Envy is an Evil Emotion

Hansen felt like he was the most unfortunate person in this world since first he lost his parents then life has taken his wealth and now even he lost his girlfriend and now it seems he did not have anything left to lose perhaps this will only stop once he loses his life but that will also help him escape from his misery as he was now waiting near the train station since he wanted to go to another city to escape from this life where there will be new people and no one will recognize him however he did not have any money to buy the train tickets.


In an unknown location in the city inside a depot where a large amount of raw materials were kept Mr. Sloan was having a talk with his men and lawyers.

Mr. Sloan said furiously: "Are you guys saying I still do not have a chance to acquire the property?"

Lawyer said: "Sir, Please try to understand as per the Law of the court Hansen is still the legal heir of his property. In case of his parents demise and if both of his parents are found dead then it will only be Hansen who will possess the right to inherit their property."

Mr. Sloan asked: "Is there no way or any loophole in the law through which we can get the property in my name. You people have always claimed to be very capable in finding the loophole of the system and very expert in this legal matter previously so what happened now?"

The lawyer helplessly shook his head and said: "Sir we are definitely capable subordinate's of yours however there are some things which even we can not change".

Mr. Sloan was the older brother of Mr. Steve and since childhood Sloan was very envious of his younger brother because his younger brother always got the best thing in life.

When Sloan was just a baby boy he was the star in the eyes of his parents. He always got what he wanted and enjoyed this treatment from his parents till he was eight years old.

However all of these nice things changed at that point of time when his younger brother was born. Earlier when his father used to buy presents it was for him only but in current situation his younger brother would get the present why because he was the Older one and he already had his share of fun also since he was older his parents considered him to be responsible enough to sacrifice his presents for his younger brother to enjoy. Now this was when they were just children below ten years of age, however Sloan thought that this would change when they grow up, however contrary to his speculation things became much worse because after they grew up it seemed that the luck and nature was also favoring his younger brother.

Since his younger brother was more handsome and fairer than him, Steve was adored by the elders which caused him to be envious again. Steve was also very talented academically since he had higher grades and compared to his younger brother he was just an average student due to which he was always being reprimanded by his father again and again. His father used to always say: "You are the Older brother and responsible one so you should be the role model for your younger brother. Why is it always that you bring such poor marks while your younger brother is always top of the class."

When his parents used to compare them like this he used to feel as if why in the world his younger brother was born in the first place. If his parents had not taken the decision to take another child perhaps he could have enjoyed a much better childhood. When they became adults the situation only worsened. Steve had the lady luck naturally since he was taller, handsome and fairer and got a lovely woman like Anna. Steve was academically successful so he also got a good high ranking Government position in his town.

Even wealth wise his luck was good since his wife Anna was not only pretty but with her talents she became the Chief executive officer of the Misty association which was a company founded by her wife. So even though his younger brother was an honest mayor of the town and used to serve the people wholeheartedly and never took any bribes and did not engage in any kind of illegal activities in spite of that Steve was unusually rich which was again a reason for envy and Sloan hated him because according to him by nobody can become rich just by being honest. They have to do some kind of illegal activities to become rich.

And due to Steve being so honest and serving the common people so passionately he naturally became the people's best choice and has developed a big influence in the city. This again caused Sloan to be frustrated and envious of Steve.

Now that he thought properly regarding this since childhood till now he was always the second person or to be precise Sloan had only become a second choice and all of this was because of his sweet younger brother Steve.

After they were married and had their respective families and had kids he got quite an intelligent and fair child Patrick and his younger brother got Hansen who was again unusually a genius of a boy. It seemed that the luck which Steve had was continued with his son. Because Steve's son Hansen also outsmarted his own son Patrick in all spheres of life.

Since Hansen was a genius he had outsmarted Patrick in all the academic subjects. Then Sloan thought that Patrick should take part in sports and made his child to participate in learning martial arts however when Hansen took part in martial arts he became exceptionally talented and successful and outsmarted Patrick in the sphere of Martial arts also and this was very frustrating for Sloan since Steve had been winning the race and being the first choice of his parents since childhood and now Steve's son is also doing the same and making his son lose out on everything.

Even in school all the students liked to be friends with the young master Hansen who was the son of the city Mayor whose mother was also the CEO of the Multinational company the Misty Association. Even the teachers used to favor Hansen a lot and when compared with him his son did not have that big friend circle. Sloan felt like the position of Patrick and Hansen is just a replay of his and Steve's childhood where his son is missing out on opportunities. He had already gone through enough since childhood and did not want the same thing to be happening to his son also.

He did not want his son to suffer from all the envious feelings which he had to go through however he could not help it after all they were in the same city and since he was not sound financially so he had to liaise with his younger brother and depend on his brother for financial help to meet his family needs.