Chap 45 a different Charybdis.

3rd POV: Milim After the Battle with Rimuru

After the intense battle with Rimuru, Milim and Rimuru returned to the kingdom of Tempest. Meanwhile, deep within the Jura Forest, a massive, shark-like creature awakened and began flying towards the Kingdom of Outer. This creature was Charybdis, born from Veldora's magicules and considered his offspring.

Treyni and her sisters noticed Charybdis's emergence and immediately alerted the kingdom. They attempted to slow it down while Treyni went to report to Rimuru.

Rimuru's POV

Milim had started staying in my kingdom. I had Shuna take her to get some food and show her around. I was in my office with Shizu, working on paperwork when a loud explosion occurred. As expected, it was probably Milim.

Rimuru:"What the hell?"

Shizu:"Rimuru, I'll go see what happened."

Rimuru: "I'll come with you. Take Shion too."

Shizu's POV

Leaving Rimuru's office, I asked Shion to escort me to the source of the explosion. Rimuru joined us as we headed to the center of the kingdom where a crowd had gathered. We found Milim, standing over an unconscious Beastman.

Milim: "Rimuru, Shizu! This Beastman was trying to cause chaos. He's one of Demon Lord Carrion's subordinates. That Carrion dares interfere with me!"

Rimuru:"Thanks, Milim. I'll talk to Carrion soon. Good job."

Milim:"Wahaha! You can count on me, Rimuru."

3rd POV

Rimuru walked over to the Beastman and threw a full potion on him. He immediately stood up, looking disdainfully at Rimuru.

Phobio:"A mere human dares to rule a monster town?"

Shizu:"Shion, take him with us."

Shion: "As you wish, Shizu-sama."

Rimuru's POV

So, other Demon Lords are starting to take action. I considered an alliance between us. First, I needed to deal with Phobio. In the meeting room, Shizu sat beside me, with Benimaru and Shion by my side. I looked at Phobio, releasing a bit of my aura to intimidate him.

Rimuru: "Alright, tell me why you're here."

Phobio:"Tsk. Two humans without aura dare to talk big."

The room's temperature rose, fueled by Benimaru and Shizu's anger. I calmed them down.

Rimuru:"Phobio, I suggest you start talking, or things will get much worse for you."

Activating Time Stop, I appeared in front of him, allowing him to move.

Phobio:"W-w-what did you do?"

Rimuru:"Time Stop. You and I are the only ones able to move. I will teach you a lesson you'll remember."

I delivered three punches infused with chaos and corruption, causing him immense pain. He died and was revived instantly, trembling.

Rimuru: "Listen carefully. I'll let you go this time, but if you ever look down on me again, I'll make your country taste 'Daybreak.' Understood?"

Deactivating Time Stop, I smiled at Phobio, who was now trembling with fear.

Rimuru: "Alright, you can go. Tell Carrion I want an alliance between our countries."

Inside the Forest

Elaine:"Wow, they've built so fast. It was just a small town last time, now it's a full kingdom."

Gido: "Rimuru-sama is truly a wonderful ruler."

Kaval:"She is."

Fuze:"How did you know the Queen of the Kingdom of Anquarea?"

Elaine:"Rimuru-sama saved our lives. And I highly recommend you choose your words carefully."

Youm:"You think she's that strong?"

Kaval: "You'll see for yourself."

In Rimuru's Office

Rimuru: "Hi everyone, how are you?"

Elaine:"I'm fine."

Kaval, Gido:"Us too."

Fuze: "A human?"

Rimuru: "I'm not a human, but you don't have to guess my true species."

Elaine:"Rimuru-san, are there new ones around you?"

Rimuru: "Yes, there's Shion, Benimaru, Shuna, and Shizu."

Shizu:"It's been a while, Elaine-chan."

Elaine: "Shizu-san, you look more beautiful."

Shizu:"Thanks to Rimuru, she takes good care of me." She smiled at me.

Fuze: "Conqueror of Flames?"

Shizu: "Ex. I don't carry that title anymore. It's in the past."

Rimuru: "And Milim the Destroyer and Anny, my younger sister."

Milim and Anny entered the room with snacks in their mouths, paying little attention to the conversation and sitting next to Shizu.

Fuze: "So Rimuru-sama, what is your purpose towards human nations?"

Rimuru:"I built this kingdom so humans and monsters can coexist. But if any country dares to harm us, they'll experience a nightmare."

We continued our discussion. With Vesta's help, we gained recognition from Fuze. Suddenly, I sensed a familiar aura.

Treyni: "Good morning, Queen of the Kingdom of Outer, Rimuru Rosemary-sama."

Rimuru: "Hello, Treyni. How are you?"

Treyni: "I see you already know about me, Rimuru-sama, and you must know what's happening."

Fuze and the other humans were shocked to see a Dryad.

Rimuru: "I know." I opened communication and spoke to Benimaru. "Prepare the army. We're going to fight Charybdis."

Benimaru:"Yes, Rimuru-sama!"

Fuze:"Rimuru-sama, did you say Charybdis?!"

Rimuru: "Yes, and that will be your test, Shizu. Kill that shark with your new power."

Shizu:"Hai, darling."

Anny: "Sis, can I keep one? I want a pet."

Rimuru: "They're weak. I'll find the perfect pet for you, okay? Milim, go play with her for me."

Milim:"Wahaha, leave it to me! Let's go play, Anny."

Anny: "Um, Milim nee-chan."

They ran off to play, hopefully without causing destruction.

On the Battlefield

Rimuru: "Here's the plan. Shion, Souei, Hakurou, Gabiru, and Gobuta with the Goblin riders will deal with the Megalodons protecting Charybdis. Geld will shield them during critical moments. Shizu will handle Charybdis. Everyone understood?"

All: "Hai, Rimuru-sama!"

Rimuru:"Okay, let's go."

We arrived where Charybdis was. He was massive, and I noted a strange energy similar to Chaos. Shizu should be able to handle him.

Gazelle also sent Pegasus knights to help as per our alliance. Fourteen Megalodons and one Charybdis.

Against the Megalodons

Shion, with her Gorkimaru, started slashing and dividing the Megalodons with Ranga's help, who flew around the battlefield, launching [Black Lightning] and frying them. Souei and his team used their assassin skills to control and kill the Megalodons. Gabiru cooperated with Geld, and Gobuta with his Goblin riders lured them to Hakurou, who sliced them down. The number of Megalodons was reduced significantly.

Against Charybdis

Shizu stood in front of Charybdis, raising her sword and unleashing her black flame.

Shizu:"Rimuru-san believes in me. She is my light in this dark world. I promise to stand beside her. So you must die." Her aura exploded with immense power, noted by the entire world.

Charybdis: "Roar!!!!!"

Shizu:"Answer my call, Excalibur, the sword of promised victory." The sword responded to its master's call, unleashing a golden light into the sky.

Rimuru: "Good job, Shizu. This Excalibur is unlike any other. Its true name is Excalibur, the Sword of Light, the God Slayer Sword. Go, Shizu."

Charybdis used its scales as weapons to attack Shizu, who skillfully deflected them. She jumped high and slashed down, causing Charybdis to roar in pain and become angrier, attacking faster.

Shizu:"Let me show you what my US can do. God of Fire, Cthugha Burning Sensation."

As Shizu finished her spell, Charybdis's scales began to melt, and its body started smoking. Its healing ability kicked in but was useless. A painful roar echoed.

Fuze: "So this is the Conqueror of Flames. She's really strong."

Rimuru: "Yes, she'll become even stronger when she awakens her hero egg."

Others watched Shizu like a Goddess dancing on the battlefield, soon to be known as the Dance of the Fire Goddess, an event

Shizu: "I have enough playing. Let me end you."

She holds Excalibur tight and raises it above her head. A golden light flows around her. The power of Faith in the air flows to her. Boom! Her energy sky-high. The power of the planet.

Shizu: " EX.CALIBUR !!!!! " A golden beam shot towards Charybdis covering it. When the light passed, Charybdis left only ashes. Shizu raises her sword and looks at Rimuru.

Rimuru:" good job my love. "

All:" All hail the queen Shizu-sama !!!!"

With this all the demon lord whose observe the battle shock because of Shizu power. Now she can stand beside Rimuru.

Back at the Kingdom

Rimuru's office was abuzz with activity. The news of Shizu's victory spread quickly, bringing a sense of relief and celebration. Elaine and the others had witnessed firsthand the strength and unity of Rimuru's kingdom.

"Rimuru-sama, with power like this, your kingdom will surely thrive," Fuze commented, clearly impressed.

Milim, returning from her playtime with Anny, burst into the office with her usual exuberance. "Rimuru! Anny and I had so much fun! Did Shizu win?"

Rimuru chuckled. "Yes, Milim. Shizu did an amazing job. Now, let's celebrate together."

Riza pov

Ha that girls. She even gives her girlfriend that sword. I look at me hand where a chaotic core of Charybdis after it die. I pull out a harmony energy of Order. This energy make me disgusted so I crushed it immediately. Come Order I will play with you soon you will be mine.

It time for my plan in Marvel. Let them trembling before Chaos.