24 The most Loyal

Hansen wanted to know how his uncle Smith and Aunt Smith were and how are they doing now? Since the time he was thrown out of the mansion he has not seen them. 

At the time when he was being forced out of his own home even though none of the other maids or servants came to help him due to the fear of Mr. Sloan and Hansen could totally understand their predicament because first of all they were poor and did not have anything to meet their family's needs apart from the job in their mansion which was quite high paying when compared to other jobs. If due to supporting Hansen they end up provoking Mr. Sloan or his family then they will have to face their wrath and might even have to lose their jobs. Hansen never wanted them to lose their jobs however even though none of the maids or servants came out to protest his uncle Smith stood and asked Mr. Sloan to let him live in the mansion as he did not have anywhere to go. He still remembered Mr. Smith's words on that day.

Hansen remembered his past when he was thrown out of his mansion by Mr. Sloan 


Hansen did not know when they had sent the notice since he never received any notice previously so this must be some kind of fraud his uncle was doing. Also his uncle has brought many strong men with him so ultimately he was thrown out of the house without giving any chance of rebuttal.

But this was his own home and he was living here since the time he opened his eyes in this world so naturally how could he let them throw himself like that so he struggled and shouted: "Get off me. This is my home and I will not leave."

However the men were strongly built and Hansen was just a skinny seventeen year old boy who did not have much strength so he could not shake off the men.

He again shouted as he was getting dragged by the men: "I have never received any notice previously. This is a fraud case. You have to give me time and let me seek my lawyer then we will see who is the real owner of this property."

Mr. Sloan got furious due to the threat given by this young brat that he wanted to seek a lawyer. Since he already knew that he was doing an illegal deed here making his nephew lose out on his property rights he immediately got a bit afraid since if his nephew really got hold of a lawyer he will not get anything and lose out of the property.

When Mr. Sloan saw his nephew was struggling so much he got frustrated and asked the men to beat him up: "This brat still thinks he is the young master of the city but in reality he is nothing now so beat him up a bit. That will make him sober then throw him out."

Adhering to their master's orders the men started to beat Hansen up brutally. Though he was good at martial arts, when so many strong men were holding you down and then beating you up you cannot do anything and only could resign to fate and brace yourselves for the thrashing.

Hansen saw clearly the people to whom he had looked up to in the past were all quiet and were seeing him, who was their master getting beaten up and thrown out of the house. He did not have any expectations from them to back him up in this difficult time since his most trusted uncle Sloan was doing this to him then all others did not matter anymore. However as he had lost all hope and resigned himself to fate when the men had started beating him up he heard a pleading voice.

Mr. Smith the house butler came in front of Mr. Sloan and fell down on his feet and pleaded: "Mr. Sloan please leave the young master out of this he does not have any fault and is still a child. Young masters do not deserve this kind of treatment and beating. Sir you have always been so kind to the young master in the past and always loved him since he is your nephew so please let him stay here because this is his home which his parents had built for him. If he is thrown out of this house then he will not have any place to stay at that point of time where he will go to seek shelter. If he is thrown out of this house I am afraid that he will not survive this cruel world outside since the young master has never had to face the harsh world outside so he is clearly unaware of the ways of the world. Please show mercy."

Mr. Smith saw Hansen who was getting beaten up and decided that no matter what happens he will back his young master since he had loved him like his own child and he was his master's son. He had always considered himself the most loyal subordinate of his master and was always very proud of it so how can he just see Hansen getting beaten up like that and not do anything.

Mr. Sloan harrumphed and said: "Humph You lowly servant how do you dare to come and back this little brat. You should be able to decipher when the time changes and who is the boss currently. Your boss Steve and Anna are already missing so I am your new boss. You don't have to show your loyalty to them anymore. You should learn this from your subordinates. Look how calmly they are and did not dare to interfere in this matter. You being the Head of all the servants and maids and the house butler should remember your place and now follow me instead of backing that disgusting brat. One more thing this brat is not my nephew I do not consider him since he had already lost his status now."

Mr. Smith begged as Hansen was getting beaten up: "Please sir at least he is the son of your younger brother Steve. Please do not beat him up like this."

Mr. Sloan was furious that this lowly butler was still backing Hansen as he said: "You have brought this upon yourself now since you are still backing him up. Fine I will let that boy go but you will also suffer for your insolence. We do not need your services anymore. You can get out of this place and not think that you will get a job easily in the future after defying me here."

(Flashback Ends here.)

Hansen came out of his thoughts and found himself sitting in his garden in his most luxurious apartment in the tower one Sky complex.