Chapter 31: Dear Hermia


The blonde in front of me kept her smile. I reached out and took her hand, shaking it firmly. Her grip was strong and confident, and her blue eyes sparkled as she looked at me. She was certainly not shy.

“Nice to meet you, Miss Angela Parker.”

She chuckled at how I addressed her but didn’t seem to be too offended. "Well, I was hoping to catch you here tonight, Mr. Bennett."

I tried not to let my eyebrows furrow too noticeably as I ran her name through the search engine in my mind. The name sounded vaguely familiar, however, my search was coming up empty. However, I wasn’t in the mood to beat around the bush.

“What can I do for you?”

Her smile widened. “I’m seeking a … partnership.”

“I'm sorry for being so direct.” I put down my glass. “But since we haven't met before, I thought it would be best if we should start with getting to know each other better?"