Chapter 4

Present Day.

Seated in the middle of the classroom was Hanna, a pretty young girl with black curly hair tied back in a violet velvet ponytail.

While the other students were focused on Mrs. Smith's lecture, Hanna appeared distracted as usual. Though this time, something seemed troubling her.

Rather than pay attention to the teacher droning on at the front of the room, Hanna had her AirPods in and was writing fervently in her diary with a fancy pen. Her violet dress and the pen matched the colors of her hair accessories perfectly. It was clear she put effort into her style, even for school.

Mrs. Smith, a stern woman in her late 50s, was accustomed to Hanna's disinterest in her human rights discussion class. But today, Hanna's nonchalance was even more apparent than normal. Mrs. Smith stopped her lecture and fixed her eyes on the daydreaming girl.

"Hey young miss," Mrs. Smith exclaimed, causing the other students to turn their heads towards Hanna. Most of them were familiar with her attitude towards class and knew what was coming.

Hanna looked up with surprise, as if suddenly awakened from her troubling thoughts. All eyes were now on her, waiting to see how she would respond to being called out by the teacher.

Hanna sighed quietly, knowing she was about to be called out yet again by Mrs. Smith. She kept her AirPods in and pretended not to hear at first, scribbling intently in her diary.

But Mrs. Smith had sharp eyes. "Young miss, I see you find my lesson so fascinating that you had to tune out," she called loudly across the classroom.

The other students snickered, used to Hanna's aloofness. Only her friend/roommate Mia gave her a sympathetic look.

Reluctantly, Hanna removed her AirPods. "Sorry, teach. Got a lot on my mind today." She didn't bother hiding her emotions like usual - Mrs. Smith would see right through it.

The older woman's eyes softened slightly at the rare show of vulnerability. "Trouble at home, dear?" she asked gently.

Hanna shrugged, not wanting to share. But Mrs. Smith could sense familial issues often underlaid her student's nonchalance.

"Well, you know my door is always open if you need an ear," she said warmly. The class "oohed", amused by this softer side to their stern teacher.

Hanna gave a small smile. "Thanks, Mrs. S." Perhaps later, when alone, she'd unburden her worries to the one teacher who seemed to care beyond her grades.

For now, she stowed her diary and focused back on the lesson, mind a little lighter.

Hanna had hoped that her brief moment of being called out by Mrs. Smith would be the end of it.

But the teacher was not so easily satisfied. With her characteristic sternness, Mrs. Smith posed another challenging question to the class: "What do you think of an eye for an eye? If you were a judge and encounters that kind of victim. How will you handle the case?"

The classroom fell into absolute silence as all eyes turned expectantly to Hanna. She began rubbing her elbows vigorously with her palms, a tell-tale sign of her nervousness.

From across the room, Matthew whispered conspiratorially to his friend: "Jeez bro, Hanna's nervous already."

Hanna heard Matthew's comment and replied nervously, "Uh..." as she scrambled to formulate a thoughtful response.

But before she could speak, a loud GRIM GRIM GRIM echoed through the room. It was the ringing of the dismissal bell, signaling the end of Mrs. Smith's class period.

A wave of relief washed over Hanna. She had narrowly avoided having to answer Mrs. Smith's tricky question in front of the whole class. As the students began packing up, Hanna let out a small sigh. It seemed her troubles for the day were finally at an end, thanks to the timely ringing of the bell.

As Hanna packed up her things to leave Mrs. Smith's class, she turned back to the page in her diary where she had been writing earlier.

Her eyes scanned over the words: "If you look back only at your mistakes, you'd think you were an idiot. If you look back only at your wiser choices, you'd think you were infallible..."

She re-read the quote thoughtfully, then added more to complete her own reflection: "But if you look back on everything, you realize you're a human being who has been through a lot, grown a lot, is always still learning, and improving as time goes by."

By now, almost all the other students had left the classroom. Hanna grabbed her bag and diary to depart as well. But just as she reached the door, Mrs. Smith's voice rang out suddenly, "Hanna!"

Hanna turned back unexpectedly to see Mrs. Smith standing behind her desk. "Will you meet me in my office later..." it was more a statement than a question. Hanna nodded hastily in response, then hurried from the room.

She had another class to get to, but the request from Mrs. Smith lingered in her mind as she wondered what it could be about. For now, she hurried on her way with thoughts of her next lesson.

Hanna hurried down the hallway after leaving Mrs. Smith's classroom.

But her pace slowed when she heard a familiar voice call out from behind, "Hi Hanna, where you off to in a hurry?" It was Mathew, matching her stride as he fell into step beside her.

Hanna walked in silence at first. Mathew continued, "Mrs. S shouldn't worry you, you know." When Hanna still didn't respond, Mathew nervously cleared his throat in an attempt to break the quiet.

After a few seconds, Hanna let out a contemplative sigh. "I heard you before, Mat," she replied curiously. "How did you know I was nervous back there?"

Mathew grinned, accustomed to their years-long friendship. "C'mon Hanna, it's been over a year now. I know you rub your elbow continuously when you're nervous. Same thing for me - I clear my throat."

Hanna nodded in agreement, adding, "Or tapping your thigh smoothly repeatedly." The two friends smiled, comfortable in their understanding of one another.

At 6'9", Mathew Dawson towered over most as the star player of Silverline University's basketball team. With his handsome looks and low haircut, he was the crush of many girls.

"You know you're smart, Hanna," Mathew said sincerely. "I don't know why you tried to feign ignorance to Mrs. Smith's question. Hope everything's alright."

Hanna shrugged. "I'm okay, I guess. And you know I wouldn't have answered even if I did know what to say." Mathew playfully nudged her arm.

"Now where are you off to?" Hanna asked in return.

"Training. Will you come watch me?" Mathew invited politely. But Hanna declined, "Oh sorry, Mat, next time please. I have a busy day today."

"Okay Hanna Hamilton, off you go!" Mathew replied in an exaggeratedly bitter tone, though his eyes betrayed his indulgence towards his friend. Hanna gave him a subtle look, as if to say "you don't really mean that."

For Mathew, it would have been nice if the one beautiful and brilliant girl could come watch him train, even just once this semester. He had noticed Hanna seemed more confined and busy than usual lately.

As they parted ways in the hallway, Hanna turned back and playfully called out, "Don't be angry, please!" She rubbed her palms together in a faux pleading gesture, a glint of amusement in her eyes.

Mathew hadn't responded as enthusiastically as she'd hoped to her declining his invitation. But she knew their friendship was strong enough to withstand a bit of pretended annoyance on his part.

With a smile and wave, she left Mathew shaking his head in exaggerated exasperation, the lingering grin on his face showing he took her refusal in stride.

Their easy rapport remained intact as Hanna hurried off to her next commitment, leaving Mathew to make his way to basketball practice.