27. Rescuing Mr. Smith and his family.

The man was surprised by the reflex of Mr. Smith as to how could this old man block my punch and then got furious and said: "You dare to block my punch. Now see what happens when you try to bite, which is more than what you can chew."

Mr. Smith was a middle aged man and was with his wife and son now and since these men had come looking for trouble he had to defend himself because no matter what but a man's greatest treasure is to see his family safe and sound so he had to put a bold front in front of these hooligans.

However Mr. Smith was just a normal man though he knew a bit of fighting but that was not enough for tackling all these hooligans.

The leader of the gang kicked Mr. Smith on his stomach and Mr. Smith fell on the ground holding his stomach.

The leader of the gang ordered: "Take all of them into the van."

The men started to beat Mr. Smith mercilessly while the rest of the men forced Mrs. Smith and her son to get on the van despite their protest.

Mr. Smith shouted: "No, let them go, you can take me. Leave my wife and my son out of this."

Just when the men were forcing them into the van there was a powerful kick on one of the hooligans who was forcing the women and her child and the spine of that man got broken as the man fell down and could not get up. 

Next with two more round kicks the rest of the three men fell down and Mrs. Smith and her son got free. Mrs. Smith could not believe her eyes as she uttered: "Hansen you are alive."

The four men who were attacked by Hansen were completely unconscious now which showed how much power Hansen had used on his kicks which also showed that his strength had reached up to super human level.

Her son said: "Big brother, see all these men are beating my dad mercilessly please save my dad."

Hansen said: "Do not worry bro since I am here now these men will not be able to do anything. Their time is over."

The leader of the gang and the few men with him could not notice Hansen till now since all of this had happened in a whim and the four men were unconscious taking advantage of which Hansen attacked the remaining men again since he knew that these men were dangerous if he give them chance then they will not hesitate to use arms and ammunitions against them and even kill or harm Mr. Smith and his family.

Hansen attacked the leader of the gang with a flying kick and then in a lightning like manner punched the second man on the face breaking all the thirty two teeth in the process then with an outward block broke the neck of the third man who was kicking on Mr. Smith which put him unconscious. 

Till now rest of the two men had noticed Hansen and realized that he had already neutralized their rest of the companions so they were in danger so in a fraction of a second the remaining two men who were still fully conscious took out their revolver to fire at Hansen. However Hansen in a tornado like manner performed the floor kick and swiped the two men on their feet and they fell due to which they did not get a chance to shoot at Hansen as it got miss fire luckily nobody was shot by the bullet.

As soon as the men fell Hansen flipped and stood on his feet and kicked the men on their faces to make them unconscious.

Now all the men who came to abduct Mr. Smith and his family were laid unconscious as Mr. Smith could not believe his eyes that he was seeing the young master alive in front of him.