Extensive Search

Sloan was very frustrated with Steve all his life and his son Hansen was doing the same however since he had to depend on them financially so he could not show any frustration and had to work under them.

Sloan even had to join the Misty Association as a subordinate of Anna to only to help her and due to some silly mistakes he made Anna had to reprimand him on his mistakes not that she genuinely wanted to mistreat him but only gave him constructive feedback for his improvement and welfare however everyone does not take feedback in the right way and Sloan thought of it as mistreatment due to him being poor and weak and wowed to take revenge on Steve and Anna. 

At present, Steve and Anna both were out of the equation and his route was clear to capture their wealth. Finally he would be the number one contender to inherit their property however again in the end moment Steve's son was somehow saved and was able to return home. 

Now though he finally captured the wealth which was possessed by Steve and Anna and was able to drive out their son of the ancestral property still the legal issues were coming up since the lawyers said that if Hansen applies then he will be the legal heir of the property as well as the Misty Association company and its shares which was again very frustrating for Sloan since even after the couple died their son was stirring trouble for him and getting in his way to gain wealth and status.

 Even though he had already driven out Hansen, if he returns or goes to court then Sloan might end up in jail as per the claims of the lawyers so he did not want to take any chances. 

Since he has already taken steps against them and driven out their son from the property, he should also go ahead and take that final step to completely remove the existence of Hansen from this world so that he could not return in the future to cause any trouble for him or for his son.

Also, he will be doing a favor to Hansen since he was already in so much pain due to his missing parents and now that he does not have any wealth it will be hard for Hansen to become a street beggar directly for a second-generation young master and prince charming of the city so by killing Hansen he will be doing him a favor by putting him out of his misery.

Mr. Sloan said to the Lawyer: "In that situation, I will not have any other choice since if this little brat is coming in my way to claim what is mine then this boy will have to die."

Sloan immediately ordered his Henchmen whom he used to have under him to do any kind of illegal or dirty work regarding capturing of Hansen and said: "You Guys the fun time is over and now it is time to work. Bring this boy Hansen to me immediately whether he is dead or alive doesn't matter."

And then the Henchmen of Mr. Sloan, the dangerous-looking men with muscles and tattoos whom Mr. Sloan has been raising and feeding them for so many years with all kinds of luxuries and booze like some poisonous snakes, went out to execute the task assigned by their master.

After searching for Hansen for a few days when the men could not find Hansen anywhere in the city then they came empty-handed and returned to Sloan. 

One of the men reported to Sloan: "Mr. Sloan we have searched for the Boy named Hansen throughout the city but could not find him. We have looked for him day and night and in every nook and cranny in this city but he seemed to be missing."

Sloan was enraged that his Henchmen were not able to find the little brat who had become a headache for him now. He wondered why he had kept these useless Henchmen under him for so long and what purpose they served if they could not solve this simple matter of finding a school-going boy.

Mr. Sloan reprimanded his Henchmen and said: "You despicable people don't you have any shame. Being in this kind of work for so many years you are not able to find even a little boy like Hansen and it takes so much time. For what joy I am raising you guys for so many years if you are not able to do such a simple task. Did I not tell you guys to keep an eye on that boy already? Then how come that boy has gone missing all of a sudden and now you came back to me and do not have a clue about the whereabouts of the boy."

 The men were shaking in fear since they already knew how mad Mr. Sloan could get and if he is pissed that not only the person will be dead but the person's family friends and all his extended family will be executed and removed from the face of this world.

 He had already been frustrated regarding Steve and Anna for so long and now that the opportunity had presented itself in front of him to be the leading man in the city and capture his brother's wealth and position his son Hansen was coming in his way even after he had removed the boy from his property and from the loyal servants of Steve and Anna the legal issues were coming up regarding the boy and due to this he had become so mad that he had sent his Henchmen to look after the boy and end his life.

Now the question was will Mr. Sloan be able to find Hansen to end his life, remove him from his way completely to have a clear way to get the throne of the city and become the overlord of the people or will Hansen escape from this ordeal?