Embracing Her in His Arms

However, the moment Lu Yanchen thought about how Yun Qingqing had dared to splash coffee on his face, he wished he could personally break this woman's waist.


Yesterday, she splashed coffee on him, and today, she dressed like this and came to the charity banquet to block him, thinking she could catch his attention. She's foolish.

While Yun Qingqing was waiting for Sheng Ting with bated breath, she naturally noticed Lu Yanchen. Her lips twitched several times; she was truly unlucky.

She quickly averted her gaze. She was afraid that if she looked at Lu Yanchen for too long, she might take off her eight-centimeter high heels and throw them at him. Those shoes, along with the cheongsam she was wearing, were borrowed from Qiao Fanxing.

Yun Qingqing felt that her ex-husband's heart was even smaller than the hole of a needle. He didn't even let her take her belongings.

So, when Lu Yanchen, thinking he looked very cool, walked past Yun Qingqing, he received an enormous eye roll.

Yun Qingqing tried hard to control herself, but in the end, she couldn't hold back.

Halting his steps, Lu Yanchen met Yun Qingqing's gaze with a cold and bloodthirsty look.

"You've tried so hard just to get my attention."

Listening to this, Yun Qingqing looked at Lu Yanchen as if he were a complete fool. If Lu Yanchen weren't so handsome, she would have considered him a perfect example of an average but confident man.

Twisting her waist lightly, Yun Qingqing playfully said, "I look so beautiful tonight. As long as you, Mr. Lu, aren't blind, you will notice me. Sorry, my excessive beauty is to blame."

Lu Yanchen: "..."

In two years of marriage, he had never known that Yun Qingqing was so shameless.

Lu Yanchen had always believed that Yun Qingqing was a woman without much independence, someone who meekly obeyed and only knew how to do the household chores for him. He cast a disdainful glance at Yun Qingqing and coldly remarked, "The way you are now, someone who doesn't know you would think you're a hooker engaging in illicit activities."

Yun Qingqing's hand clenched into a tight fist. If it weren't for the crowd around them, she would have surely picked up her high heels and given Lu Yanchen a sound thrashing.

Seeing her so furious, Lu Yanchen lightly curled his lips and spoke with a low voice, "Yun Qingqing, your petty schemes are useless on me. If you want me to reconcile with you, you'll have to kneel down and beg me first."

Unable to restrain herself, Yun Qingqing's eight-centimeter stiletto heel landed on the Lu Yanchen's shiny shoe.

Lu Yanchen pushed Yun Qingqing away coldly, and without giving her a hand to steady herself, she fell backward. Remembering she was standing on several steps, she closed her eyes in despair.

But the expected pain didn't arrive as scheduled. Instead, she caught a faint whiff of mint.

Someone had caught her from behind and embraced her.

"Are you okay?" The man's voice was clear and melodious.

Opening her eyes, Yun Qingqing looked into the eyes of Sheng Ting, who was close by, and her heart raced uncontrollably.

"I-I'm fine. Thank you, Seventh Master."

With that said her flushed face regained its composure.

Without any reminding, Sheng Ting withdrew his hand from her slender waist and looked at Lu Yanchen.

His gaze was sharp as a knife, and his voice was colder than before.

"Mr. Lu, you are so uncouch, even attacked a woman in public."

Being criticized by his arch-enemy like this, Lu Yanchen was getting anxious. He pointed at Yun Qingqing.

"She stepped on me first. I just pushed her away. If Mr. Sheng has manners, you should investigate the situation before passing judgment."

Yun Qingqing was also getting agitated. "Seventh Master, he was the one who accused me of being a postitude here first, and that's why I stepped on him."

Elevating to a 'parental' level, Sheng Ting began to mediate without showing any expression.

"It turns out that Mr. Lu made a judgment without clarifying the situation. Shouldn't you apologize?"

Lu Yanchen stared at Yun Qingqing disdainfully and spoke contemptuously to Sheng Ting.

"It seems that you're not very clever either, to be manipulated by such a foolish woman."

Taking big strides, Lu Yanchen entered the hotel, not giving Yun Qingqing and Sheng Ting a chance to continue the argument.

"Sorry, Seventh Master, it's my fault for causing trouble for you."

Full of guilt, Yun Qingqing cautiously apologized. If she were fired by Sheng Ting because of this incident, she might as well go kill Lu Yanchen and go die together.

Sheng Ting's tone was calm. "Secretary Yun, you didn't do anything wrong. Why are you apologizing?"

Scratching the back of her head, Yun Qingqing, with her moist eyes, spoke in a slightly hoarse voice.

"Seventh Master, if it weren't for me, you wouldn't have been ridiculed by Lu Yanchen."

"Secretary Yun, why would I care about the words of an uncouth person?"

Inadvertently, Yun Qingqing's red lips curled upwards, dispelling the previous gloominess, and she smiled with bright eyes.

"Seventh Master, you are truly cultured and mature."

It suddenly dawned on her. With Sheng Ting's stature, it was no wonder that Lu Yanchen had been his subordinate before.

Pleased with the compliment, he merely nodded his head slightly. Then, the man took a step and entered the banquet hall. As his secretary, Yun Qingqing promptly followed suit. She noticed that Sheng Ting intentionally slowed down his pace to accommodate her. Having such a considerate boss, Yun Qingqing was even more convinced that the goddess of luck was smiling upon her.

However, Sheng Ting was soon surrounded by people, leaving Yun Qingqing to continuously move backward. Finally, she managed to find a spot not far from Sheng Ting, ensuring that she wouldn't be pushed around anymore.

In the crowd, Yun Qingqing saw a familiar figure. It was Yun Chang, the woman who had recently trampled over her dignity with money. Even though Sheng Ting was wearing a simple black suit, Yun Chang dared not look at him for fear of losing her footing.

What a charming man! Exuding an irresistible aura of restraint.

Yun Chang, felt like she must have saved the entire galaxy in her previous life to marry to a man like him. She was in no hurry, and she waited until there were no more people surrounding Sheng Ting before she elegantly took her steps.

While standing in the corner, Yun Qingqing sipped her orange juice and awaited the drama to unfold. With she present, Yun Chang wanted to marry Sheng Ting and becoming the CEO's wife easily? No way!

Due to their close proximity, Yun Qingqing could clearly hear Yun Chang's words.

"Seventh Master, I'm quite good at dancing. Could I have the honor of inviting you to dance with me?"

Yun Chang's heart raced uncontrollably, and her legs felt incredibly weak as she shyly lowered her head, stealing a glance at the man.

She could hear her own heart pounding loudly. She believed that she must have saved the entire galaxy in her previous life to be able to marry Sheng Ting in this one.

"Sorry, I already have a dance partner."

Sheng Ting declined straightforwardly but with grace.

Shivering with disbelief, Yun Chang couldn't accept this. There couldn't be anyone else but her dancing with Seventh Master Sheng!

She couldn't believe that she would definitely become the CEO's wife after marrying into the Sheng family, it was just a matter of time.

Frustrated, Yun Chang asked Sheng Ting, "Where is partner? Why haven't I seen them? Are you saying it's me, Seventh Master?"

Without even a glance at Yun Chang, Sheng Ting took a step and approached Yun Qingqing. Without saying a word, he extended his distinct and slender hand, making an inviting gesture toward her.