A Time traveller kicked a stone

AN: This chapter is more like a teaser for the future arc. I had planned it differently before. But now I have changed my story line a little bit. But don't get excited because it does not going to happen anytime soon.

A Time traveller kicked a stone

//February 16th 1508

//In the office of the fleet admiral Marine HQ

Sengoku was reading reports on the warlords.

The five elders have ordered him to prepare a monthly written report on the first two war lords for next three months.

It was a trial after all. After, Hawkeye Mihawk, and Boa Hancock, Gekko Moria and Crocodile have recently accepted the position of the war lord.

It was not even weak ago. So there were no report on them for this month.

The report over the war lords, consisted of their activities that marines keep an eye on.

So far Sengoku didn't have any problem with their activities.

Mihawk floated around the paradise while destroying a few pirate crews that he came across. The report consisted of nothing special. He has not gotten any major treasure during his time of looting. So Sengoku didn't mind that Mihawk has not reported any incident to the marines

And then there is Hancock. He was not surprised that such a talented and powerful person is connected to Silvers Rayleigh. But it at least gave an explanation for her unnatural strength and haki. When as long as Hancock stayed as an ally of The Marines Sengoku has nothing to complain about her relationship with the dark king. She has been active since the last month. Sengoku read the reports on how she destroyed more than 7 pirate gives whose total bounty was above 100 millions berries. Amount those seven crews there was even one pirate crew worth the total bounty of five hundred millions. There captain was a logia candy fruit user who used to be a marine a rear admiral. But Hancock never reported anything to marines. Well as long as she didn't betray them, Sengoku has nothing to complain. Although for some reason Hancock has shown interest in North blue, but it didn't matter in the report. So as long as Hancock doesn't betray them, Sengoku was fine.

As long as all the warlords behave like those two, Sengoku was ready to welcome this new system of power.

Pirates taking care of pirates was a good thing as long as they don't turn on the marine.

The report was good. The best report the five elders could get.

Sengoku sighed.

His thought wandered to his adopted son. Corrazoan has recently left the Marines to join Donquixote pirates as an undercover agent.

Sengoku didn't like the idea at all. Corrazoan was not a fighter. His intellectual ability made him a good officer and helper but he was no admiral material be it vice or rear. But you are pretty good in acting. And besides he took the he took the mission on his own. And it was the first time he has requested him something. That's why Sengoku couldn't deny him.

He just hoped that his son stays safe during the mission.

Sengoku sighed again before ringing the bell and calling his new assistant to give him the reports. It was a good thing that he doesn't have to go to meet the five elders for every matter like this.


Hancock has changed a lot of things. The moment she changed her fate the world itself started to change in order to accommodate the inevitable events. That's why, now many things that hasn't previously happened started to happen.

In one universe Luffy was the only child of Dragon. He grew up in fusha village until he met red haired Shanks. His life changed after he ate Gomu gomu no mi or Hito hito no mi model Nika !

But and all these events, a small butterfly has flapped it's wings changing many things.

(AN: I hate to leave you with a cliffhanger, but I promise that I will reveal the change when Hancock will visit Luffy in east blue. Don't worry there won't be any SIOC shit like side Character with Cheats SI Tenten. But it's going to be pretty wild !😉)


"Well, you are back ?" Tia greeted Gloriosa. She was sunbathing completely naked along with Silver,Sheel and Sandersonia.

They were in the middle of the sea. And the weather was quite nice. A perfect weather for sunbathing. While the others wore bikinis, Tia was butt naked. She wanted to tan her entire body to same shade. Sheel has already served all of them with snacks and lemonade and now sunbathing along with the others.

Hancock, Marigold and Lami were in the other ship. They were talking about painting it in different colours. Who knows what they have been doing ever since ?

"Yes I am back. And I have gathered some information and brought some legends and stories back with me. I think captain might be interested in those things. Although these informations and stories are from different sources, I can tell that there reliable.

So where is Hancock ?" Gloriosa asked.

"She is on that other ship. It is our brand new ship. Captain got it after the owner of a ship building company tried to am her and failed. It was really a funny story. But now captain is thinking about her new plan in that ship along with Marigold and Lami. If it is nothing urgent than I recommend you to not go there right now." Tia bullshited. But unknown to her it who is the exact thing that Hancock was doing. She was trying to make Marigold agree on her idea.

And Lami was helping her. That girl didn't have much time to live. So she was enjoying the crazy shits as much as possible.

"Well apparently I have a very important information that I should relay to captain immediately.

And put on some clothes. Your body is not attractive enough to seduce her." Gloriosa said before leaving.

"The hell are you talking about you hag ! I am just tanning my entire body to same shade ! I am not trying to seduce her damn it !" Tia shouted angrily. But it was no use as Gloriosa completely ignored her and went to the other ship.



Check out my other fanfictions

One piece Transmigrated as Nico Robin

One piece Rebecca

Side Character with Cheats SI Tenten

Uzumaki Naruko

Naruto Asmodeus Template

Reborn as a useless girl

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You can also read the advance chapters of my other fanfictions in the tier FanFiction phase 1.

Check out

Side Character with Cheats SI Tenten

Uzumaki Naruko

Naruto: Asmodeus Template

Reborn as a Useless girl
