Hunting S.S.S.

Ace didn't agree that the S.S.S. was a menace to both worlds, but he could admit their notorious reputation was enough to justify the shocked looks on Janice, Delores, and Sonia's faces.

The S.S.S. wasn't some all-powerful force—it was just a small and tight nit organization of curse criminals who would do anything as long as it got them paid. Sure, they were a force to be reckoned with in the Mortal World, but in the Curse World? The Curse Enforcers dealt with organized curse criminals like them all the time. Compared to the real monsters lurking there, the S.S.S. was bottom-tier.

In fact, the way their low-tier and new members farmed innate curse tools from newborn curse users—people they themselves groomed—said everything about how cowardly they really were. The oil mercenaries were far more dangerous than these wannabes. At least they were upfront about their ways and wouldn't hesitate to do whatever it took to get the job done.