A red apple with black spirals

A red apple with black spirals


Due to the reaction speed of Marigold, she was spared from the worse of the injuries. But she didn't escape completely unscathed. The giant robot self destructed in the last minute without any warning sign. Only due to the future sight of Hancock, she could warn marigold in time.

The aftermath of the explosion was not pretty. Although the explosion itself didn't affect Marigold that much, due to her tough skin, she got badly injured in the aftermath when the metal shrades exploded outwards. Most of do metal shrades hit her tail and a few, her torso. Due to her relatively thick skin at her torso, her vitals were not injured. But she was bleeding heavily.

"Marigold stay in your zoan form. It will help you heal faster !" Hancock who was feeling guilty for her reckless commands, didn't show it outside.

"Uhh... Captain ! You should look behind." Tia said to Hancock.

"Hmm ?" Hancock looked behind and found the entire hill was missing. As if it wasn't there in the first place. Instead of a hill, there is an ancient shrine standing in the middle of the island.

"Captain you should check it out. Lami and I will take care of Marigold." Tia said to Hancock.

Lami and Sheel could be seen running to the beach in the swallow water.

But Hancock ignored her.

"You should go check it out first. Who knows what kind of danger is hidden in this place. I am fine. See I am already healing. That metal didn't even pierced my flesh. A little patch up work from Lami would heal me in no time." Marigold insisted.

Hancock reluctantly stood up and went towards the shrine. It was surrounded by thick fog. So it was impossible to see what is inside until she got near it.

But what Hancock saw after getting into the shrine, shocked her greatly.

Inside the shrine there was a large black coloured square shaped rock along with an apple tree. Getting closure to the pitch black rock she found that it was actually a poneglyph.

The real stones that has the record of ancient history, that world government has forbidden to study.

Of course Hancock has no knowledge of the ancient language. So she couldn't read them. But she decided to take a print of it. Who knows what secret information was written on this piece of rock.

Finally leaving the rock she went to the apple tree. Now inside the fog she could see the tree completely. It was a miracle but the tree was actually pretty old. Hancock could tell after seeing it's bark. But then her eyes on a single unique fruit hanging from the tree. The tree was full of blood red apples. But only one of them has dark spiral patterns on it. Hancock jump up and plucked the fruit. Looking closely, it looked exactly like how the old devil fruit encyclopaedia mentioned the hebi hebi no mi model Nure-onna.

Taking out the picture of the fruit, from her waist band, she got from the broker back in long ring long road Island, she matched it with the appearance of the fruit. According to that broker, whose name Hancock has already forgotten, there is no fruit exist in the name of hebi hebi no mi model Nure-onna, instead he found similar fruit in the name of hito hito no mi model Nure-onna.

But that matter aside the picture of the devil fruit exactly matched the fruit she was holding.

Hancock smiled unconsciously.

"Well at least we got what we came for. Now let's see if that kid wants to live or not."


Ever since Hancock found Lami, she wanted to save her. She didn't know why but she felt some kind of familiarity with the girl. The little girl has lost all of her hopes to live. No, it should be better to say that she wants to die. She won't stop her or help her, if that's what she wants.

But there is a chance that what the broker said is true and the fruit they were looking for might be hito hito no mi model Nure-onna. And if the description of state devil fruit's powers are true then there is a heavy chance of Lami surviving after eating that fruit.

Besides that Lami herself has told her that to cure the disease she has to filter all her blood in her body from Amber lead poison. And even if it is not hito hito no mi model Nure-onna, then the description she found from the queen's library stated that the fruit allowed the user to control blood. So there is a good chance that, if lami could learn to control blood in time, then maybe she could cure herself.

But it will all depend on that little girl. If she truly wants to live then Hancock is ready to give her the fruit instead of Sandersonia.

Sandersonia has shown no interest in any of the devil fruits. And when Hancock asked her opinion in the past, she found that Sandersonia was not against eating a devil fruit. But she would rather not lose her ability to swim. So Hancock knew that her sister won't mind about this. Holding the fruit Hancock returned to the beach where she found Marigold in her human form with patched up legs.

While a demonic Lami was scolding her for moving too much in those injured legs.



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One piece Rebecca

Side Character with Cheats SI Tenten

Uzumaki Naruko

Naruto Asmodeus Template

Reborn as a useless girl

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Check out

Side Character with Cheats SI Tenten

Naruto: Asmodeus Template

Reborn as a Useless girl
