Chapter 6

The air in the basketball court was thick with tension as the players took a break. Some were sweating profusely, trying to catch their breath. Excited shouts and cheers from fans could be heard echoing around the court.

Mathew Dawson was seated on the bench at his team's end, a gray towel draped around his neck as he drank from a water bottle. Whispers from admiring girls behind him expressed their attraction - he recognized some voices, but many were unfamiliar. Some faces he knew others unfamiliar.

With his raw talent, Mathew was considered the best player Silverline University had. At 22 years old, his light brown skin and athletic physique made him very appealing.

His opponent was his best friend, Davis Washington, another incredibly skilled player. It was peculiar that two stars could coexist so well, even becoming best friends - many speculated about a rivalry.

"They should be rivals," one spectator remarked to her friend.

And her friend disagreed,"Now they're not. don't enjoy watching them play,Mandi?"

"I'm just saying," Mandi shrugged, her gaze on Mathew.

In this game, Mathew was losing to Davis, which made him nervous. He already wasn't in the best mood since Hanna had rejected his invitation to come watch.

As Mathew stood up, he lifted his jersey to wipe sweat from his brow. Appreciative sounds came from the crowd -



"He's so hot!"

While Davis was winning, the attention was clearly on Mathew.

Even Davis felt a twinge of envy, though he led the score.

All eyes remained fixed on Mathew.

The break ended and the players returned to the court for another intense round of gameplay.

The intensity on the court was rising along with temperatures as halftime ended. Davis felt his competitive fire stoked even higher.

"Calm down man, this is just practice - not an official game," one teammate said, sensing Davis' growing urgency and trying to cool him off.

Meanwhile, Mathew seemed to have gained a new focus after the break. He called his teammates in for a quick huddle. A few words were exchanged before Mathew announced a change - he would switch positions with Johnson, moving from small forward to center.

This unconventional maneuver piqued the interest of onlookers. What was Mathew's strategy in changing up the flow like this? Davis narrowed his eyes, assessing how this new alignment might affect his play. The move hinted Mathew had something up his sleeve, determined not to lose the momentum regained after halftime.

Everyone watched with anticipation to see how this revised formation would unfold on the court. Mathew was nothing if not unpredictable, constantly thinking outside the box. His cunning coaching decisions were part of what made him such a formidable opponent, even against a talented player like Davis.

Mathew seamlessly switched to playing center, carrying out the new role with great skill and efficiency. His tactical change energized the team, and they started dominating Davis' side after trailing 60-78.

Mathew asserted himself on the defensive end, pulling down rebounds over Davis' teammates and contesting shots. The increasing intensity had the spectators roaring even louder.

In a display of pure athleticism, Mathew made a flashy pass to Johnson, who then expertly dribbled around the frustrated Davis for an easy bucket.

"Ohhhh! That was smooth and effortless!" Mathew exclaimed, grinning proudly at their teamwork.

Davis' face grew angrier, sensing he was losing control of the game.

When Johnson and Mathew rushed together to celebrate the score, whooping and pumping their fists joyously, right in front of Davis.

Davis's face reddened, clearly irritated by Mathew's antics.

Though unspoken, Davis sensed Mathew was deliberately gloating over him.

Were the smiles and cheers meant to further rile him up? It seemed to be working - Davis seethed as his determination to defeat Mathew grew, keen to wipe the smug satisfaction off his face and remind him who the real star was. The rivalry was heating up along with the game.

Davis, fueled by his earlier three-point shot, was basking in the glory of his achievement. With his arms levitated in triumph, he ran behind his teammates, exuding an air of confidence.

From the stands, Arya Maywell, Davis' girlfriend and good friend of Mia, couldn't contain her excitement.

She cheered loudly, shouting, "Oh yeah! That's my baby! Go, Davis, show them!"

Arya, a slim girl of average height with pink hair, was not conventionally beautiful but had a pleasant appearance.

Usually accompanied by her friend Nana Smith, who didn't join her at the game, Arya was known for being part of a trio with Mia and Nana.

As Davis reveled in his success, his ego swelled.

He approached his friend Mathew with a regal stride, unable to resist making a humorous comment. "Is her ass that fat to be acting like that?" Davis jokingly complained about Hanna, likely referring to a previous encounter.

Mathew, trying not to take the comment too seriously, brushed it off.

However, Davis' teammates and others who overheard the remark reacted with surprise and amusement.

Murmurs and giggles spread through the crowd.

Finding great joy in the laughter that erupted, Davis smiled mischievously.

Seizing the opportunity, Mathew retorted, "I guess Arya's ass is that big...since you seem to jerk off to Ice Spice twerk videos?" Mathew threw the playful jab, bouncing the basketball as the entire basketball court and room erupted in laughter and uproar.

Arya, caught off guard by the sudden attention focused on her, felt embarrassed. The whispers and gazes from the crowd intensified her discomfort.

People began asking, "Who's Arya?" and pointing at her, saying, "Is Arya the one in blue?" All eyes were on her, intensifying her embarrassment.

Overcome with anger and frustration, Davis lunged towards Mathew, intent on confronting him for his remark.

However, Johnson and other teammates quickly intervened, blocking Davis and preventing him from reaching Mathew. This incident did not sit well with Davis, and the tension in the room hung heavy.

Feeling overwhelmed and humiliated by the attention directed at her, Arya hastily grabbed her bag and made her way out of the basketball court.

Her steps were quick and anxious as she tried to escape the uncomfortable situation. As she exited, the arguments between Davis and Mathew intensified, causing the atmosphere to grow heated.

People, sensing the tension and realizing that the game had come to an end, started leaving one by one. Some expressed their opinions on the matter, while others simply walked away, not wanting to get involved in the escalating conflict.

Davis, his voice raised, taunted Mathew, "You're such a simp, chasing after Hanna but getting rejected. What a loser!" His words dripped with sarcasm and a hint of bitterness.

Mathew, defending himself, retorted, "I've never even asked her out directly! How can you call me a simp when you're the one making crude remarks about Arya?"

The exchange of words between the two friends grew more intense, with each trying to defend their perspective. The spectators who remained watched and listened, some taking sides and others simply observing the verbal sparring match.

Amidst the arguing, the tension in the room continued to rise. The echoes of their voices bounced off the walls, filling the once vibrant court with a heavy atmosphere.

The disagreement had veered away from lighthearted banter and now held a more serious tone.

Outside the court, Arya found solace in the quietness of the hallway. She took deep breaths, trying to calm her racing heart and collect her thoughts. The events that unfolded had caught her off guard, leaving her feeling exposed and vulnerable.

As the arguments raged on inside, Arya contemplated her next steps. She wondered if she should confront Davis and Mathew or if it was better to distance herself from the situation altogether.

The weight of their words and actions lingered in her mind, and she knew that resolving this conflict would be crucial for the future of their friendships.

Eventually, both friends left separate ways.