26. Leaving the city

This was surely a car from the future. Hansen felt as if he was driving a beast which was sailing on the roads of the Greenview city in a manner as smooth as if it was skating through the ice. The luxurious interior of the car, the comfortable seats and then the car also had an AI generated voice. It was really good. 

Now that Hansen was out of the sky complex he went to look for Mr. Smith directly. Mr. Smith lived in a rented apartment near the mansion with his family which he knew so he drove the car and went directly to the outer area of the Greenview city to meet Mr. Smith and his family.

Hansen parked his car outside the rented apartment and went inside the building to check on Mr. Smith, however found that the apartment was already locked. After enquiring a bit from the neighbors he found out that the landlord had asked Mr. Smith and his family to move out of the building since he was getting pressure from Mr. Sloan's men otherwise he himself would have suffered. 

Also Mr. Smith did not have any jobs here and also nobody will give him an apartment to rent so he and his family is going to move out of the Greenview city to reside in a different city in order to survive. They had just left today only to visit the train station of the Greenview city.

After coming to know this Hansen was very depressed since it was due to him that Mr. Smith had been fired and due to him they had to move out of the city and leave here. He could not let this happen so he immediately came down the building and boarded his car then drove towards the Greenview Train station to look for Mr. Smith.

Though there was a lot of traffic on the road however he was able to avoid that due to the GPS technology which showed him where the route was clear and he could drive through the city without any interruption.

On the other side Mr. Smith and his family were waiting for the train to arrive and were resting in the train station. Mr. Smith and his family were very emotional today since this was their final day in this Greenview city. This was the city where he grew up and now he along with his family were leaving it forever.

Mr. Smith thought: "Goodbye Greenview city so long I have lived here and seen all shades of life and now it is time for me to leave here forever."

Mrs. Smith said: "Do not worry we will definitely find some place much better than this to live in."

Mr. Smith said emotionally: "I know love but I am going to miss this place so much after all I have grown up here. Also I am very sorry for the master and his family. In that cursed trip our young master lost both of his parents. He was so broken at that point of time and he needed mental support the most however what he got was only deceit and that too from his most trusted relative and then was being thrown out of his own home from where he grew up. Isn't it so cruel."

Mrs. Smith said: "Yes darling it is very tragic since we never expected that the young master's own uncle will be so deceitful that he will turn against his own nephew the minute his parents went missing."

Mr. Smith said: "I am not so sad because we are leaving this place but I am feeling so guilty that I could not defend our young master in the absence of Master and his wife. I could not even fulfill my duties to look after their son and now young master and now see what has happened. That traitorous brother of our master had even killed a young master. I could not believe it that his own uncle would stoop so low as to take his own nephew's life in order to get hold of the property."

Mrs. Smith said: "There is nothing to be surprised about this since these days no one cares about the relationship and love all they care about is money and profits. So even if Mr. Sloan had taken over his brother's property in his absence, that's absolutely believable. However darling are you sure that our young master has been killed and that to by Mr. Sloan because why would he need to do that since he had already captured their property and had thrown out Hansen from his mansion also it does not seemed possible to get back to him in the future to get hold of the Misty Associations which was his mother's company which now belongs to Mr. Sloan. So why would he even attempt to kill him in the first place."

Mr. Smith said: "This news is true. I have come to know about this from my sources which have never been incorrect. After throwing Hansen from the mansion they were not able to find him for about one week during which the young master wandered around in the streets of Greenview city and kept escaping them and at last when they captured him. It was Mr. Smith who shot Hansen and fired many rounds of bullets at him to finally kill him."

While the couple was discussing among themselves and resting in the train station for the arrival of the train a few dangerous looking men entered the station and came towards the bench where Mr. Smith was relaxing with his wife and son.

The leader among them came forward and said: " You are Mr. Smith right our master Mr. Sloan and summoned you. You have to come with us right now."

Mr. Smith looked at the men as he was confused and said: "Why are those two faced snakes calling us. We do not want to meet him."

The leader said: " You are not going to be the one who decides who wants to meet whom. Come with us or we will have to use force and then don't blame us for beating you up."

Mr. Smith said: "Do whatever you want. I am not going to meet him since I do not want to miss my train in the next five minutes."

The leader got furious since he was not getting obeyed so he said: "You have brought this upon yourselves. I will not show any mercy now."

Saying that he started to punch Mr. Smith caught the punch with his right hand which surprised the leader since how could an ordinary guy have this much reflex as to block his punch.