Azula the princess of fire nation future wilder of blue flames and a sadistic prodigy who will make her own brother suffer every chance she gets. The current six year old girl had black hair tied to a bun that was facing upwards, two bangs came out of either side of her forehead and those ember gold eyes make her truly beautiful. You can see that when she grows up she will be a true beauty that could cause a nation to fall. At this time however she had scowling face which didn't take away her cuteness. If only she had a good personality sigh such a loss.
"What did you say to me peasant?"
"To clarify I am a noble albeit the second son. I just thinnk if we could get along together the year ahead of us will be that much bearable. Tye Lee here gets it so whats stopping you from doing the same?" I say while I face her.
"Your saying I should get along with someone who will never achieve anything and at most will become a future captain so that you could have a comfortable year?"
"That was the plan atleast."
Azula arose from her seat and pointed her finger at me. she was about to say something but was interrupted.
"Ok class settle down will begin after saying you say the fire nation oaths."
Everyone stands up and face the picture of fire lord Sozin.
"My life I give to my country."
"With my hands I fight for fire lord Azulon."
Who even invented this long ass speech anyway it would be better to just create an anthem. After the long brainrot of a speech the class began. The courses were good minus the false history and brainwashing. Other than that the teachers teach very well.
And with that my first day at school came to an end. I was just about to walk out of the main entrance when a hand suddenly grabbed my shoulder. Turning around I saw our resident problem princess.
"You disrespected me during class. Don't you know how to behave around to your superiors?"
Raising an eye brow I brushed of her hand and took one step forward and came face to face with her. While making direct eye contact with her I told her the words she needs to hear.
"Last time I remember we were in the same class of the same grade also if your talking about respect its something thats earned not just given when its asked."
"How dare you. I am the princess of the fire nation daughter of Ozai!"
"Yep not that important to me. Now if you'd excuse me my afternoon beauty sleep awaits." saying her this I continued my walk towards my ship.
Saying so Azula rushed towards me with her fist raised. Thanks to my enhanced senses I dodged her punched aimed for the back of my head. I stretched my left foot a little and which made Azula fall to her face. I was about to go back to my walk when I felt heat coming towards me. quickly jumping side ways I saw a fire ball go past me. The culprit just gave me a smirk and punched towards me two times sending two more burst of fire towards me. By bending my back I dodged the heat wave making Azula surprised. With out giving her time to recover I closed Our gap and tackled her causing her to fall again.
I was sitting atop of her as one of my fists were aimed towards her face. "As I was saying respect is earned not given for free." saying so I got up from her and continued my walk this time with out interruptions."Well lets not see you around then." waving one of my hands I left the place.
Getting in my room on my ship I started thinking the repercussion of my actions. since Ozai was not the fire lord yet I had not that much to fear. The fire nation is a dog eat dog society meaning if anyone can leverage your weakness to be atop of you they will do it. So I doubt Azula will ever bring this issue to her father as it is a sign of weakness.
And so my wonderful school life continued to flow with time. I made friends with Tye Lee, Mai and some other kids and I would have made more If not for the fact that Azula keeps challenging me. Man shes such a pain everytime she fights me I defeat her with ease even without bending. Some people also wanted to harass me to carry out favors with Azula but once they got the taste of my knuckle sandwich they turned a new leaf. They were even polite enough to offer me some extra cash to compensate for my hard work.
Now I am 7 years old and I'm dodging fire balls left and right. Life's such a drag I just want to go back and have some ulong tea while I watch the clouds. Sometimes I wander why am I even doing what I'm doing. Getting close to my foe I initiate hand to hand combat. My opponent was good at it but I was better.
"You know we can do this all day long and still you'll taste dirt after"
From the frown of my opponents face I could tell that she's enraged. She sprouts a powerfull flame from her two fingers and slash me across my torso but I redirect it upwards. After which I perform a swipe with my legs to make her fall down.
"Now that thats done I will take the money and be on my way." Azula after I refused to fight her for free she offered me money for each exchange. I mean who could say no to free money. So we spar about two times a week no, more like I beat the crap out of her two times a week.
"Why don't you use fire bending against me? scared to hurt the princess?"
Ah! prime Azula. She will insult you to get under your skin and then manipulate you to get what she want's. As someone who knows her future self quite well her sadistic tactics wont work on me unfortunately but since she asked I will give her the truth.
"As you are right now your not worthy of it. Its not that your skill is bad no its just that the way you fire bend is not the real way. Infact most of the fire nation benders don't fire bend the original way so you could say that I despise the whole fire nation."
She seemed to not expect my answer and just stared at me for some time. "How could you say that! thats treason you could get executed for that." saying so she looked around to see if anybody was around then she continued. "You should watch what you say anybody else would report you can get you killed."
showing an amused expression I said "Ow! does that mean you wont tell on me? Gee Azula I didn't know you cared about me so much."
"Hmph! I just don't want to lose my punching bag." she said while crossing her arms and looking the other way.
"You mean a puncher who can punch you right?"
"Whatever!" she then looked straight into my eyes and said "Show it to me"
"Now Azula you have to under.."
"20 gold pieces"
"Its not about the mone..."
"Deal!" Who doesn't like money am I right?
Saying so I get in to my selfcreated stance. My core temperatures rise so much that the air around me was getting affected. Since shes paying I will show her something her moneys worth. You see my fire bending art is something unique to only me as I was the one who created it. Though its not finished yet. Sensing the heat Azula took some steps back to give me some space.
First I punch forward two times with fluidity and grace as crimson flames come out from my fist which affect the air that it touched. Then I do a swiping motion with my hands and a blade of crimson flame comes out. From then on I do more of my movements and show my mastery over my fire element. The color of my flame comes from my desire to be the strongest. Its the single most powerful motivation that propels my fires heat to a new level. Currently they are two times hotter than normal flames but I can pump more chi into them to make them even hotter.
I finished my show of fire bending only to see a slacked jawed Azula looking at me. "Hey I know I'm handsome but that doesn't mean you get to stare at me so much." That seems to bring her back. "Well then that will be 50 gold please."
Azula absentmindedly gave me the coin pouch. Opening it I start to count. What? you have to careful not to get scammed. "How no what no... gosh what am I saying. Where did you learned that?"
"I created it."
"Well believe it or not thats the truth. See now why I don't consider anyone in the fire nation a fire bender. Welp it was nice doing business with you."
Azula grabs my hand and with a straight face she asks me " Teach it to me! I will pay you as much as you want."
"As much as much as I like money you can't buy me with it Azula."
"Then tell me anything you want I will make it happen. Do you want women, honor, military rank? I will give it to you so just teach me."
"You have to understand only knowledge can be exchange with knowledge."
"What do you want?"
"Access to the royal library."
"Hey you agreed too quickly!"
"It doesn't matter now teach me."
"Not that quick. You keep your promise first."
"I will, you don't have to worry about that."
"Azula unlike others I know how easily you lie so you have to keep your promise first."
"Fine, be ready In a few weeks I will call you to the palace. Remember after your done you have to teach me everything you have to offer."
"Sure, Alright then see you around."
Giving me a nod Azula went on her way. Gotta say manipulating kids is fun. With the knowledge at my disposal currently my fire bending has reached a bottleneck. My past lifes Knowledge can only take me so far. I was expecting her to barter me more but it seems my light show was enough. With the knowledge of the royal library I could finally get started with lightning bending. I also want to learn combustion bending. lets see how it goes.
"I see Azula and you are close as ever." A random Tye Lee appears!
"It's not like we're close it's strictly a business relation. Say wanna go to that new noodle place? I hear it's quite good." You see although I get along with Azula, Tye Lee was what you call a real friend. She's mature for her age and gets most of my jokes. She's also an air head so theres that.
"Sure but mind if I take Azula along?" Tyle Lee said while she kicked a rock with her feet.
Another reason why I give Azula so much time was Tye Lees kindness. She's like that one friend in the group that wants to keep everyone together no matter what and that's what I like about her.
"Fine you can invite your sadistic friend." I responded with some sarcasm. Laughing she went to fetch Azula along. Sigh things I do for girls. There were others whom I was close to but I couldn't really call them friend because all they ever see is profit.
All in all let's see what interesting things I find in the royal library.