To look out for Mr. Smith and his Family

Hansen who was having a moment while sitting there in his garden bench recalled that when he was being thrown out no other house servants had backed him up due to the fear of making Mr. Sloan and his family mad at them since no one wanted to be the person who will be subjected to the wrath of their new master.

However without any fear and showing courage it was only Mr. Smith who had backed him up that day due to which he was spared from more beatings from the men at that point of time. By this deed Mr. Smith had proved that he was still the most loyal servant of his parents and still saw him like his own child. But now that he remembered that day he realized that apart from him Mr. Smith had also suffered a lot that day.

The fault of Mr. Smith was only this much that only he stood in front of his young master and backed him up whole heartedly and showed complete faith and loyalty towards his masters and tried to save him however what exactly he got in return. He got fired from his job and also was threatened and black listed from the whole Greenview city that he will not get jobs anywhere in this city. Is this justified not at all.

Mr. Smith was loyal to his parents and showed his loyalty towards Steve and Anna by saving their child. He was saving Hansen from getting beaten up however what could Hansen do in return. Since he was their young master, it was his responsibility to look after his subordinates in the absence of his parents. This was his principle as it was taught to him by his mom that he should never let go of his responsibility.

Hansen was worried about Mr. Smith and his family since the time Mr. Sloan had kicked him out of his home after that he had also attempted to murder Hansen though technically he was already successful and Hansen should be a dead soul right now. Thanks to that other worldly being in the universe who had given him the choice to return due to which he had the privilege to return back to life however what about Mr. Smith.

Hansen was afraid that the way Mr. Sloan had tried to kill him he would also kill others who support him or back him up and Mr. Smith was one of them. It had already been more than one weeks time since the time he was thrown out of the mansion since then he had been hiding in the city and was struggling to survive before getting killed by Mr. Sloan and then being alive again. However what if Mr. Sloan had tried to kill Mr. Smith as well since everyone will not be so lucky as himself to have this kind of chance encounter with a Ghost king and he would not at all like Mr. Smith to be dead since Mr. Smith had a family to run. A loving wife and a son like himself.

He got worried and wanted to know where was Mr. Smith now to check on his well being. But where should he find him since he knew that he had already been fired from his mansion and did not have any jobs now because he also knew that his uncle Sloan had put sanctions on Mr. Smith so that he would not get jobs anywhere in the Greenview city. 

Hansen got up from the wooden bench in his personal Garden on his balcony and muttered: "I must find uncle Smith, he must be very miserable right now. I hope that Mr. Sloan has not done anything bad to them. They are after all a set of very nice people ."

He got out of his apartment, locked the door then got down of the Tower one and then got out of the Sky complex to look for Mr. Smith. At this time he was at the gate of Sky complex as he got out the security guards all saluted him.

The chief security guard came up to him and saluted him and said: "Sir you are going somewhere if you order then we can ready your car as well."

Hansen was confused and asked: "I do not have a car and I do not want to rent one."

The chief security guard said: "Sorry for the confusion since I forgot to mention that with every apartment in the Sky complex there is a free car which has been gifted."

Hansen was surprised with this information though now he did not need a car to travel since he had got enough stamina and strength to travel by himself rather than using any gadgets however he liked to use car's as well since he had been a young master of the outer area of the city for too long after all so he did not mind and asked the security officer to take him to his car.

 The Chief security officer took him to the garage section of the sky complex and showed him where all the cars were parked and said: "Sir this is the garage section of the sky complex and this is your car."

When Hansen saw his car he was surprised and he said: "The Sky complex is giving a Lamborghini Revuelto as a free gift to its customers."

The Chief security officer said: "That is not true sir actually our other clients are only getting a beetle at this time however since you have bought the most expensive apartment in the Tower one so for only you our Sky group had gifted this Lamborghini Revuelto."

This Lamborghini Revuelto was actually one of the most expensive cars which cost around seven million dollars which had got one thousand fifty horsepower and twelve cylinders and can run on petrol as well as electric as a secondary fuel type. Many would go mad just to get a glimpse of this car.

Hansen asked: "I am only seventeen and do not have a license though I know how to drive well so will I be fined by the police if I get caught."

The Chief security officer said: "Sir you do not have to worry on that part we can get your license done within a few hours time and police will not say anything since our sky complex had a lot of influence in the Greenview city so if they see the license plate on the car they will not dare to touch you. 

Hansen went and took the keys from the chief security officer and boarded the car and felt like the car had so much power as he started the engine and then got ready to head out of the sky complex to look out for Mr. Smith and his family.