Chap 47 Ironman: Different beginning.

Tony Stark, renowned genius and billionaire, stood confidently amidst the bustling atmosphere of his state-of-the-art workshop. His mind was preoccupied with the recent discovery of the Armor of Destruction, an enigmatic creation that seemed to anticipate his every move.

"Jarvis, analyze the molecular structure again. I need to understand how this armor is capable of such feats."

Jarvis, Tony's AI assistant, responded efficiently. "Analyzing, sir. The armor integrates nanotechnology with an unprecedented self-learning algorithm. Its capabilities exceed conventional technology by several orders of magnitude."

Tony nodded thoughtfully. "Whoever designed this knew my capabilities and desires intimately. Jarvis, cross-reference any recent advancements in nanotechnology and high-energy physics."

"Searching... There are no records matching the armor's specifications in our database or public archives."

"Create a blueprint based on this armor. I will make my own suit."

"Yes, sir. However, you have a weapons demonstration in Afghanistan."

"Thanks, Jarvis. I'll try this armor out there. Get to work."


In the deserts of Afghanistan, Tony prepared to showcase his company's latest weapon, the Jericho missile. High-ranking military officials and Stark Industries' employees gathered, their eyes shielded by sunglasses against the harsh desert sun.

"Good afternoon, ladies and gentlemen," Tony began. "Today, I present to you the latest in Stark Industries' technological marvels: the Jericho missile."

He raised his arms dramatically as the missile launched, splitting into multiple warheads that hit their targets with pinpoint accuracy. The resulting explosion sent a shockwave through the ground.

Tony turned back to the crowd, grinning. "They say the best weapon is the one you never have to fire. I respectfully disagree. I prefer the weapon you only have to fire once."

The military officials nodded in approval, impressed. Tony's assistant, Pepper Potts, watched with a mixture of pride and concern.

On the convoy ride back to the airbase, Tony chatted with Lieutenant Colonel James "Rhodey" Rhodes. Their conversation was interrupted by a sudden explosion—an ambush.

Tony stepped out of the Humvee, heart pounding. Chaos reigned as soldiers scrambled for cover, returning fire. With a swift motion, Tony activated the Armor of Destruction. Nanotechnology surged over his body, forming an impenetrable suit. The suit's AI integrated seamlessly with Jarvis.

"Sir, enemy combatants are positioned at 2 o'clock and 5 o'clock. Recommending suppression fire."

"Got it."

Tony raised his arm, a high-energy pulse cannon forming in place of his hand. He fired, the cannon emitting a brilliant flash and an explosion rocking the ground.

"What else do you have?"

"The armor is equipped with advanced targeting systems, repulsor beams, and flight capabilities. I suggest utilizing flight mode."

"Let's do it."

The thrusters in his boots ignited, lifting him into the air. From above, Tony saw the full scope of the ambush. He targeted the remaining attackers, dispatching them with precise repulsor blasts.

While Tony attack the terrorist in the sky a red blood portal open. A woman stepped out. She has pale skin and long, dark hair with purple highlights. She has a slim, curvaceous figure and is posing directly facing the viewer with a confident

expression. Her eyes are slightly narrowed, and she has what appears can make both male and female lust for her, which adds to her confident demeanor. And two large draconic horns.

She wears a stylized and detailed outfit that includes black and purple tones with some gray accents. The garment has elements that suggest a combination of armor and flowing robes or cloaks.

She see Tony has the amour that she make for him a smile appear on her face. Silently fly next to Tony.

Riza:" Beautiful doesn't it. Chaos."

Tony froze when he heard Riza's voice and turned his head to the left, Riza's figure appeared clearly before Tony's eyes.

Tony:" Who are you how can my AI can't detect you."

Riza che miệng cười nhẹ:" hahaha. Silly child. You see I don't even exist or my existence is higher than everything that your AI can't scan me."

Jarvis:" Sir, what she said is true sir I can't note her present. I also scan her but the result is zero."

Tony:" Then what do you want with me. And I don't know what your name and who you are. "

Riza:" oh my apologies. My name is Riza Rosemary or T̴̡̪̜̦̭̝̻̺̥̈̆̓̀̉̓͛̌̾͆̆͆͠h̵͙͈̯̤͕̐͂y̷̲̮̰̬͆̀̆̂m̴̼̜̲͕̞͝͝ä̶̢̡͈̥̖̬̘̝͙͉̝͓̦̳͓͙̠́͛̽̏͋̌̓́̾̌̈́̐̉̈̀g̸̱͓͎͎͚̻̼̙̹̼̜̯̟͓͈̪͛̿̑̔̔̿̿̚͠ǫ̶̡̹̝͎̝͓͙̺̜̬̈́͋͐͛͐̈̄̌̾͆͜͝r̴̝̰̖̝̥͊̍̑̆̇̑̑́̏͑̍͆͛͘͘̚͠ͅǎ̴͔͙̱̬̦̪̬͎̊̍̊͌̐̈́͊̀̒̓̾̅͘͝͝͝x̴̆͂̆̈́̈̕̕̚͘, I am the one who created and given you that amour."

Tony eyes widened he never expected the one who created this armour is standing Infront of him. He wanted to know more about this person.

Riza:" I see you used it well. Give it to you is a perfect idea. Hum let end this conversation and focus on your enemy first then we can talk."

Tony:" Right, i have to investigate this matter."

As he fly to find the answer for this Riza still floating in the sky she feels the cosmic entities has note her and they all observe what will she do next. Riza shakes her head then fly to S.H.I.E.L.D based she wants to see the Tesseract just for fun.

She can appear everywhere or any timeline but she likes the feeling flying in the sky more.


Tony Stark hovered above the desert battlefield, his mind racing with questions about the enigmatic Riza Rosemary. He fired a final round of repulsor blasts, clearing the area of the remaining attackers. As the dust settled, Tony landed back on the ground, his armor retracting back into its compact form.

Rhodey ran up to him, looking both relieved and bewildered. "Tony, what just happened? Where did you get that armor?"

Tony glanced around, ensuring the immediate area was secure. "Long story, Rhodey. I'll explain later. We need to get back to the base and debrief."


Meanwhile, Riza Rosemary flew swiftly toward the S.H.I.E.L.D. base, her presence undetected by any surveillance systems. She landed gracefully in front of the heavily guarded entrance. With a flick of her wrist, she rendered the guards unconscious, passing through the security checkpoints with ease.

Inside the base, scientists and agents were busy analyzing the Tesseract. Riza walked up to the glowing cube, her eyes glinting with curiosity. She reached out, her fingers barely grazing its surface, when an alarm blared, and armed agents surrounded her.

"Step away from the Tesseract!" a commanding voice shouted. Director Nick Fury entered the room, his eye trained on Riza. "Who are you, and how did you get in here?"

Riza smiled, unfazed by the weapons pointed at her. "My name is Riza Rosemary. I'm here out of curiosity. Your Tesseract interests me."

Fury's expression hardened. "You have ten seconds to explain yourself before we take you down."

Riza raised an eyebrow, her tone amused. "You cannot take down what you cannot touch, Director." With a wave of her hand, the agents' weapons disintegrated. "I am beyond your comprehension, but I mean no harm—today."

Fury narrowed his eye. "What do you want with the Tesseract?"

"Merely a peek at its potential," Riza replied, stepping back from the cube. "Consider this a courtesy visit. I'll be watching."

With that, she vanished into a swirl of red energy, leaving the room in stunned silence.


Tony Stark's declaration sent shockwaves through the business world and the military-industrial complex. As the press conference ended, journalists bombarded him with questions, but Tony left the stage, his mind preoccupied with the challenges ahead.


Back at S.H.I.E.L.D. headquarters, Director Nick Fury convened an emergency meeting with top agents, including Phil Coulson and Natasha Romanoff. The primary agenda: the unexplained appearance of Riza Rosemary and the incident in Afghanistan.

Fury: "We have an unknown entity who can bypass our security and render our weapons useless. We need to find out everything we can about this Riza Rosemary."

Coulson: "Sir, our initial scans show no traces of her entering or leaving the base. It's as if she appeared out of nowhere and vanished just as quickly."

Romanoff: "We should start by cross-referencing any historical records or mythologies that mention beings with her described abilities. She might not be from this dimension."

Fury: "Get on it. We can't afford any more surprises. And I want a team monitoring Stark. If he's involved, we need to know everything he's planning."


Meanwhile, Riza Rosemary arrived at Stark Industries, her presence unnoticed by security systems. She strolled through the corridors, her curiosity piqued by the advanced technology around her. Entering Tony's lab, she found him engrossed in the blueprint of the Armor of Destruction.

Riza: "Impressive work, Tony. You've managed to understand a fraction of its potential."

Tony spun around, his eyes narrowing. "Riza. How did you get in here?"

Riza: "I have my ways. I wanted to see how you were adapting to your new toy."

Tony: "It's more than a toy. It's a game-changer. But you already knew that, didn't you?"

Riza: "Indeed. And you've only scratched the surface of its capabilities. There's much more you can achieve with it."

Tony: "Why did you give it to me? What's your endgame?"

Riza smiled enigmatically. "Consider it a gift. I have my reasons, but for now, let's say I'm curious to see how you evolve with it. The world is changing, Tony. Adapt or be left behind."

Before Tony could respond, Riza vanished as suddenly as she had appeared. Tony clenched his fists, frustration mixing with determination. He knew he needed to dig deeper into who—or what—Riza was and what her true intentions might be.


At S.H.I.E.L.D., the investigation into the Afghanistan incident intensified. Agents combed through satellite footage, eyewitness reports, and any traceable data. They soon discovered anomalies in the energy signatures at the ambush site, corresponding to the Armor of Destruction's technology.

Fury: "Romanoff, Coulson, I want you to pay Stark a visit. We need answers, and we need them now."


Tony Stark's office, Stark Industries:

Tony: "Pepper, I need you to handle the transition of our company. Moving away from weapons isn't going to be easy, and there's going to be a lot of backlash."

Pepper: "I can handle it, Tony. But what about you? What's your next move?"

Before Tony could answer, the doors to his office swung open, and Romanoff and Coulson entered.

Romanoff: "Mr. Stark, we need to talk."

Tony: "If it isn't S.H.I.E.L.D.'s finest. What can I do for you?"

Coulson: "We need to know about your new armor and your encounter with Riza Rosemary."

Tony: "Ah, Riza. She's quite the enigma, isn't she? What do you want to know?"

Romanoff: "Everything. Start from the beginning."

Tony recounted the events in Afghanistan, his encounter with Riza, and her mysterious abilities. The agents listened intently, their expressions serious.

Coulson: "We need to collaborate, Stark. Whatever her intentions are, we can't take any chances."

Tony: "Agreed. But I need to keep my autonomy. If we're going to work together, it has to be on my terms."

Fury's voice crackled through Coulson's earpiece. "Fine. But remember, Stark, we're watching you. Don't make us regret this."

Tony: "Wouldn't dream of it, Director."

In the weeks following Tony's monumental announcement, Stark Industries underwent a seismic shift. The company redirected its resources toward clean energy and advanced technology, but not everyone was pleased. Among the discontented was Obadiah Stane, Tony's longtime mentor and business partner.

In the shadows, Obadiah orchestrated his plan. He had secretly acquired a prototype of Tony's design for the Armor of Destruction. With the help of unscrupulous scientists, he reverse-engineered it to create his own version: the Iron Overlord armor.


Late one evening, Tony was in his workshop, working on the Mark II armor, which was heavily inspired by the Armor of Destruction's advanced capabilities. Jarvis's voice interrupted his concentration.

"Sir, there's an unauthorized breach in the building. Security systems have been overridden."

Tony's eyes narrowed. "Show me."

The holographic display flickered, revealing Obadiah Stane, clad in the massive, menacing Iron Overlord armor.

"Obadiah," Tony muttered. "What have you done?"


Obadiah's voice boomed through the speakers, distorted by the suit's amplifiers. "You've gone soft, Tony. This company was built on weapons, and that's where its future lies."

Tony stepped back, activating the Mark II armor. "You've lost your mind, Obadiah. This isn't the way."

Obadiah's Iron Overlord armor roared to life, its mechanical joints whirring ominously. "I'll show you the true power of Stark technology."

With that, Obadiah lunged forward, his fist crashing down where Tony had stood moments before. Tony's thrusters ignited, propelling him across the room and into the sky above the city.


The two armored titans clashed in midair, repulsor beams and energy blasts lighting up the night. Tony's Mark II armor, though advanced, was still no match for the sheer brute force of Obadiah's Iron Overlord. Tony dodged a powerful swing, the impact shattering the windows of a nearby skyscraper.

"Jarvis, divert all power to the repulsors," Tony commanded, weaving through the cityscape.

"Yes, sir. Power levels at maximum."

Tony fired a concentrated beam at the Iron Overlord's chest, sending Obadiah crashing into a construction site. Debris flew everywhere as the two combatants landed with a resounding thud.


Breathing heavily, Tony faced Obadiah, who was slowly getting back to his feet. "It's over, Obadiah. You can't win."

Obadiah's helmet retracted, revealing his enraged face. "This is only the beginning, Tony. I'll rebuild this company, and the world will fear the name Stane."

Tony shook his head. "Not if I have anything to say about it."

Before Obadiah could react, Tony's armor shifted, deploying a high-energy pulse cannon similar to the one from the Armor of Destruction. He fired, the beam striking Obadiah's armor and overloading its systems. Sparks flew as the Iron Overlord's joints seized, and Obadiah was rendered immobile.


The next morning, the world buzzed with news of the dramatic confrontation. Stark Industries was once again the center of attention, but this time, the focus was on the company's transformation and Tony's heroics.

At a hastily arranged press conference, reporters eagerly awaited Tony's arrival. The room fell silent as Tony Stark stepped up to the podium, his face calm but resolute.

"Good morning," he began, looking out over the sea of cameras and journalists. "Many of you have questions about what happened last night and the changes at Stark Industries. I'll answer those."

He took a deep breath, then continued, "For too long, I was complicit in a system that profited from destruction and chaos. But that's not who I am anymore. Last night, I faced a personal and professional betrayal, and I saw firsthand the consequences of our actions."

Tony paused, the weight of his words sinking in. "I realize now that Stark Industries can be a force for good, a beacon of innovation and progress. And I'm committed to making that vision a reality."

A reporter raised a hand. "Mr. Stark, what can you tell us about the armor you used last night? Is it true that it was of you ?"

The room buzzed with questions, but Tony held up a hand for silence. "One more thing," he said, his voice steady. "I want to address the speculation and rumors head-on."

He looked directly into the camera, the determination in his eyes unmistakable. "The truth is, I am Iron Man."

The room erupted in chaos as reporters shouted questions and cameras flashed. Tony stepped back from the podium, when he returned home he saw Riza sit on the sofa while driving wine.

Riza stand up and walk to him she held out her hand and pat Tony head.

Riza:" I am Ironman, you did what exactly I wanted. For that I pleased"

Tony:" so all this is your plan."

Riza:" It a bit but all other is what I see. I saw the future of you in many multiverse. Which interest me."

Tony:" multiverse is real ?!"

Riza:" yes. It real, you human is not alone in the universe. There different life on other planets. Tony what will you do if I tell you I am a God."

Tony's mind whirled with the implications of Riza's revelations. "A god?" he repeated, incredulous. "You're saying you have the power to create and destroy entire universes?"

Riza nodded, her expression serene. "Yes, Tony. The Armor of Destruction is just a fraction of what I can do. But I find it fascinating to see how beings like you use the gifts I bestow."

Tony took a step back, trying to process the magnitude of her statement. "Why? Why give me this armor? Why involve yourself in our affairs?"

Riza's smile was enigmatic. "Curiosity, mostly. I want to see how you handle power, how you adapt and evolve. Your world is at a crossroads, Tony. Heroes will rise, and challenges will grow. Your actions will shape the future of not just this planet, but many others."

Tony's eyes narrowed. "So, this is all just a game to you? Watching us struggle and fight for your amusement?"

Riza shook her head. "It's more than that. I want to understand the nature of your choices, your resilience, and your potential. You humans are remarkable in your own way."

Tony's resolve hardened. "Well, if you're expecting me to play by your rules, you're in for a surprise. I make my own path."

Riza's smile widened. "I wouldn't have it any other way, Tony. Continue to surprise me."

With a wave of her hand, she vanished, leaving Tony alone with his thoughts. The weight of her words settled heavily on him.

Riza smile then when to check her next one Peter Parker. Now the piece in play let the game begin.