Elinor McSuile

"Whoa, isn't this a little too high-profile for a secret government agency?" Ace muttered, staring up in awe at the tallest building in the city.

"That's nothing compared to the other branch headquarters," Matthews replied, barely sparing the structure a glance as she strode toward the entrance. She was in a hurry and had no patience for protocol, so she forced security to skip the usual due diligence and waved Ace and the others inside.

Once in the lobby, she snapped her fingers at a nearby agent—a tall, lean woman standing at attention—asking, "Agent Big B, where is Agent Hundred Eyes?"

"Ma'am, she took a break—oh, there she is," Big B said, nodding toward a figure hurrying over the moment she spotted Matthews.

"Ma'am," Hundred Eyes saluted sharply as she stopped in front of them, standing at rigid attention.