Taking Mr. Smith and his family in Sky complex

Mr. Smith looked at Hansen with wide eyes since he could not believe that his young master was standing right in front of him alive in flesh and bones. The butler was severely injured at this point of time and had difficulty standing up; however due to the joy of seeing his young master still alive who stood right in front of him made him forget about his frail state of the body and he stood up to touch his young master.

Mr. Smith exclaimed with tears of joy: "Young master you are still alive. Am I still dreaming? I could not believe it."

Mr. Smith embraced his young master in a hug in joy after all he had considered the young master as his own son since Hansen was his master's Mr. Steve's son so he cared for Hansen more than his own son. He has always loved Hansen and was the most faithful towards Mr. Steve and in return Mr. Steve also cared for Mr. Smith's and his family's welfare. Hansen had also loved his Smith uncle and aunt so much and their son was like a younger cousin brother to him who was much friendlier than his own cousin brother Patrick.

So when he saw that those men had beaten his uncle Smith to this miserable state and were going to kidnap Aunt Smith and their son his blood boiled and he immediately rushed in to make sure that those men paid the price of what they had done.

Hansen said: "Uncle do not worry now since I am here no one will be able to harm you or your family. As you can see for yourself, these men are now unconscious and will not be able to get up on their feet for a few hours."

On the mention of the situation by Hansen Mr. Smith came out of his shocked state of witnessing his young master and realized the situation they were in. Since Mr. Sloan believed that Hansen was already dead and was killed by him. He also realized that those men had come to kidnap him and his family to silence them forever since they were the only evidence who knew somehow that Hansen was killed by Mr. Sloan they had to die to secure the future of Mr. Sloan because if they lived then they might become proof in the legal proceedings for the murder of Hansen. 

Realizing the situation Mr. Smith hurriedly said to Hansen: " Young master, you should move out with us to a different city. We were just about to board the train to go out of station so that we can settle in a different city far from Mr. Sloan and his clutches because if we remain here they will try to harm us since we were the royal people of your father. There is still some time for the train to arrive. I will go immediately and buy a ticket for you so that you can also accompany us to a new city."

Hansen replied: "No need for this Mr. Smith and we are not moving out of the Greenview city after all this is the place where we grew up."

Mr. Smith understood that young master was still naïve and could understand his feelings since his young master was still a teenager so he was hot blooded so he did not want to leave his home however since he was now the Guardian for his young master so he has to guide him in the Absence of Steve and Anna.

Mr. Smith said: "Young master, I understand that you do not wish to move out of the Greenview city. But please try to understand this if you go back to the mansion right now then surely Mr. Sloan will try to kill you again. So it is best if we all move out of the city where Mr. Sloan will not have much influence. Since especially in this outer area of the Green view city Mr. Sloan had a great influence and even controlled the police."

Hansen said: "Uncle please do not misunderstand me. I am not talking about moving to the mansion but I will take you to a different place."

Mr. Smith was aware of Hansen's condition previously when Hansen was wandering in the streets of the outer area of the Greenview city and did not have a shelter to live in so he knew that he did not have a place to live in.

Mr. Smith said: "Young master but our home is also taken away from us since our landlord was threatened by Mr. Sloan and his men. We also had to vacate the apartment and could not get a shelter in this city. That was also one of the reasons we were moving out. So it is really not possible for us now to live here in this Greenview city anymore."

Hansen said: "Uncle you do not worry I have a place where we can live without worry and no one will cause any trouble. You come with us."

Hansen took Mr. Smith and his family in his car and asked them to take a seat.

Though Hansen was previously very wealthy and had access to many cars but this was on a different level as it was one of those super cars so Mr. Smith was confused since he knew about Hansen's present condition which could not afford a luxury car so Mr. Smith asked in confusion: "Young master I have never seen this car in the mansion before from where did you get this car. Also we do not have any right on your previous belongings now so we should just leave all these."

Hansen said: "Mr. Smith, this car belongs to me and I have a place to live which is legally mine. Please get in, I will take you there."

Hansen drove the luxury car through the city to the sky complex and as the gigantic towers came into view Mr. Smith and his family were perplexed since this was a place which was more grand when compared with their previous place which was a big mansion and considered to be a palace in the outer area of the Greenview city.