Slapping Ye Huaijin in the Face!

Ye Shengge turned her head towards Fu Yushen, her clear eyes filled with astonishment and surprise.

"You just said it wasn't you who sent Song Yang down!"

Fu Yushen: "..."

He glanced expressionlessly at Song Yang.

Song Yang, whose excitement hadn't completely faded, suddenly felt a chill down his spine.

What's going on here?

Did he say something wrong...?

At auctions like this, items usually started from average and got more valuable as they went along. The items being auctioned now were an antique piano. Preserved since the Middle Ages, it was quite valuable, with a starting price of five million.

Ye Shanshan was very fond of this piano. Having missed out on the Princess Crown earlier, this piano was her target.

Ye Huaijin also didn't want to see Ye Shanshan disappointed. After all, she was the only sister he acknowledged. So, Ye Huaijin was determined to win this piano. He raised his bid repeatedly, and in just a few minutes, the price reached ten million.

Seeing this scene of brotherly love, Ye Shengge glanced around and then turned to Fu Yushen. "Can I bid?"

"Of course," the man raised an eyebrow, "Do you like this piano?"

"I don't," Ye Shengge shook her head. She raised her bidding card and continued from the previous bidder, "Twelve million."

The auctioneer heard this price and immediately looked towards the second floor, repeating excitedly, "Miss Ye Shengge from the second floor bids twelve million!"

Hearing Ye Shengge's name, the Ye family members frowned, especially Ye Huaijin. His face turned cold. "This troublemaker has no self-awareness. She dared to bid? Is she trying to snatch things from Shanshan again?"

Ye Huaijin angrily raised his card, "Thirteen million!"

"Thirteen million! Mr. Ye Huaijin with number 20 bids thirteen million! Is there anyone else interested? Don't miss this if you're a piano enthusiast!" the auctioneer announced enthusiastically.

"Eighteen million," Ye Shengge casually raised the bid again.

With this bid, there was an audible gasp from the audience. She had increased the bid by five million. This Miss Ye Shengge was extraordinary.

Ye Huaijin hesitated for a moment and then gritted his teeth, raising his card, "Nineteen million!"

Ye Shengge, not perturbed, followed up, "Twenty-four million."

Well, she added another five million.

The auctioneer, excited and red-faced, announced, "Twenty-four million! Miss Ye Shengge from the second floor bids twenty-four million! Mr. Ye Huaijin with number 20, would you like to continue bidding?"

Ye Huaijin hesitated. He had thought that a little over ten million would be enough to secure the piano, but now, it had gone far beyond his expectations.

Ye Maohong was infuriated. He looked towards the second floor and muttered, "This brat just wants to snatch things from Shanshan!"

Ye Shanshan bit her lip, tears welling up in her eyes. "Dad, if Sister wants it, let her have it. I don't mind."

"My dear daughter, don't say that," Ye Maohong said tenderly. "You liked the Princess Crown earlier, but we couldn't get it. How could we let you down again this time?"

He then looked at Ye Huaijin. "Huaijin, continue bidding."

Ye Huaijin nodded and reluctantly raised his card, "Twenty-five million!"

Seeing this, Ye Shanshan, wiping away her tears, spoke in a choked voice, "Third Brother, you don't have to bid anymore. I'll give up on this piano and let my sister have it."

Ye Huaijin had initially not intended to bid, but when he saw Ye Shanshan's tears, he softened and raised his card, "Thirty million!"

Seeing Ye Shanshan's reaction, Ye Shengge knew exactly what was happening. This was a well-practiced tactic. As long as she acted mature and restrained, her family would give in to her desires. Ye Huaijin had reached his limit with this bid.

The other guests in the hall also paid close attention, waiting to see if the young lady from the second floor would continue bidding.

Thirty million for a piano was a considerable amount, and not everyone could afford it.

Ye Shengge, with a faint smile on her lips, gently put down her card, signaling that she wouldn't bid any further.

The auctioneer raised his gavel and announced loudly, "Mr. Ye Huaijin with number 20 bids thirty million! Is there anyone else interested? Thirty million once! Thirty million twice! Thirty million..."

With that, the gavel came down, sealing the deal.

The auctioneer was ecstatic. "Congratulations to Mr. Ye Huaijin for winning this antique piano for thirty million!"

Ye Huaijin let out a sigh of relief, wiping the sweat from his forehead with his hand.

If Ye Shengge had continued bidding, he would have had to give up. But he couldn't bear to lose in front of Ye Shanshan, especially when it was something she wanted.

Ye Maohong also sighed in relief.

At this moment, the surrounding guests began to whisper.

"I think spending thirty million on a piano is really a waste!"

"Yeah, this piano is worth at most ten million."

"That Ye Huaijin, he's either a fool with too much money or just showing off!"

"Hahaha, only someone like him would spend thirty million on a piano!"

"Look at the auctioneer, he's practically laughing out loud!"


Listening to these mocking comments, Ye Huaijin's face turned red. It finally dawned on him that Ye Shengge had intentionally raised the price, making him spend so much money unnecessarily.

Thirty million had been thrown away for nothing!

Ye Maohong also realized what had happened and was infuriated but had to hold back his anger. He couldn't do anything since auctions were final, and there was no way to retract a bid.

On the second floor.

Song Yang witnessed Ye Shengge's tactics and couldn't help but admire her. She effortlessly made the Ye family spend a fortune and forced Ye Huaijin into a difficult situation, all while maintaining her composure.

This was a brilliant move!

Ye Shengge knew the reasons behind her family's actions, but she was no longer as hurt by them as before. She had seen through the true nature of her family.

Moreover, there were still plenty of dramas to come!