Chap 46 Riza Root in Marvel

Riza pov

I am now in the space where I was first reborn in this life. Thinking about my plan to corrupt Marvel makes me smile deathly. I will make the entire Marvel Omniverse become mine and only mine. TAA will be my subordinate, all entities will be my slave.

I opened the portal to where Raiko set the castle for me in Marvel. When I arrived I saw Ivaraje flying around in space, it note me and fly down then bow down. Good pet.

Riza:" Is Raiko in there ?"

Ivarajev:" ROAR!"

Riza:" Ah, oh right. Thanks for that here a chaos energy for you." I threw a huge chaos ball for him as a treat. He happy wiggle his tail and eat it.

Now I think about using him for conquer. Let he destroy some planet. Or should I kill TBA and let Ivaraje be a new fallen god. Yes that it a new fallen dragon god.

Riza:" Ivaraje I have a mission for you. Go to TBA hell and kill him then takeover his authority and power make that he'll be your. I also strengthen your power equal to him. Go my pet bring me good news. "

Ivarajev:" ROAR!!!!!" It roar then fly to TBA with full speed. In it mind Riza order is the highest and it must complete for her praise.

I laughed then walked to the castle. I saw Raiko in the thorn and playing chess. She took note and rushed to me. We kissed and I grab her but which make Raiko moan.

Riza:" Hello my love."

Raiko:" You naughty girl. Always know how to make an entrance. Well you saw i have build this castle for our family and your plan to corrupt Marvel is in track."

Riza:" I can see that. Now I come to fasten it. I will create some power which will make who have it worship me as their god. And make changed in their destiny. A butterfly effect will cause chaos."

Raiko:" I gladly enjoy that with you."

Riza:" let begin."

3rd pov

After that Riza begin create 4 Primordial power. First is Primordial Chaos Spider it will give to Peter Parker. This is different from the spider form the thread of life and destiny. This will make him have more abilities than other spiders. His destiny will not be tragic like all the spiders.

Second is Primordial Chaos Magic. Will give to Wanda. In the comic she is the represent of Chthon by using the Darkhold. But what Riza will give her is true Primordial Chaos magic it doesn't need a spell to cast and will obey the user. With this Riza will be Wanda god. She also set a cursed " who dare to harm it user family will suffer eternal hell. No one can break this cursed. Who have this magic will be My worshiper."

Third is Chaos Frost magic the two combined magic will give to Loki. She will change Loki to female and a prevent and let she madly in love with Thor. Who could guest all the trick Loki do only to make Thor note her. A great drama show.

And Last the armor of Destruction. A high nanotechnology with high resistance, high attack power, high self-healing ability. With its resistance it can withstand the power of the Big Bang, the ability to deal critical damage and armor penetration combined with the same amount of damage as the explosion of a star.

Four Primordial power four chosen. She let those power when to Marvel timeline and set the time when Loki, Wanda, Tony, Peter born. Those power will merge to them.

Riza's plan was in motion, and the chaos she intended to unleash would soon ripple through the Marvel Omniverse. The four Primordial Powers had been dispatched to their chosen hosts, each destined to alter their fate and strengthen her influence.

In the Marvel Universe, the changes began to manifest.

Marvel Universe: The Thread of Life and Destiny

The cosmic entities that wove the threads of fate sensed the disruption. The tapestry of destiny was altering, with threads of chaos interwoven into its fabric. Uatu the Watcher observed these changes with concern, aware that a force beyond his comprehension was at work.

Chthon's Dimension:

Chthon, reveling in the presence of a power greater than his own, began to make preparations. He saw himself as a loyal servant to this new force, eager to be a part of the coming chaos. His minions and their other dark entities in his dimension prepared for what was to come, their master's madness fueling their own fervor.

Asgard Loki room.

Loki looking at the change of her body when she wake up she not she no longer a man but a woman with curves body and perfect size.

Loki pov

Loki:" what happened why I am a girl. I remember yesterday I just prank my stupid brother. Speaking of him why do I feel love for him. No. I can't we brother's. I have to tell mom.

As I when look for mom I note all the people of Asgard looking at me with questions eyes. I feel embarrassing. I come to mom place and see she with her servant. She note me and show the same reaction.

Frigga:" Loki is that you what happened why you turn to a girl. "

Loki:" I don't know what happened to me I wake up this morning and this happened. Mom please check me if some curse put one me."

Frigga approached Loki with a concerned expression, placing her hands gently on her shoulders. She began to chant softly, her magic weaving around Loki's form, searching for any signs of a curse or enchantment. After a few moments, she stepped back, her eyes filled with confusion and a hint of fear.

Frigga: "There is no curse, Loki. This change... it's something deeper, something intrinsic. It's as if your very essence has been altered."

Loki's mind raced, trying to comprehend the implications of her mother's words. She felt a surge of emotions, the strongest of which was a strange, overpowering love for Thor.

Loki: "Mother, I feel... different. It's not just my body. My emotions, my thoughts... they're all changing. And this... this love for Thor. I can't control it."

Frigga's face softened with understanding, yet worry lingered in her eyes.

Frigga: "We must find the root of this transformation. Perhaps the All-Father will have answers."

As they made their way to Odin's throne room, Loki couldn't shake the feeling that this change was not merely physical. There was a force at work, one far beyond her comprehension.

3rd pov

Meanwhile, in New York City, Peter Parker was grappling with his newfound abilities. The chaos energy within him made him feel invincible, yet there was an undercurrent of unease. He could manipulate reality, bend probability, and control the very fabric of existence. But with such power came a growing sense of detachment from his humanity.

Peter: "Uncle Ben always said, 'With great power comes great responsibility.' But this... this is something else."

He swung through the city, his thoughts a whirlwind. He had to find a way to use his new abilities for good, even if it meant confronting the dark force behind them.

In Sokovia, Wanda Maximoff felt the Primordial Chaos Magic coursing through her veins. It was intoxicating, overwhelming, and utterly compelling. She stood in the ruins of her childhood home, the air crackling with raw energy.

Wanda: "I can feel her... Riza. She is the source of this power. I am bound to her, and through her, I will protect my family. But at what cost?"

Her eyes glowed with a sinister light as she embraced the chaos within, preparing herself for the trials ahead.

Back in Riza's Castle, Raiko watched her lover with a mix of admiration and concern.

Raiko: "Are you sure this is the path we should take? The chaos we unleash could consume everything."

Riza's smile was serene, her eyes reflecting the vastness of her ambition.

Riza: "Fear not, my love. We are merely guiding the universe towards its true destiny. The Marvel Omniverse will be reborn in our image. And with each step, we grow closer to absolute power."

Raiko nodded, trusting in Riza's vision. They stood together, watching as the first ripples of their plan began to spread through the multiverse.

In Tony Stark's workshop, the genius inventor marveled at the Armor of Destruction. It responded to his thoughts, adapting and evolving with his every command. Yet, there was a shadow over his excitement, a nagging doubt about the origins of this incredible technology.

Tony: "Whoever created this armor, they knew me better than I know myself. I need to find out who or what is behind this."

As he donned the armor, he felt a surge of power unlike anything he'd experienced before. He would get to the bottom of this mystery, even if it meant confronting forces beyond his understanding.

3rd pov Asgard place.

Loki and Frigga entered Odin's throne room, the atmosphere heavy with anticipation and concern. The All-Father sat upon his throne, his gaze piercing yet weary, as if he sensed the disturbance echoing through Asgard. Frigga approached Odin first, her voice a mixture of urgency and apprehension.

Frigga: "All-Father, something has happened to Loki. She... she has undergone a transformation."

Odin's eye narrowed slightly, his expression betraying a hint of curiosity tempered by caution. Loki stood beside her mother, her form now that of a woman, her features graceful yet bearing a touch of the mischief that defined her.

Odin: "A transformation, you say?"

Loki hesitated for a moment, feeling the weight of her words. She glanced at Thor, who stood nearby, concern etched across his face. In that moment, a surge of unfamiliar emotions overwhelmed her. She stepped forward, her voice clear yet tinged with uncertainty.

Loki: "Father, Mother... I have changed. But it's not just my appearance. Something inside me has shifted."

Odin regarded Loki with a mix of paternal concern and stern authority, sensing a profound upheaval in the fabric of her being.

Odin: "What do you mean, Loki?"

Before Loki could respond, she turned to Thor, her heart pounding with a newfound intensity. In a bold and unexpected gesture, she moved closer to him, her gaze locking with his as she leaned in and kissed him tenderly. The air in the throne room seemed to still, every eye fixed upon the unexpected display of affection.

Loki: "Thor... I love you."

Thor's eyes widened in astonishment, caught off guard by Loki's confession in such a public setting. Frigga gasped softly, her hand covering her mouth in shock. Odin's expression darkened, a storm brewing in his eyes as he processed the implications of Loki's words and actions.

Odin: "Loki... what madness is this?"

Loki stepped back, her cheeks flushed with a mixture of embarrassment and defiance. She met Odin's gaze squarely, her voice steady despite the tumult of emotions within her.

Loki: "I cannot explain it, Father. But this... this love I feel for Thor, it is real."

Frigga approached Loki, her concern palpable as she tried to make sense of the situation.

Frigga: "Odin, there is more at play here than we understand. Loki's transformation, her emotions... they are tied to something beyond our realm."

Odin's brow furrowed deeply, his mind racing with the implications of Loki's changed nature and the sudden revelation of her feelings for Thor.

Loki stood before Odin, the weight of her newfound identity and emotions pressing upon her. She took a deep breath, gathering her courage to speak truthfully to her father, the All-Father of Asgard.

Loki: "Father, there's something I must confess. The transformation I've undergone—it's not entirely unexpected. From the day I was born, I was gifted with Primordial Chaos Frost magic. It lay dormant within me until now, awakened by Riza's intervention."

Odin's eye widened slightly, a mixture of surprise and concern flickering across his face. He listened intently as Loki continued, her voice steady despite the turmoil within her.

Loki: "As for my feelings for Thor... They've always been there, deep down. Every prank, every scheme—it was my way of trying to gain his attention, to make him see me not just as his brother, but as someone more."

She paused, her gaze unwavering as she met Odin's stern expression.

Loki: "Riza's magic has amplified these emotions, but they are rooted in my own desires. I love Thor, Father. It's a truth I can no longer deny."

Odin regarded Loki with a mix of paternal concern and a touch of resignation. He had sensed the complexity of Loki's feelings towards Thor throughout the ages, though never fully comprehending the depths until now.

Odin: "Loki, your revelation is... unexpected. But know this—love, in its many forms, can be both a strength and a vulnerability. Your path ahead will not be easy, especially with Riza's influence at play."

Loki nodded solemnly, acknowledging the gravity of her situation. Frigga stepped forward, placing a comforting hand on Loki's shoulder.

Frigga: "Odin, we must understand the extent of Riza's meddling. Her power is unlike anything we've encountered."

Odin's gaze hardened, his mind already formulating plans to safeguard Asgard from the unfolding chaos.

Odin: "Indeed, Frigga. We must prepare for what is to come."

As Odin contemplated their next course of action, Loki turned to Frigga with a mixture of relief and apprehension. Frigga smiled gently, her motherly love a comforting presence amidst the uncertainty.

Frigga: "Loki, whatever challenges lie ahead, know that you have our support. We will face this together."

Loki nodded gratefully, feeling a sense of unity and purpose amidst the tumultuous changes. As they left Odin's throne room, she knew that the path ahead would be fraught with challenges, but she was determined to navigate it with courage and integrity.

Riza's influence had set in motion a chain of events that would redefine their destinies and reshape the very fabric of reality itself.

The Root of Corruption has begun