"Yes" Suzanne answered as though she was forced to speak.

"You'd have to quit all these attitudes, you're now my wife, remember?" Andrei said, almost laughing.

"Wife?" Suzanne asked considering the fact that he had not legally married her.

"Yes" Andrei couldn't wait to respond.

He walked into the bedroom trying to figure out the reason Suzanne was surprised at the mention of "wife". 

"She couldn't even properly welcome me" 

He laid down his briefcase on his fine table made with African blackwood while undressing, he thought of the conversation he had had with his friend Philip at work.

He had told Philip about his decision to marry Suzanne out of pity and to financially support Henry Mackenzie's business.

Philip had detested the idea and had routed he married Suzanne for love otherwise let her be.

Andrei thought for a second if he had made the right decision- if Diane would be happy with it.