Chapter 32 : With Flowers In Hand


After I had typed that message to her I had called my pilot and to be ready to take off within the hour. I hopped off my bed and started packing my clothes into the suitcase. It was all short notice but I needed to be back with my wife.

These past few days had been torture. I had wanted to bring her on this event. I wanted this chance to show her off to the world the way she deserved to be, but instead I had flown all the way here alone.

I had been tossing and turning in ,y be alone wondering what she was doing. Tony had found me insufferable to say the least because I strictly communicated through grunts and frowns. My mind was too wrapped up in Dove who was likely thinking of divorce—well, after the message she sent me I saw a glimmer of hope. She missed me and that was good enough for me.

Milan was fine—note my sarcasm—but I needed to head back to my wife and I had about an 8 hour journey back to New York.