Chapter 20

Mia and her friends were left in a state of shock, particularly Mia herself. She had spent three years of her university life, living with Hanna for two of those years, and she had never witnessed such a reaction from her.

The troubling words uttered by Arya had struck a chord within Mia, forcing her to confront the possibility of Hanna being a foster child.

Mia's face grew visibly sad and filled with pity as she sat alone on a beautiful terrace, lost in her thoughts. After a while, Mia contemplated whether she should return to the room and offer comfort to Hanna.

Shortly after, Mia returned to their room only to find that Hanna was nowhere to be seen. Hanna had vanished, leaving Mia feeling exhausted and curious at the same time.

She realized that Hanna had a talent for keeping her secrets hidden, and even though Mia thought she was starting to know her well, this situation proved otherwise.

Mia attempted to call Hanna, but the memory of Hanna's intense yell echoed in her mind, causing her to throw her phone aside in frustration. Feeling a sense of boredom and melancholy, Mia laid her head on her pillow and drifted off to sleep, unaware of what had happened to Hanna.

At a quarter past 8, Hanna found herself outside the university, venturing into the town of Louisiana.

In the enchanting state of Louisiana, the nights on weekends were filled with magic and excitement. As the sun set over the picturesque landscapes, a vibrant energy filled the air, beckoning both locals and visitors to embark on unforgettable adventures.

Mandi and Diane settled into a boarded taxi that Johnny had paid for.

Diane was brimming with excitement and couldn't contain her joy over having a person of interest in her life. They were headed to De Rossi club, ready to have a wild and crazy night. Diane, with her exuberant personality, cheered Mandi on.

However, as the taxi began to move, Mandi received a message on her phone that made her feel hesitant and unhappy. It was a message from Kevin.

Sensing Mandi's change in demeanor, Diane inquired, "Who's that?"

Mandi, trying to downplay the significance, replied, "Nothing important. It's just my big brother."

Despite her response, Mandi was internally frustrated. She had forgotten about her secret date with Kevin that night.

Diane, picking up on Mandi's unease, contemplated the situation with doubt. "Sounds like trouble."

Another message appeared on Mandi's phone, revealing a location and a photo of a luxurious bedroom, accompanied by the message, "Booked and ready for you, darling."

Mandi let out a sigh and said, "I think I have to get off here. I have something urgent to take care of."

Diane appeared visibly unhappy upon hearing this news. Mandi reassured her, saying, "I really have to go. Maybe I'll join you at the club later."

Diane gave her a suspicious look, seemingly questioning Mandi's commitment to Matthew, the reason they were supposed to be at De Rossi.

However, Mandi acted confidently, assuring Diane that there would always be another opportunity.

The taxi came to a stop, allowing Mandi to exit. "Enjoy your night, baby," Mandi said to Diane in a somewhat eerie manner.

The streets were adorned with colorful lights. People gathered in lively jazz clubs, swaying to the rhythm, and immersing themselves in the rich musical heritage of Louisiana.

Amidst the captivating music, the tantalizing aroma of Louisiana's renowned cuisine wafted through the air. From cozy bistros to bustling food markets, the nights offered a culinary journey like no other.

The sizzle of fresh seafood, the spicy notes of Cajun and Creole spices, and the comforting flavors of gumbo and jambalaya delighted the taste buds of those seeking a true Louisiana experience.

As the moon cast its gentle glow, festivals illuminated the nights with their vibrant colors and joyous celebrations. The air was filled with laughter, music, and the spirit of camaraderie as people danced and celebrated together.