Episode 9

It was early morning, and Abraham, Mike, Andy, and Waylon prepared to head out. Abraham loaded the truck and saw something out of the corner of his eye. Three large, grotesque, decaying tigers galloped toward the farm, and he ran into the house.

"We've got something big headed our way," Abraham exclaimed, and everyone ran to the window.

His and Megan's eyes widened seeing their daughter, Dale, and Jordan get off the beast's backs, and Abraham huffed a sob.

"Bella," he breathed and ran outside.

One of the undead creatures roared loudly, and two small ones bounced through the field.

"Bell!" Abraham yelled, running toward his daughter and wrapping his arms around her, sobbing.

"You're okay!" he cried, letting her go, and Bella nodded.

He looked at Dale and Jordan and pulled them into an embrace.

"I'm glad you guys are okay," he breathed.

"Well, me and Jordan should be looked at, but yeah, we're okay," said Dale as the embrace ended, and Abraham chuckled through his tears.

Bella scratched one of the tigers behind its ear and smiled.

"Thank you for saving us," she said.

The beast whimpered, laying on its belly, and the others did the same, bowing their heads.

"Protect the true Alfa."

Bella looked at the tigers and sighed. She had read enough books and comics to know what a true Alfa was. The purest form of a species. Bella didn't understand how she became one but ignored it for now.

Dale, Jordan, and Abraham looked around, puzzled and at Bella.

"What are they doing?" her father asked, and Bella giggled.

"Kneeling to their Alfa," she said, petting the tiger's head.

"Alfa?" asked Jordan, and she looked at him, nodding.

"Yeah. That's what Dale was getting at. I'm a new breed, and these guys call me the Alfa. Don't worry if this sounds ridiculous. We all think it's crazy," she said.

Jordan swallowed hard and nodded. He knew he wanted to stay because of her, but now he felt he wanted to leave and not look back. The whole thing was crazy, but it was real and happening before him, so how could he deny it?

He knew if he did leave, he would have to worry about the Bandits and the creatures by himself, and he didn't want to be alone again. Jordan pressed his lips together and decided he was staying no matter how he felt.


Megan, Bonnie, Sarah, Andy, Mike, Waylon, and Charlie stared from the porch, and Megan held Charlie close.

"What on god's green earth are them things?" asked Sarah.

"They look like white Bengal tigers or were. Maybe they're undead, but they are of the feline species," said Mike, and everyone looked at him in awe.

"What? I was studying to become a zoologist and a vet," he said, and Sarah only nodded.

"Undead tigers? My sister is so cool," chimed Charlie, and Megan chuckled nervously.


"Aight. If ya'll good out here, Imma head back to my tent and process everything," said Jordan, and Bella gave her father a knowing look.

Abraham searched his daughter's eyes and sighed, nodding.

"Listen, Jordan. There's an extra bedroom upstairs if you're planning on sticking around," he said, and Jordan looked at him oddly.

Abraham looked at Bella, and she nodded.

"You're one of us now," he said.

Bella grinned at Jordan, and Jordan pressed his lips together, nodding. He sighed and looked at Abraham respectfully.

"Thank you, Mr. Daniels. Imma get cleaned up, eat something, and let everything sink in. I'll let you know if Imma stick around after," he said, and Abraham nodded.

Bella looked at Jordan with big eyes, and he blew a breath, shaking his head. He needed time to think everything over. Jordan hobbled past Abraham, stopped, and sighed.

"Your daughter has blown my mind, and I just need a little time," he whispered, and Abraham chuckled.

"I know the feeling, son. She does that to me a lot," he said, and Jordan nodded, hobbling toward the house.

Megan and Sarah smiled at Jordan as he passed them and went inside.

"So, what are you planning on doing with your new pets, Bell?" yelled Megan from the porch, and Bella shrugged.

"I was thinking of your room. I figured you and Dad could use a furry friend," she teased, and Megan looked at her daughter, mortified.

Bella doubled over laughing, and Abraham and Dale chuckled.

"Lighten up, honey. She's kidding," Abraham called, and Charlie laughed.

"I'll take them to High Point," said Bella.

The beast groaned, rolled over, and pinned Bella under its massive head. Dale ran to her, and she was flapping her arms. He looked at the tiger and scowled.

"Get off her! You're crushing her with your fat head, dummy!" he scolded.

The creature groaned and snorted, picking up its head, and Dale pulled Bella to her feet.

"I'm surprised it listened to me," he said, and she giggled, biting her bottom lip.

"It's because you're part of my pack," she said, putting his hand on the beast's head.

"Wow!" he exclaimed, feeling the creature purr, and Bella smiled.

"Come on. Let's take them to High Point and go get my bike," she said, standing close to him, and he smiled.

"Sure, little bird. Let's go," he said and got on his motorcycle.

Abraham looked at his daughter, and she kissed him on the cheek.

"I'll explain everything when we get back," she said, and he nodded.

She smiled, getting on the back of Dale's bike, and Abraham and Dale exchanged looks. Dale nodded, whistled, and revved his engine.

"Come on, let's go," he yelled, and the beasts growled, getting to their feet.

The group watched Dale drive away, and the tigers chased after him.


Jordan showered and put clean clothes on. Sarah gave him some of her brother Marcus's clothes, which fit perfectly. He set Bella's silver ring on the dresser and crutched downstairs. Sarah and Megan smiled at him as he sat at the table, and Sarah gave him a bowl of chicken stew.

"Thank you," he said, and she nodded.

Charlie walked into the kitchen and sat next to Jordan, sighing. Jordan looked at Megan and Sarah, and they shrugged.

"What's up, little man?" he asked, and Charlie shrugged.

"Nothing. Bored."

Sarah and Megan looked at each other and chuckled.

"He's always bored when Bell isn't around," teased Megan, and Charlie made a face.

"That's because my sister knows how to make everything fun," he sighed, and Jordan gave the boy a thoughtful look.

"I think I could use your help, and you will have fun doing it," he said, and Charlie's eyebrows rose.

"Really? Like what?"

Sarah and Megan looked at each other and then at Jordan, intrigued.

"Yeah, like what?" asked Sarah, and Megan snickered.

Jordan chuckled, took a bite of his soup, and nodded.

"This is really good. So, my bed is a little on the stiff side and could use a little man like you to soften it up for me."

Charlie grinned, looking at his mother, and Megan nodded. Jordan saw Bonnie poking her head around the corner, and he chuckled.

"Now, if you had a friend to jump on it with, I bet ya'll be done in no time and have a lot more fun," he said, and Bonnie grinned.

"Come on, Bonnie!" exclaimed Charlie, getting up from the table, and the kids ran upstairs giggling.

"That bed isn't stiff," mumbled Sarah, and Jordan laughed.

"You right, Ms. Cline. It's not, but the kids ain't bored now, are they?" he asked.

Megan laughed, looking at Sarah, and Sarah chuckled, pointing to Jordan.

"Good one. Where'd you learn your skills, Mr. Baker?"

Jordan sighed sadly and gave her and Megan an uneasy look.

"I had twin girls. They were four. When they got bored, I would send them to jump on the bed. Tire them right out."

"What happened to them?" asked Megan, and Jordan held back his tears.

"A month or two ago, the Bandits stormed our camp and killed them along with my wife, Rachel, little brother Jimmy, and his wife, Mya. Did my wife and kids right in front of me," he said through clenched teeth, and a tear slid down his cheek.

Megan and Sarah sat beside him and rubbed his shoulder.

"I'm so sorry," said Sarah.

"Yeah, me, too. They didn't deserve to go out like that," he sighed.

"We're gonna get those assholes," said Sarah, and Megan agreed.

Abraham stood in the doorway and heard everything Jordan said. He felt sorry for the kid and hoped he decided to stick around.

"Yeah, we are," he said, and Jordan looked at him, nodding.