Chapter 35: The family reunion

Once he reached near the warehouse the next problem was to tackle the security which consists of the security guards armed with rifles and the cameras all around the warehouse which kept recording the surrounding area of the warehouse non stop so it was very difficult for even an insect to go unnoticed in such a tight surveillance.

Luckily for Hansen the Ghost king had given him the complete situation of the warehouse when telling him about his parents conditions so it was like a map which had been instilled in his brain and now he had a very clear picture of everything and he knows the location in and out exactly where is parents are in the warehouse, which part of the building had the strongest defense and which part of the surveillance is the weakest. 

Next he went near the warehouse crouching through the bushes and avoiding the areas where the cameras were mostly focused and reached at the back of the warehouse. At the back there was only one camera and two of the security guards armed with rifles were patrolling the back door.

One camera which was moving in all the directions direction wise to cover the entire area. Hansen crouched behind the bushes and reached the nearest point of the warehouse which he could reach and just when the camera face had started to move away from him he jumped out of the bushes where he was hiding and dashed towards the backdoor in a lightning like manner and reached the security guards in a fraction of a second.

The two security guards did not even have the time to react and were met with a chap on their shoulders and then they lost consciousness and before the camera can turn around and record the two unconscious guards and turn on the alarm Hansen leaped and with superhuman strength pulled out the security camera and crushed it with his bare hands.

Hansen was able to perform this only because of his superhuman strength and Intelligence since he had increased his physical fitness to 20 due to which he was able to move like a lightening speed to reach the security guards and then with one chap making them unconscious and then pulling out the camera from its socket and crushing it required much strength which a normal human being with the highest fitness level could never do and also with an intelligence level of 20 his prediction ability to take action in his most favorable moment had also increased. It is like Hansen could already guess the action of the other person by just looking on to him.

It can be noted that a normal man can only have a fitness and intelligence level of 10 which is the maximum and anything above 10 could be considered super human however Hansen had a fitness and intelligence of 20 at this point of time.

Once the camera was destroyed the first thing he did was to thrust the ring which was given to him by the Ghost King towards those unconscious men and then a white light came out of the ring swallowing the two armed men as if they never existed. Then he proceeded to enter the back gate of the warehouse.

Once inside he cautiously went on his way as he already knew where he had to go next. He went to the control room of the warehouse from where all the cameras were being controlled. It was necessary since if he wanted to move freely the cameras had to go.

He reached the control room and found the door was locked from the inside so he just broke the door lock with his strong grip strength which did not make much sound and then entered the control room. He found that only one person was there in the control room and that too was sleeping so he quickly went near him and put him in an unconscious state so that he could not alarm the place once he woke up.

Finally he started working on the cameras and turned all of them off across the warehouse which would help him in his movements since he would not be detected that easily without the cameras.

So he went out and stealthily attacked the security guards since he was not ready to be discovered yet to save his parents and knocked the guards unconscious and once they fell knocked out he fed them to this ring which was provided to him by the Ghost King after all Hansen had promised that he will provide the soul of all those whom he would tackle.

After tackling all those soldiers he went towards the innermost area of the warehouse which consisted of a prison and saw two people inside. He quickly broke the lock of the prison and went towards the two people one was a woman and another was a man.

Tears came out of his eyes as he saw the state of the couple as they were brutally beaten and were bruised all over their body.

Finally Hansen was able to meet his parents.