Chapter 3

In an expense of time. The transformation within the Bank's family was profound and far-reaching, leaving behind a void that seemed to erase their very existence.

It all unfolded with astonishing speed, and soon they faded into obscurity.

Their presence, once so prominent, vanished without a trace.

The grief-stricken grandparents, burdened by the tragedy that befell their son, daughter-in-law, and grandchildren, found themselves unable to bear the weight of sorrow for much longer.

The untimely demise of the entire family was officially documented and attributed to a tragic incident of "reckless driving." It was labeled as an unfortunate accident that, though uncommon, occurred sporadically, as if it were an inevitable part of life's unpredictable tapestry.

Television screens and newspaper pages were filled with relentless coverage of "road safety precautions."

News broadcasters and journalists tirelessly reminded citizens of the importance of adhering to proper road signs and regulations, emphasizing the potential harm and disadvantages that awaited those who disregarded them.

As much as Mr Banks and his family were been missed in his society, life goes on for people.

Precisely 24 years later, the fates of the survivors remained shrouded in mystery.

And in a different time and place, the one and only daughter of late Engr Joe, Samantha Banks is alive.

She had undergone a complete transformation and now lived an entirely new existence.

She had adopted a new identity, going by the name Hanna.

Life had mercilessly tossed her around like a pendulum, and she had no choice but to surrender to its whims. Hanna adapted to the unpredictable twists and turns, accepting the circumstances as they unfolded before her.

In Chicago, the grey sky had lasted over a week but due to its flatness the grey sky doesn't feel too claustrophobic because the sky just goes on forever

As Scott says, the clouds aren't the problem. It's when the skies are clear and all the heat is just lost and then that wind comes in across 400 miles of frozen lake Michigan and hits you while walking up Chicago avenue.

In the heart of Illinois lies a vibrant neighborhood known as Little Italy. The streets are lined with charming, colorful buildings that exude a sense of history and community. The aroma of freshly baked bread and simmering tomato sauce wafts through the air, enticing passersby with the promise of delicious Italian cuisine.

The sound of lively conversations and laughter fills the streets, as families and friends gather at outdoor cafes, enjoying their meals al fresco.

Amidst this lively atmosphere, Hanna finds herself in a spacious room. The walls are adorned with artwork depicting scenes of Italy, transporting her to a different time and place.

Sunlight streams through large windows, casting a warm glow on the carefully arranged furniture.

The room is filled with comfortable seating, inviting Hanna to relax and immerse herself in the tranquility of her surroundings.

It provides a peaceful haven amidst the hustle and bustle of Little Italy, offering a moment of respite and reflection.

"Mmm..!" Hanna moaned as she woke up on a chilly morning, her ever slamming body covered in warm fur clothing.

She found herself alone in the room of her wealthy boyfriend and mafia boss, Jim Russo who was already gone early. It gave her some sort of liberty... one of the few times she gets to move about freely.

She sat still for what was about a minute thinking hard about her life,she tried to be happy but she couldn't.

Few days ago, she had been communicating with an unknown number which claimed there was a big secret she needed to know. So Jim traveling makes it perfect for her to finally meet this person.

Hanna sighed, every passing minute felt like a threat to her existence, trapped in the clutches of a ruthless mafia.

Then her phone chimed, a message from the unknown number. Trying to feel positive,with a purpose she made her way immediately to the bathroom.

Surviving each day had become a perilous endeavor, overshadowed by the constant looming danger.

Suddenly, a wave of panic washed over her as the man she believed to be away on a business trip to Haiti made a shocking and unannounced return to the house.

Mr. Jim ascended the stairs with a mix of terror and seething anger, an intensity that could potentially ignite a global conflict. His most trusted aide trailed closely behind, while several others stationed themselves outside, on high alert for any potential upheaval.

The sound of Mr. Jim's heavy footsteps sent shivers down Hanna's spine, her entire body covered in goosebumps, anticipating the impending physical and emotional abuse she might endure.

Despite the fear coursing through her, Hanna attempted to maintain her composure.

However, an underlying sense of unease permeated the room. As she rose from the luxurious king-size bed and approached the elegant Firenze dressing table, her movements betrayed the air of someone concealing a secret.

It was as if Hanna suspected that Mr. Jim, her partner, had discovered something, and she couldn't shake the feeling that her world was about to unravel.

Jim forcefully pushed the door open, but it stopped just before hitting the wall due to its motion control feature. Hanna, upon seeing Jim's face, felt a surge of fear and instinctively adjusted her position.

Jim's aide remained outside as the door locked behind them, leaving Jim and Hanna alone in the room.

Hanna's apprehension grew as Jim stared at her with intense animosity, remaining silent but emanating hostility from his posture.

Filled with fear, Hanna mustered the courage to speak, her voice trembling, "Did something happen, honey? Why are you..." Before she could finish her sentence, Jim forcefully cut her off, his anger palpable.

"Unless you wanted something to happen," Jim accused with a venomous tone.

Hanna's expression attempted to deny his accusation, but Jim dismissed her protest. "Oh, you despicable creature. Don't try to deceive me."

Panic seized Hanna as Jim advanced closer. She desperately searched for a way to protect herself.

The open window caught her attention, but she hesitated. Would it offer any escape? The mansion was guarded, making it a risky option.

"Stay right where you are, Hanna," Jim commanded, his voice filled with authority.

As Jim approached Hanna, he abruptly grabbed her in a tight chokehold.

Hanna struggled to breathe, desperately gasping for air, causing her nails to scratch Jim's hands in her attempt to free herself.

A mixture of spite and regret filled Jim's eyes, and he let out a groan.

Exclaiming in frustration, Jim yelled, "Who are you really, Hanna? I gave you everything, and this is how you repay me..." His voice trailed off as he started to chuckle, a crazed sound echoing through the room.

Hanna continued to struggle, her breath still labored, attempting to say something, but unable to find the words.

Amidst his maniacal laughter, Jim's voice broke, "You may have the appearance of perfection, but inside beats a shattered heart that cannot be repaired," he uttered, pointing towards her chest.

Hanna leaned helplessly on the table with a heavy heart and shock, her eyes sparked brightly while her expression showed fear.

"Let me see your phone.." Jim commanded. He couldn't believe his eyes as he checked for calls and messages then boom he saw it.

He stared furiously at his beloved wife to be, his face looked disappointed like a man with a broken heart.

He crammed his fist, "Ahh!" He groaned,his voice pained. With a force, he hit and broke the dress mirror. It was worth some bands but who cares he could replace it with another.

"Your innocent eyes won't fool me now. Fucking rat."

Shortly after that, Hanna's eyes welled up in tears while falling to her knees,afraid of her life, "I can explain," she beckoned shakily.

And then, everywhere went dark...