Chapter 36: Revenge completed

Hansen who had not seen his parents for such a long time and was searching for them everywhere had finally found them and was so relieved however he was disheartened after looking at the injured and fragile state of his parents.

Hansen called out: "Mom Dad. I have finally found you."

But there was no response from their end.

Hansen again called: "Mom Dad wake up see I have come to take you home. Please wake up now."

He called them many times and tried to awaken them, however they were lying on the floor as if unconscious. Hansen panicked and then he checked their nerves and found that the pulse was still there so they were just unconscious due to extreme weakness.

Hansen was furious that his parents were in this condition and were so bruised and weak and wanted to take revenge for every second of the torment which his parents had to go through.

But for now, he had to save his parents first so he decided to heal all the bruises on his parents with the light of healing but before he could perform the light of healing there was a sound of a Gunshot.


Hansen felt as if he had been pierced by the bullet on his back just below his right shoulder followed by an excruciating pain and then he could feel the blood which started flowing. He turned around and saw Mr. Sloan with a revolver pointing at him as he was a bit taken aback since he never expected Mr. Sloan to catch him so soon.

But now that he faced the inevitable and was in the same situation when Mr. Sloan had been pointing a Gun at him he did not know what to do since this time he had his parents lying on the floor at the back of him. If he tries to dodge or attack Mr. Sloan he may shoot his parents who are already very weak so he does not dare to move and stands there somehow accepting the pain that had spread throughout his body due to the bullet on his back.

Mr. Sloan said: "How Ironic it is that you have ended up in the same situation again?"

Hansen said nervously: "Uncle!!! Please don't shoot. My parents are so weak now. What have we done to you? Why do you hate us? Why do you want to kill us? My parents had always loved you and treated you well. After all you are my fathers blood brother. I have always trusted you blindly and since I was a kid you have always loved to spend time with me. Then why you are doing this now?"

Mr. Sloan said: "Hhmm Yes your parents loved me. Yes you have trusted me. Yes you all have given the first preference to me and my family on all the occasions but you know what these are just illusions created by your parents. They just wanted to portray themselves as some virtuous people doing some great work however in truth it is actually the opposite. Since Steve and I were children he had always overshadowed me. Our parents always used to tell me to look at your brother how good he is in academics, in sports, in this and that and try to become like your brother. Even when Steve had given something to me our elders had said "Such a nice boy look he can sacrifice his things for his brother." and then they used to lecture me, "Sloan you should inculcate these habits from your older brother, he is so good." and then when we grew up I thought finally it was going to be over however Steve got a job in a Government owned company and got a capable wife with a million dollar company in her name and myself was a nobody and had to work in my sister in laws company. As if that was not enough the bad luck continued with our children also when you came you excelled in everything and overshadowed my Patrick. I am just fed up with you and your family. So you will have to die today along with your parents."

Mr. Sloan said: "So now be ready to die .... wait what's happening why I am seeing all black."

And before Mr. Sloan could understand anything he went limp and fell down unconscious. 

Hansen muttered: "Whew! That was close."

Actually once Mr. Sloan had shot Hansen and he turned around and spotted Mr. Sloan he immediately shot him with multiple poison rays to neutralize him since the rays were invisible in nature however the poison rays still takes at least five minutes to take effect so he had to listen to Mr. Sloan lecture him and led him to talk more. Hansen could have easily dodged the bullets with his super human speed and prediction ability however he could not do so since he had to shield his parents.

Hansen punched in the air towards unconscious Mr. Sloan and from his soul ring which was presented to him by Ghost King was illuminated with a green light which devoured the complete body of Mr. Sloan as if there was nobody in the first place.

Hansen turned around and saw his unconscious parents lying on the floor and healed them with his light of healing and all the bruises and cuts which were there on there body were gone and then finally they opened their eyes and saw Hansen who was before them.

Steve and Anna both exclaimed: "Hansen!! How did you get here?"

Anna said: "They are dangerous people you should get back or hide yourself if you get caught they will torture you also."

Hansen said: "Mom! Dad! I have come to save you, do not worry there is no one here. We can go home now."

At first they could not believe that nobody was there but eventually they had to believe Hansen since there was not a living soul being found since Hansen's Soul ring had already captured and sent every single man to Ghost King and his minions to devour. Hansen could not bring himself to say the truth about the Soul Ring and the things which had happened to him since his parents were missing since it would have been very difficult to explain everything. So in the end he just said that when he came he could not find any of them there. 

In the end he took his parents to his car and back to the sky complex apartment to meet up with his royal butler and family and then the next day all of them returned to their old mansion owned by their parents since it was rightfully their property. 

Author's Note:

Hi Guys for now this is a temporary stop but wait this is not the end of the story. The Story will be continued in Multiverse Prime System Part 2 

Please look for my other books also available in amazon:

1> Eternal Tvisi.

2> Bharat in a Dark Realm.