Chapter 31 : I Miss You


The seconds felt like hours and the days felt like years. It was only three days away from him and I felt like I was suffering. Though I would never admit it to him.

For the most part, Dylan had left me alone. He would send me the occasional death glare from time to time but other than that he left me alone which I was grateful for because I was not at all in the mood to deal with him.

I had too much on my plate already.

I walked into my mother’s room trying to mask my unease with happiness so she didn’t see that I was actually borderline depressed.

“Hey, baby,” she smiled weakly.

She looked better today than she had the last few weeks. There was a little bit of color in her cheeks and she had gained a bit of the weight that she had lost.

“Hey, Mom.” I came to sit by her side. I took her small hand in mine and kissed the back of it. “How are you feeling?”

“Like a strong gust of wind could take me down.”

“Mom,” I chided, “be serious with me here.”