Episode 10

The surviving Bandits returned to the prison and explained what happened to Wess.

"Undead tigers? There's such a thing?" asked Wess, dumbfounded, and Chris nodded.

"Six of them. Big as horses. They came out of nowhere, boss," said a girl with a bleeding claw mark on her face, and Wess raised his hand.

"Eh, why don't you get cleaned up? And the prisoners?" he asked, looking at Chris and Morton.

"Gone. They broke Keith, Glenn, and Matt's necks and escaped," said Morton, and Wess shook his head in disbelief.

"And no one knows where the tigers came from or why they attacked our compound?"

The Bandits shook their heads, and Wess sighed, irritated. He looked at his men and watched Morton clean the girl's wound.

"Now, what's gonna happen to you since you got yourself clawed by one of the damn things?" he asked angrily.

The girl shrugged, looking at her colleagues, and they shrugged.

"Not sure, but I feel fine," she said.

Wess sighed, looked at the girl, pulled his gun, and shot her in the head. Blood splattered on Chris and Morton's faces as they turned their heads, making disgusted expressions.

"Now, was anyone else dumb enough to come back here wounded?'

Everyone shook their heads and took a step back. Wess chuckled and put his gun back in its holster.

"Well, boys and girls. It seems to me we have a problem, and ya'll know how I love solving these kinds of problems."


The beasts seemed content at High Point and had plenty of room. Bella sighed happily, leaning against Dale's chest, and Dale had his arms around her. They were sitting on his motorcycle, and she played with his fingers.


"Yeah, little bird?"

"If this is a dream, never wake me up, okay?" she asked, and he chuckled, hugging her tight.

They were still covered in the gore from the night before and started to smell. Dale rested his chin on Bella's shoulder and watched the tigers play in the morning sunlight.

"As long as I get to stay here with you," he whispered, and she turned her head, searching his eyes.

"I wouldn't want anyone else," she said, and Dale kissed her passionately.

Bella spun around and kissed him back.

"You know you stink, right?" he asked, and she snorted.

"Yeah, well, you don't smell so pretty either. We both could use a shower," she said, and he chuckled.

"We could take one together. You know, be the first couple in the apocalypse to save water," he teased, and Bella chuckled.

"Like my Dad would go for that bullshit. I can hear him now. You need to set a good example for Charlie," she said, mimicking her father's voice, and Dale laughed.

She sighed and gave him a knowing look.

"Well, Big Bird, time for us to take a long, hot, lonely shower and get some shut-eye," she yawned, and Dale kissed her neck.

"Okay, babe. Why don't you get on your bike, and we can head back."

Bella gave him a thoughtful look and ran her hands up his thighs.

"But, I'm comfortable and don't want to do all that work," she said, and he searched her eyes.

He kissed her again and pulled back quickly.

"I love you, but you fricken reek!"

Bella's mouth dropped open, and she pushed his face gently. She got off his bike and mounted hers.

"You want to ride ahead of me since I stink so bad?" she asked.

Dale mimicked her by flapping his hand, and she stuck her tongue out. They laughed, started their engines, and headed back to the farm.


Bella put her hair in a ponytail, put her jewelry on, and stared in the mirror. It had been a few days since she, Dale, and Jordan escaped the Bandits, and everything was quiet except the occasional yell because the tigers wandered into the west field. Dale went on a supply run with Abraham, Mike, and Andy, and Bella stayed home.

She put on a pair of shorts, an oversized T-shirt, and sneakers and walked downstairs. She walked into the kitchen, and Jordan smiled at her from the table.

"Morning, baby girl," he said, and she blushed.

"Morning, Jordan Baker," she said, grabbing a coffee cup, and he chuckled.

"See ya," Bella said, waving her fingers, and walked outside toward her father's truck.

Charlie waved to Jordan and ran outside after his sister.

"Bell!" he exclaimed, running to Bella's side, and she put her arm around his shoulders.

"What's up, kid?" she asked sleepily.

"I thought you went with Dale and Dad. Watcha doing?" he asked, and she yawned.

"Gonna have a cup of my special brew. You want some?" she asked, lighting a joint, and Charlie nodded, climbing in the back of the truck.


Bella smiled, grabbed her stuff, and turned on soft music. She started the fire, and her brother helped set everything up. Charlie giggled when the song changed and grabbed his sister's hands. She sang along as they danced, and Charlie laughed.

Jordan watched them dance and chuckled. He felt drawn to her but knew he respected her and Dale's relationship. He couldn't help but wonder what it would be like if he was the man in her life and shook the thoughts from his head.

"Stop it, man."

He chuckled, watching Bella and Charlie sing together, and decided to join them.


"Thank you," said Charlie as Bella began brewing the coffee, and she raised an eyebrow.

"For what, kid?"

"For being my sister," he said.

Bella snorted, and he giggled.

"Okay, kid. Why are you getting all gooey on me?"

Charlie climbed into the back of the truck and looked at her thoughtfully.

"Just never know in this shitty world," he mumbled.

She sighed, shaking her head.

"Oh, kid. I'm not going anywhere. Superhero, remember?"

He laughed and nodded.

"You know Dad tried to make your coffee the other morning, but he messed it up."

Bella sighed, crouching by the fire, and started the boiling process.

"It's not that hard. Dad couldn't find his way out of a paper bag even if you gave him a map," she sighed.

Charlie laughed and saw Jordan heading their way.

"Here comes our new friend," he said, and Bella looked at Jordan.

"Hi, Jordan!" said Charlie, and Jordan nodded.

"Hey, guys. What ya'll got going on?" he asked, and Bella rested her chin on her knees.

"My morning routine. Getting stoned, listening to music, and making coffee," she said thoughtfully.

Jordan heard the music and moved his head to the beat.

"I haven't heard music in years."

"Bella would go insane without music," said Charlie, and Bella made a face, nodding.

"What can I say? The kid knows me like the back of his hand."

Jordan and Charlie laughed, and Jordan smelled the coffee.

"You do know there's a French press in the house, right?" he asked, and Charlie laughed.

Jordan leaned against the truck, and Charlie bumped his shoulder with his.

"Hi, my name is Charlie. Meet my sister, Bell. The spoiled coffee snob that pretty much gets her way all the time," he said, gesturing to his sister, and Jordan snickered.

"Yeah, so what? I am the oldest. Besides, I'm not spoiled. I'm pampered, kid. Plus, anytime I get my way, it involves you, you little shit," she teased.

Charlie chuckled and danced to the song. Bella snickered and looked at Jordan.

"Would you like some, Jordan Baker?"

He didn't know why, but how his name rolled off her tongue gave him goosebumps, and he shivered.

"Yeah, I'll give it a shot," he said, and Charlie tossed two plastic cups to his sister.

Bella took a drag of her joint and poured the coffee. Jordan smelled the weed and exhaled.

"That smells good. Where'd ya get it?" he asked, and Bella handed him the joint.

"I've raided several police stations, gas stations, and houses. I found a headshop once, and that place stocked us for a while."

Jordan took a couple of puffs and handed the joint back to Bella.

"Score, for sure," he said, and Bella laughed, handing him two cups.

Jordan handed Charlie a cup and was about to take a sip when Charlie grabbed his wrist.

"Be careful. This coffee is known to bring grown men to their knees," he warned with serious eyes, and Jordan chuckled, shaking his head.

"I be aight," he said and took a sip.

He looked at Charlie with wide eyes, and Charlie laughed.

"Should I get on my knees now?" Jordan asked, and Bella snickered.

Charlie giggled, watching Jordan kneel beside his sister, and Jordan searched Bella's eyes.

"Damn, baby girl. Is there anything you can't do?" he breathed.

She blushed, turning her head, and Charlie saw her smile.

"Who's getting all gooey now?" he teased, and Bella looked at her brother.

"Shut up," she mouthed, and Jordan laughed.

"Bella! Jordan! We need yall's help!" Sarah called frantically from the porch, and they looked at her.