's go there."


Tia, a normal pirate from west blue. After three years of the start of the new pirate era, She gathered a crew and ventured into the grand lines. She might not be the strongest, but she was not weak. She has some decent skills in swordsmanship. And with her navigation skills, her crew faced little to know problem in the paradise.

Aur at least it was true for the first few Islands. In their journey they encounted with other pirate groups. But they managed to best them. Untill they met the jelly pirates.

Whose captain was Lol jelly with a bounty of 44 million berries.

Her entire crew was killed. She was only spared because of her skills in navigation. But it would have been better if her life ended with her crew. Because after that it was hell. Especially the first few days. The captain raped her nonstop for three days. She was really surprised she didn't get pregnant. After that, the brute used to fuck her only during night. After a few weeks, she got adapted to it.

Atleast no other crew members approached her because she was captain's woman.

But when in mock town, Tia looked at the broken stone statue of her captain , she couldn't believe her eyes. Following the trail she saw with her own eyes how a goddess was turning any sinner on her path to stone statue.

At that moment, Hancock, unknowingly made a very skilled navigator, her fangirl.



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