

"So you want to join my crew, because I killed your captain ?" Hancock asked skeptically. Hancock knew very well about the traps of the world government. It was pretty common for CP agents to infiltrate pirate crews who has potential to grow. She was in a bar buying some sake and snacks when she was approached by a purple haired woman. Her height was around 5' 9". She was around her twenty's. From the men's clothing, sword in her waist, and the long pose in her hand, she was giving your typical pirate vive. But Hancock was not going to believe that easily.

Silver was different because, back then Hancock didn't even have a pirate crew. But after confronting vice admiral Tsuru, Hancock has doubts that marines might have been more careful of her. Although it would be very odd for them to send and CP agent after her from her first introduction, without even assigning her a bounty first. But the possibility was still there. After all they were despicable men. That's why she was suspicious of a person who appeared out of nowhere and asked her to join her crew.

That matter aside, from the moment Hancock rescued silver she has made her mind to appeal the queen of Amazon Lily to accept silver as an amazonian.

Hancock was born in Amazon Lily. And because she was one of the most promising youngsters the queen was selected her along with a few other promising girls to learn about the culture and rules of Amazon Lilly early on.

According to the rules of Amazon Lilly, only an empress can accept an outsider as an amazonian woman. But to become the part of the kuza tribe, she must live in the island for five years.

If an empress wants, then she can exile anyone with an appropriate cause from Amazon Lilly.

Women who wants to leave Amazon Lily must not do anything in the outside world that will bring danger to the island.

There was another rule regarding forming once own pirate crew. Anyone is allowed to form her own pirate crew under one condition. She either has to become a subordinate of Kuja pirates, or give half of their loots to the Empress atleast once annually. In case of the second option one of the member of the pirate crew will be are commented by the empress of Amazon Lily.

From the very beginning, she has planned to choose the second option and sail around the paradise and the blues till she becomes 17. After that she intended to challenge the queen for The throne of Amazon Lily. But the main important thing is that a traitor is more dangerous than an emperor. That's why Hancock wanted to test Tia.

Hancock's observation haki was more reclined towards sensing the upcoming danger as well as a few seconds into the future. But sensing someone's emotion was not her specialty. So she tried the next best thing and that was trying to hear the heartbeat of the girl in front of her.

"How do I know that, you are not a cypher pole agent ?" Hancocks attitude was anything but cute. After all from judging the strength of her opponent she could kill her anytime she wanted.

"Please ! I was the captain of lotus pirates from west blue. We came to the grandline like every other pirate. We survived for a couple of months untill We met the jelly pirates.

Lol jelly with a bounty of 44 million berries, the captain of jelly pirates. He annhilated my entire crew and took me as a prisoner. I tried to escape. But every time I did so , he captured me back and my punishment got even worse. Every time I went against him, he raped me to the point of breaking me. And because of his jelly collar around my neck it was impossible for me to escape. I even have a bountie of 25 million berries. It was posted a year ago. If you want you can check that out. I am just very greatful that you killed him and freed me from his powers. If you don't want me in your crew then I will leave but please let me serve you." Tia pleaded.

Due to the constant abuse, Tia became subconsciously submissive over the course of the few months with the jelly pirates. Whenever Lol told her to spread her legs, she did so, without an hesitation. Whether it is in his private quarters or in front of the entire crew, she did whatever Lol said to her. Sometimes she thought about deliberately taking them to a dangerous sea storm and die with them but the thought of Lol surviving terrified her. That's why she never tried it for real. She thought that her entire life will be spent obeying Lol until he was captured or killed. But when Hancock killed Lol, her collar vanished from her neck.

And due to her subconscious nature, Tia immediately accepted Hancock as her new master.

After thinking for a while, Hancock spoke up.

"You might join my crew but, you will have to stay here. I have some business in my home Island. I will come back to pick you up once my work is done. A few truly wants to join my crew then wait till then." Hancock said to her.

But she didn't know how much it affected Tia. She was really grateful for getting a chance. Hancock told her to tag along to see their ship. And Tia followed them.

But just as they about to exit the bar, a certain flamingo coincidentiality came into the bar.



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Side Character with Cheats SI Tenten

Uzumaki Naruko

Naruto Asmodeus Template

Reborn as a useless girl

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Check out

Side Character with Cheats SI Tenten

Uzumaki Naruko

Naruto: Asmodeus Template

Reborn as a Useless girl
