Chapter 21

Soon, Hanna arrived at the location where Mathew had instructed…Hanna sat at a spot looking around in awe as many different characters of people assembled and made their way into this building opposite to her direction, built round like the structure of a nut,black in color with beautiful nightlights decor around it.

Then above the head was inscribed boldly 'De Rossi Nightclub' with a blue colorful light showcase.

Just in time Mathew came right out of the club, his face curious as he moved his eyes left then right in search of her.

And when he didn't see her yet, his head wandered while he took out his phone. Where was she? said she was here.

Meanwhile, Hanna had her eyes elsewhere - this time a man who closed his store while his little daughter waited behind laughing to what looked like maybe jokes from the father. Hanna got carried away that it even made her smile, although she never really had that kind of thing.

To her, Witson was a good man but he was always away.

She was brought back to reality when her phone vibrated on her.

It was Matt so she stared across with the thought that he may be close. As she caught a glimpse right in front of the clubhouse, her eyes closed a bit forcing a sharp stare to be sure it was him.

Hanna hadn't expected it would be a club they were going to be at, she rather prefers a nice bar with a life music performance going on, soulful one with calm people.

Not been her lifestyle since the age she knew what sin was.

Regardless, she responded to Matt's call as she waved continuously at him. Shy as she was, she couldn't move a step towards his direction when Mathew smiled heavily, that you can see the color of his white glistening teeth.

Matthew waved back and gestured for her to cross over.

The De Rossi frontage was crowded. Some were being rejected by two hefty men in a black polo and plain trousers standing by the entrance door but Mathew held Hanna gently as he led the way into the club, as they emerged Hanna watched as two boys got bounced out of the club.

It was a whole different dilemma in the club for Hanna as she stared at Matt for an answer.

"Hahaha, don't pay any attention to them. Those guys simply didn't belong here," Matthew assured Hanna, almost as if he could read her thoughts.

Hanna's eyes widened in astonishment as they navigated through the crowd, with Matthew leading her towards the VIP section. It was evident that Matthew knew how to make use of his father's wealth.

The music blared from the speakers, filling the club with an energetic and pulsating vibe. Men and women swayed their bodies and danced in sync with the infectious rhythms.

As they reached the VIP section, Hanna couldn't help but feel a rush of excitement.

The area was adorned with luxurious seating arrangements, dimmed lighting, and an air of exclusivity. The atmosphere was electric, with conversations blending with the beats of the music. Hanna could see people laughing, sipping on fancy drinks, and losing themselves in the rhythm of the night.

Matthew leaned in closer to Hanna, his voice barely audible over the thumping bass. "Let's make the most of tonight, shall we?" he said with a mischievous grin.

Hanna nodded, caught up in the thrill of the moment. They joined the dancing crowd, moving their bodies to the infectious tunes, letting the music guide them into the realm of euphoria.

The club scene pulsed with life as Hanna and Matthew immersed themselves in the vibrant ambiance, creating memories that would linger in their minds long after the night came to an end.

As they danced, Matthew whispered into Hanna's ear, "You look absolutely heavenly tonight." Hanna's eyes lit up with a sweet smile as she replied, "Thank you."

However, Matthew pretended not to hear her, playfully making Hanna repeat herself in a higher voice. They both erupted into fits of giggles, enjoying the lighthearted banter.

Matthew then delivered another charming line, saying, "I can see all eyes on you."

This remark stirred up a mix of emotions in Hanna, making her feel a bit shy yet excited. She leaned closer to Matthew, feeling his arm securely around her waist.

Curiously, Hanna scanned the club, wanting to verify if Matthew's observation was accurate. It was during her search that she noticed a man ahead of them raising a glass in her direction. This sight left Hanna feeling puzzled, but she responded with a warm smile.

To Hanna's left, she spotted Curtis seated with a guy sporting a tattooed face. Surprisingly, Curtis stood up and waved at her, catching her off guard. Hanna hadn't expected to encounter familiar faces in the club, and it seemed there were several of them present.

Matthew, noticing Hanna's reaction, let out a sigh and cautioned her, "Don't smile back when you don't know the person."

Hanna nodded, understanding Matthew's concern. While she recognized Curtis, she was unfamiliar with the guy beside him, who seemed to be behaving strangely and making a scene. She recalled helping Curtis with an assessment in the past, and he had been grateful ever since.

Curiosity piqued, Hanna directed her gaze towards Curtis and his companion, seeking more insight.

"Come on, Hanna, wipe that look off your face. It's so obvious... Terrible," Matthew muttered into her ear, swiftly twirling her around to divert her attention.

With Hanna's gaze momentarily averted, Matthew continued speaking, sharing information that she was unaware of. "Curtis, you know him, I know. He also goes to Silverline School."

"But the guy with him, Cortez? You're not familiar with him. He's the owner of the white CLA car parked outside. He visits Curtis even at school. I'm not sure what their business is, but they seem really close. Curtis may seem gentle and smart, but this Cortez guy is unpredictable."

Hanna's face displayed a mix of anxiety and curiosity.

Matthew carried on, responding to her unspoken questions. "Yes, I've wondered how he got involved with this guy, and you must be wondering how they have access to this kind of money."

Hanna found herself thoroughly engrossed in Matthew's storytelling. He had a captivating way of sharing information.

"Well..." Matthew began, but before he could continue, Johnny approached them, swaying in their direction, interrupting their conversation. Johnny greeted them while Diane stood nearby, openly staring at Hanna.

Meanwhile, several miles away, Tevez and his men were gearing up and preparing themselves for a mission to apprehend criminals and drug dealers.