Getting out

Getting out

Lami was crying hard. After she woke up in the Silver pearl, she never thought that she would get a chance to live.

Ever since her parent's death, she has given up all her hopes to live. In her eyes, her father was the only person who could have thought of a cure for her disease. So after his death, Lami lost on her hope to live.

She just wanted the suffering to end quickly. That was the reason she tried to take her own life. But after getting saved by Hancock, decided to live her last days to their fullest. Every single moment she stayed with them, her desire to live grew. But she knew that in reality it would be impossible.

"Do you want to live ?" So when Lami heard this question she was caught off-guard . She has never thought that someone would ask her that question. The answer was very simple. Yes, she would want to live. But then again the question was 'is it possible ?'. And the answer to that question was 'no, it isn't.'

At first Lami couldn't understand if Hancock was mocking her. That then she realised that Hancock was asking genuinely.

It was a question, she wanted to answer honestly. And so she did.


"Well then I have a perfect fruit for you. This fruit in my hand is what I was searching for. It is a powerful mythical zoan type devil fruit that allows it's user to transform into a mythical snake like creature who can control blood. You told me that your disease can be cured if you filter all the blood in your body from the Amber lead poison. So this is your chance. I am willing to give this fruit to you.

Originally I wanted this fruit for my other sister Sandersonia. But I will give you a chance. If you can master the abilities of this fruit, then you can probably heal yourself.

So what do you say ? Are you up for challenge ?

If you truly want to live then you will accept it and defeat that undefetable disease of yours."

Hancock held out the fruit for Lami to grab. Now it is upto Lami to decide.

But unlike what Hancock had expected, Lami stood there for a while, without any response and then suddenly she broke into tears.

She quickly bowed.

"Th-thank-Thank you for giving me a chance to live !"

Lami hesitated for a bit. But then she grabbed the fruit from Hancock's hand and took a big bite from it.

"Yulk ! This is the worst thing I have ever tested in my life. Are you sure this is a devil fruit ?" Lami asked with a twisted face.

"Yes, I have eaten one myself. All of the devil fruit tastes like that ! It is horrible. But you know you have to eat it entirely to gain the power of the devil." Marigold said with a devilish smile on her face.

"Whaaaaat !" Lami was not ready to hear that.

"You are lucky that your devil fruit is this small. I had to eat an entire pumpkin !" Marigold said to Lami.

Hancock saw their drama from the sidelines without saying anything.


After eating the devil fruit while Lami was excited to practice Hancock stopped her. This devil fruit tends to make their user aggressive by nature. So Lami who is still a child, has a greater chance of going berserk.

That's why Hancock forbid her from using her powers for now.

After that, the rest of her crew started to search the entire Island. They have reached this place with just the help of a downward stream. But now the problem was, how to go up. But after searching for an entire hour, they found Nothing.

"So should we search the entire lake ?" Marigold asked Hancock.

"I don't think so. My instincts say that the solution to our problem is in this Island."

Hancock denied.

"Well let's eat first. We have enough supplies. With a filld stomach we can work better." Sheel suggested.

"Already ? You just had snacks half an hour ago ?" Tia complained.

"Uhhhh....Tia, Why the hell, are you naked ?" Hancock asked her. Ever since Tia joined her crew, Hancock has noticed one thing. Tia is an exhibitionist pervert. At first it didn't felt odd to Hancock as she was used to see women in bare minimum clothes in Amazon Lily. And no one else has any problem in an all female crew. But as time passed, Tia started to show her exhibitionist tendencies by staying topless or completely naked when they were doing nothing special. Hancock has no problems with it. Her beauty when she was fully dressed, far surpassed Tia's naked body.

Although Lami didn't seem to mind it, but now, as the captain, Hancock has her responsibilities. A child has joined their crew, and she cannot let her another crewmate walk naked out of no perticular reason, even if both of them were females.

"I lost my clothes...?" Tia said, or more like asked herself.

Hancock's eyes twitched. "Go get some clothes !"

"I don't have any spare clothes." Tia looked apologetic.

"Then make one ! Or cover yourself with those mango leaves ! We have children now !" Hancock scolded Tia.

"Hey ! I am not a child !" Lami protested.

"Are you denying me ?" Hancock said in mock hurt tone. Her eyes were teary and posture was low, Lami could see her beautiful boosms almost spilling out from her restrains.

""You are the one who is inappropriate for the kids !"" Sheel and Tia shouted at Hancock. But

They still was had hearts in their eyes.

While the group was bickering among themselves, Marigold wandered around somewhere else.

...A few eternity later...

"Alright let's get some food first ! After that we can restart our fight !" Hancock declared.

But suddenly they felt tremors on the ground.

Just a moment after they heard a shout.

"Sister ! Let's run ! Everyone run ! I accidentally displaced the poneglyph ! And now this place is about to collapse !" A running Marigold shouted.

Hancock noticed that the ground was rising and the water was vanishing rapidly.

"Let's go to the ship !" Hancock shouted.

Immediately everyone hurried back to the ship.

And not long after, they faced in natural phenomena called knock up stream.



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