Chapter 1

Well this is unusual, never thought I will see literal giants holding me up. It seems that I truly have been reincarnated as a baby. It all started when I was hit by a truck while I was crossing the road on my way back from collage. It hurt like hell. I was conscious for a minute before I blacked out. Now as an atheist who didn't believe in god I thought I would be sent through the cosmos on a trip to infinity but the universe had to prove me wrong. 

After my death I met a self proclaimed god who told me that I was an enigma and my soul couldn't go through the normal afterlife process. So he offered me an alternative, reincarnation in a different world, specifically the avatar world. He would also give me some boons as karma was a real thing. So after much deliberation like wanting all for one or to have a saiyan physic both of which failed, I settled for three things.

1. Every thing about Yoriichi Tsugikuni.(from talent to sun breathing and sword skills) 

2. The ability to bend fire and air. 

3. A Chi core that will make even the most powerful benders blush.

Believe me I wanted more but the stingy god told me that my karma was not enough. He did however reincarnated me to a rather well off fire nation family by the looks of it. I found this out by the abundance of red all around me.

"Madam its a boy!!"

"Give him to me I want to hold him."

The giant that was holing me passed me on to another giant whom I presume was my mother. The world around me was still blurry so I couldn't see that well.

"He has his fathers eyes and his hair is like mine black as the night."

"What will you name him madam?" 

"Arima. I discussed it with his father before he went to the war." Smiling lovingly she began to feed me.

After that faithful day life has been pretty chill. Just eat sleep poop repeat. Baby life is such a blast, you don't even need to clean your own shit. But as all good things come to an end I too had grown up enough where I was expected to look after myself to some extent.

Most things are usually taken care of by the maids.

The one who sent me to this world reincarnated me to a high ranking noble family. I was the second son meaning they just wanted to use me to get more benefits because apparently only the eldest son was eligible to succeed. If not for my mother I would have already fled from here. Fire nation nobles are just some power hungry mongrels who would use their sons and daughter to gain even the slightest benefits. Which brings me to my current predicament. 

"Listen here Arima, when your at the fire nation royal academy you must get close to princess Azula. It is already been confirmed that she has considerable talent. In Future you she will hold high military rank and you could use that connection to further support your elder brother in having more power. do you understand me?"

"Yes father."

"Its not like I am using you or anything just face the facts, Your brother is way talented than you and in future he will take our family to new heights. As his younger brother it is your duty to support him in any way you can. Only by doing so you can find meaning to your existence."

Wow brainwashing a six year old child talk about evil am I right.

"Yes father I will do as I'm told"


I was hiding the fact that I was so talented infact I could even give those so called prodigies a run for their money. My reason for doing this was I don't want to get noticed by the likes of Ozai, not yet to be exact. From the show I learned that Ozai values talent true but he will try to mold me into some weapon whether I like it or not. My lovely old father tested my bending abilities at the age of 4. I purposely showed enough to not be considered good but not bad either. 

After the brainwashing I went to my living quarters. My steps were steady and my strides were strong. If someone who can sense chi looked at me they would see my chi regulating through out my body in a specific order. I was able to infuse chi with the breathing technique of the sun and the results were wonderful. I could already lift heavy chairs with this six year old body with ease and my body was enhancing every function of it to new heights. My five senses were being highly advanced. As I was standing behind my rooms door I could hear the breath of a person from inside, I could smell a known sweet sent. Pushing open the doors I entered my room.

"Mother you should just have called me to your room your health is not good enough to walk."

"Ow I will be fine sweety. Come sit beside me let mama pamper you."

As much as I like to be a kid I don't like it when people treat me like some teddy bear. despite seeing my reluctant face mom embraced me in a bear hug. Sigh... after coming to this world she was the only family member to love me unconditionally. At first I was kinda awkward but her relentless shower of love eventually reached me.

"What did your father talk to you about?" 

"Well you know the usual get close to the princess help older brother succeed bla bla."

"Sweety your father loves you as well he doesn't, well show it infront of you and besides you have me right?" saying so she tightened our hug.

"You should enjoy your school life ok? Make good friends and have fun with them. When you grow up you will look back to these memories fondly so give it your all."

I did not say anything and just laid in her bear hug for a while until her maid came to escort her back to her room. Making sure no ones watching I jumped of my window and headed to my secret hide out. It was already night time and most people were already asleep. I reached the shore line in 15 minutes.

Fire nation was basically a combination of small and large volcanic islands. The weather is always pretty nice. Our home was situated in one of these islands. including this island there were five more surrounding island which we owned. Although we have a mansion in the capital we were currently on vacation.

Climbing down the tree and making sure no ones watching I started doing fire bending stances.

Although I have dual bending currently I am mastering fire bending. From my previous lifes knowledge I knew that the current fire bending that is teached to all is not the original bending style. The general public bends fire using their mussels and emotions. Specifically using rage, anger and hatred as fuel the current fire benders bend their fire causing them to have volatile personalities and generally be out of control with their emotions. 

But that's not the correct way. To truly master the art of fire bending one must know the meaning of fire. Fire represents energy and life. You have to feel the connection between fire and your soul to master this bending.

Fire is basically and offensive bending style. It relies on positive jing which is to strike first. By overpowering force tempered by the unflinching will to accomplish tasks and desires one can truly be master fire bending.

As I was alternating between the forms I was thinking about the goal that will help me achieve better fire bending.

Avatar world is fairly dangerous as there is not only blood bending sociopaths but also magma bending stone headed madmen. And lets not mention the fire wielding murder wizards. As if these were not enough there was also the world ending spirits who are so powerful that even the super powered Four element wielding super seiyan had difficulty suppressing them.


And so I decided to set my goal to surpass the avatar because the higher my goals are the powerful my bending will be. 

As it was night I was not actually shooting out any fires. I was just doing the modified stances that I created. This body is great, my mind works like a super computer analyzing and compiling data faster than my old brain could ever hope to. Although my fire bending aptitude was not that great in my father's eyes he still gave me access to the library. After studying all the fire bending knowledge there I made the most effective stances with my own philosophy's about fire bending.

Another thing is I can now keep my sun breathing going until I go to sleep. It's still a work in progress and I think after my body matures enough I will be able to achieve total concentration breathing constant with sun breathing forms. Because I have included chi in the breathing method my chi sea continues to circulate as I do the breathing method. It also helps me in increasing the size of my chi sea.

After feeling my mussel grow sore I stopped doing stances and light up a campfire to meditate infront of it. Bending is also a spiritual art. You have to be inclined with your spirit to be able to do powerful bending art. As I feel the warm sunlight touch my skin I regulate my breath to absorb the energy within it. With each breath the campfire in front of me dance with my breathing rhythm.

When the sun completely came up I went back home. Today was my first day at school. I have to go to school again great! After freshening up I had breakfast with my family. It took me around two hours by boat to reach the capital where the school will be held. I will be living in the academy dorms for the whole school curriculum. I will get holidays now and then. Fire nation really likes the color red as every thing was always saturated with it.

Fire nation royal academy was exclusive to the nobles. There are other academies where lower nobles or peasants goto. I was assigned to class A-1 the elite class. There was a preliminary exam before which I did well in. As I was soaking in the chaotic atmosphere someone tapped me on my shoulder. looking at my right side I saw a girl with brown color hair and brown gray eyes. 

"Heya there nice to meet you. I am Tye Lee, Whats your name?"

" Arima. Excited for school I see?"

"Oh you know back in my family its really boring so I want to have as much fun as possible."

Fun huh ? well all your gonna have is propaganda forced through your throat but I didn't say that out loud. Tye Lee huh? From what I remember she along with Mai and Azula attended the royal academy for girls. But I guess This avatar universe is a alternative one. I should have guessed it when father said to get closed to the princess that we were attending the same institution. 

"Tye Lee don't talk to unimportant people least you will become just like them." Said a particularly vicious voice from my other side.

Speak of the devil. The universe just wants to make me suffer doesn't it? The seating were arranged by the school council through which I thing my lovely father pulled some strings to make me sit beside Azula. Gee thanks pops. Now I get to interact with a manipulative psychopath with daddy issues all year around great!

" You know we are stuck to sit together for the rest of the year which is already bad and it will be even less bearable if you be a prick through all of it."

I turned my face to the left side to face the future unhinged fire breathing maniac that is Azula.