Heart Break

Hansen could not believe what had happened to him as he was thrown out of his own home and did not know where to go now. It was good that he had become very much numb to the human feelings previously since he had always been missing his parents as now after such a humiliation he might have broken down but he endured this stage.

After he was thrown out of the mansion he just laid down there on the road for two three minutes as the shock and reality of the situation hurt him more mentally than physically. But there were many people gathering on the streets now at this point of time looking at the commotion and Hansen was always a shy, introvert kind of boy who avoids getting into crowd so at this point he was being humiliated and thrown out of his own home so he got up on his position collected his emotions and moved from there before more people can come.

Hansen who was an apple in the eyes of his parents and had always been looked at with reverence and love by the people around him was now being humiliated and thrown out of his own home at a time when his parents were missing by the uncle who always loved him in the past and he used to like him and used to hangout with him. It was a big shock in his life.

Hansen just kept wandering in the streets for a few hours as he did not have any place to go and wondered if he had to spend his time in the streets and sleep in the streets tonight. The once charming prince had become a street beggar it seemed. This was a tragedy of life.

After wandering around for a long while he went to the city park where he used to come on a regular basis previously with his girlfriend but now it seemed that he has to come here to spend his time so he went and sat under a tree and thought about what has transpired today because all of this was too overbearing for him to digest that now he do not even have a home to live in apart for his other worries about his missing parents.

Just three to four months ago he was one of the rich second generation kids who had all the luxuries in life. The most loving parents in the world and everyone used to see him with respect and reverence but now life has taken his parents away from him. All the luxuries are gone and he is brought down to the streets. And his loving uncle Sloan who used to pamper him so much had taken over the property of his parents and his moms multinational company. So if his uncle who was one of the relatives by blood did not show any respect and love the moment his parents went missing then he did not expect anything from anyone else.

While thinking about all the unpleasantries of life he slept there under the tree. He was weak and fragile and was going through a lot so he was totally exhausted. Thus when he felt the soft grass under him and felt a bit comfortable he slept instantly even though it was only afternoon and sun was high in the sky.

The park was empty at this point of time due to the heat of the sun but since it was empty and no one was around he slept peacefully for a few hours till evening when the sun was about to set. At that point of time again people started entering the park and there was some bustling of people. But he just ignored them and kept on sleeping.

Time passed on and people started filling the park and the benches were getting occupied. After sometime a couple came and sat on the bench which was near to the tree where Hansen was sleeping. He was vaguely aware of his surroundings but did not bother with anyone much as he already had enough to deal with so he just slept on.

After sometime he was able to hear the romantic conversation of the couple and thought that he was intruding on someone's private conversation so he decided to move away from there and got up but then he realized that the voices of the couple were quite familiar so he casually glanced towards them before coming out of there but them he was surprised.

He saw his girlfriend of two years Ji Yanran who was sitting there with his cousin brother Patrick who was the son of his uncle Mr. Sloan and were cuddling together with romantic talks. The couple did not notice him since he was at the back of them however even though he was at the back of them and can see the side of their faces and by their dressing manner he clearly identified Ji Yanran and Patrick.

He knew Ji Yanran since childhood because they have studied together since kindergarten and stayed together as they were very fond of each other and always used to hang out together and then a couple of years back finally they proposed to each other and became a couple and was recognized as an Ideal couple in his campus since Ji Yanran was one of the campus belle and he was one of the second generation young masters. So though everyone used to look at him with envy however nobody dared to challenge him due to his position in the society.

Hansen and Ji Yanran were like two love birds and they even promised each other marriage and all since they were so like minded and could trust each other wholeheartedly so Hansen never thought Ji Yanran could betray him some day and be with another boy but looking at this now it seemed he has always misunderstood Ji Yanran and as for Patrick he was one of his beloved cousin who used to be very fond of him but now he has taken his girlfriend but after seeing uncle Sloan like that it was only natural for Patrick to act like that like father like son so he was not surprised by his behavior.

While Hansen was in a trance after seeing Ji Yanran and Patrick like this at that point of time the couple noticed him.

Ji Yanran said: "Hansen! Why are you here?"

Ji Yanran had never expected to see Hansen at this point of time. Since she knew that his parents were already missing and Patrick had told her that Hansen was mentally unstable and now his dad was going to take over all the business and properties which belonged to Hansen. But now after seeing Hansen like this she felt a bit of Guilt on getting caught red handed because she actually was cheating on him as she had never broken up with him and moved on.

Hansen could not say anything to her while Patrick seeing Hansen got furious since he felt that he was spying on them so he said: "How dare you spy on us? And do not come close to her anymore. You should know that Ji Yanran is now mine? You should know your place."

Hansen was already betrayed in life and was going through a lot so he did not have any energy to confront them about this so he excused himself from there.