Doll Delivery

"Bob, like I mentioned earlier. If you live nearby and don't mind us, we can deliver the doll to your place," Emily hurriedly answered. She wanted to take this opportunity to get closer to Bob and inform him of the various services they could provide him for extra cost. Basically, bug him in person like every other door to door salesperson. 

"No, need. But since you are willing to do in-person delivery head to the Red Rose Resort. It is 12 miles from your establishment. I have booked a room there, you can collect the room key at the front desk by sharing the booking itinerary I will share with you. Drop the doll there and leave, understood?" Ace instructed Emily and Abby.

"Red Rose Resort, sure. Are you staying there Bob?" Emily continued to try and get closer to Bob only to fail. She seemed to be unaware that her overzealousness was annoying the customer.