Priority Training

Sonia clenched her teeth, glaring at Janice, but she didn't dare get physical with her as she had with Lola and Ace. Frustrated, she snapped, "Scratchifer is never wrong! If there's nothing wrong with your mirror, then he's lying."

Janice raised an eyebrow, but before she could respond, Lola—now in her regular form and dressed in casual clothes—stepped forward, arms crossed. "What reason does he have to lie?" she shot back, immediately coming to her friend's defense.

Ace, meanwhile, blinked at Sonia, biting back a sigh. He was mentally adding this to his growing list of grudges against her. She was making things way more complicated than they needed to be. He hadn't thought much of blowing up berserk Sonia this afternoon, but now, he was starting to regret it.