Slapping Ye Shanshan in the Face! The Overprotective Husband Appears

Ye Shengge nodded slightly and said, "Alright." With that, she left with Song Yang.

Seeing this scene, Ye Maohong stood still as if struck by lightning. The person he had been trying to curry favor with, Song Yang, had come specifically to escort Ye Shengge? To bring her back to the private room? And with such a respectful attitude? How could this be?

Recalling the cold indifference Song Yang had shown him earlier, Ye Maohong furrowed his brow tightly. "Huaijin, what's going on here?"

Ye Huaijin shared the same doubts. "The last time Ye Shengge ran away from home, it was Song Yang who came to pick her up. Could it be... does this brat have something to do with the Fu family?"

Upon hearing this, Ye Shanshan's heart leaped to her throat, a mixture of nervousness and jealousy bubbling within her. How could someone like Ye Shengge be connected to the Fu family? Would the Fu family really think highly of her? That was ridiculous. But still, Song Yang's attitude towards Ye Shengge had been quite respectful...

The Ye family had managed to secure three invitations, which placed them in the first-floor hall. Technically, they didn't have the qualifications to be in the second-floor private rooms. Ye Shanshan had wanted to come up to get a glimpse of the action, and Ye Maohong and Ye Huaijin had accompanied her up to broaden her horizons. With the auction about to begin, they couldn't linger any longer and hastily returned to the first-floor hall.

Ye Shengge was in a private room on the second floor, while Ye Shanshan could only stay in the first-floor hall. Just the thought of it reignited her jealousy and frustration.

Back in the second-floor private room, Ye Shengge took a seat, and Fu Yushen sat beside her. There were various exquisite snacks and fruits on the table. Ye Shengge picked at them absentmindedly, her eyes fixed on the happenings in the first-floor hall. She wondered if there would be anything good up for auction this time.

Finally, the auction officially began. The auctioneer took the stage, delivered an opening speech, and then commenced the bidding for the first item of the day.

Each guest in the audience held a number card. If they were interested in an item, they could raise their card to bid. The highest bidder won the item, and after the auctioneer's gavel fell three times, the item was considered sold.

The auctioneer enthusiastically introduced, "The first item up for auction today is this Princess Crown! It's adorned with 108 diamonds and 99 pearls, once beloved by the Queen of Country F!"

As the auctioneer spoke, the hostess displayed the Princess Crown to the audience below.

The atmosphere was already heated, and the auctioneer began the bidding. "The starting price for this Princess Crown is eight hundred thousand. Anyone interested can start bidding!"

"Eight hundred and eighty thousand!"

"Ninety thousand!"

"Ninety-five thousand!"

... Many interested guests started bidding, and in no time, the price reached nine hundred and fifty thousand.

Ye Shanshan's eyes sparkled with excitement as she watched the Princess Crown. But she noticed Ye Huaijin raising his card, and he bid, "One million!"

Tears welled up in Ye Shanshan's eyes as she was touched by her elder brother's generosity. "Eldest brother..."

Ye Huaijin smiled warmly, looking every bit the doting elder brother. "This Princess Crown suits our Shanshan the best. You’re the only little princess in our Ye family."

Ye Maohong nodded in agreement. "Huaijin is right. Since Shanshan likes it, let your brother buy it for you."

Touched to the core, Ye Shanshan's eyes turned red. "Thank you, Dad! Thank you, eldest brother!"

Onstage, the auctioneer heard the bid and announced excitedly, "One million! Mr. Ye Huaijin with number 20 bids one million! Does anyone want to bid higher?"

In the second-floor private room, Fu Yushen had been watching Ye Shengge's reaction when Song Yang first bid. He noticed that she appeared indifferent to the Pearl Crown. Fu Yushen hadn't placed a bid, and he glanced at Song Yang.

Song Yang understood his unspoken request and left the private room to head to the first floor.

The auctioneer held up his gavel and asked, "Mr. Ye Huaijin bids one million. Is there anyone else bidding? Going once, going twice..."

Just at that moment, a clear and crisp male voice rang out from the audience, "One million two hundred thousand!"

The auctioneer's gavel froze mid-air, and he looked towards the direction of the bid with excitement. "Mr. Song Yang with number 10 bids one million two hundred thousand!"

Hearing Song Yang's name, Ye Huaijin, Ye Shanshan, and Ye Maohong all turned to look.

Song Yang, the special assistant of Fu Yushen?

He also wanted this crown?

Ye Huaijin had intended to use this opportunity to establish a connection with Song Yang. The Pearl Crown could have been a token of goodwill. But since Shanshan liked it so much...

Ye Huaijin stopped bidding, expecting Song Yang to continue raising the bid. However, he was surprised to find Song Yang sitting there calmly, showing no intention to bid further.

Why was that?

Ye Maohong furrowed his brow. "Huaijin, try bidding one more time."

Ye Huaijin nodded and raised his card, bidding, "One million three hundred and fifty thousand!"

Just as he finished, Song Yang raised his card and declared, "One million four hundred thousand!"

"One million four hundred thousand! Mr. Song with number 10 bids one million four hundred thousand!" The auctioneer beamed. "It seems that this Princess Crown is very popular. Is there anyone else interested? Don't miss it, as there won't be another chance!"

"One million five hundred thousand!"

A middle-aged man in the corner of the hall raised his card. He wanted to buy it as a gift for his mistress.

Ye Huaijin stared intently at Song Yang, waiting for him to continue bidding. But Song Yang remained motionless, seemingly uninterested in winning the Pearl Crown.

But as soon as Ye Huaijin stopped, Song Yang also stopped.

In the end, the Pearl Crown was sold for one million eight hundred thousand to a wealthy bidder.

In the second-floor private room, Ye Shengge witnessed this scene and was momentarily stunned. She had thought that Song Yang's bid was due to his excitement and admiration for the Princess Crown. However, it became clear that he had deliberately outbid Ye Huaijin.

Ye Shanshan, who had been eagerly anticipating the Pearl Crown, had been left empty-handed. She must be feeling furious right now.

Ye Shengge blinked her watery eyes and suddenly turned to Fu Yushen. "Did you send Song Yang down?"

Fu Yushen, with his piercing gaze, looked at her. His slender fingers lightly tapped the rim of the porcelain cup twice, his tone casual. "No."

"So he went on his own," Ye Shengge felt her heart warm at the thought. This Song Yang was quite entertaining.

Song Yang returned to the second-floor private room, feeling exhilarated by the experience of bidding. "Miss Ye, did you see the expressions on Ye Shanshan and Ye Huaijin's faces when they lost out? It was Mr. Fu’s idea."