A Gentle Touch, Like Ignition

She stared fixedly at Yun Qingqing, unable to accept the fact that Sheng Ting's dance partner turned out to be her—a woman recently divorced. Feeling the fierce gaze from Yun Chang, Yun Qingqing responded with a serene smile.

After placing the glass of orange juice on the table, she delicately covered Sheng Ting's large hand with her own. Both publicly and privately, she would accept Sheng Ting's invitation. His other hand naturally found its place on Yun Qingqing's slender waist. Sheng Ting's hand was slightly cool, and this close contact with her fair and smooth skin felt like igniting a flame.

Fortunately, Yun Qingqing was quite capable when it came to dancing. She wouldn't let nervousness cause her to step on Sheng Ting's toes. She noticed that Sheng Ting was a good dancer. There was no need for any awkward adjustment; they danced beautifully and harmoniously, staying close.

Their proximity made Yun Qingqing somewhat shy, and she couldn't meet the man's gaze directly. Her voice was soft and tender as she spoke, "Seventh Master, may I ask you a question?"

Though her dance steps remained unflustered, Yun Qingqing knew her heart was in turmoil. Sheng Ting, on the other hand, appeared calm and composed. "What is your question?" he asked nonchalantly.

Blinking her eyes, Yun Qingqing's voice quivered as she continued, "Seventh Master, what is your relationship with Yun Chang?"

If it were true, as Yun Chang claimed, that they were already dating and planning to get engaged, then Yun Qingqing would be devastated, even if she didn't directly express it.

"We have no relationship," Sheng Ting's response was clear and concise.

Her red lips curved into a bright smile as if she had just uncovered a secret.

"Oh, you two have no connection then. She's my half-sister from my father's side, and we are enemies."

Sheng Ting let out a noncommittal "Hmm," but his hand on her slender waist exerted a bit more pressure.

When Sheng Ting invited Yun Qingqing to dance, Lu Yanchen had already taken notice. He had initially been confident that Yun Qingqing would decline Seventh Master Sheng's invitation, as she knew he was present and wouldn't dance with another man. However, he was proven drastically wrong. Not only did Yun Qingqing dance with Seventh Master Sheng, but she also did so with such dazzling enthusiasm.

If gazes could kill, both Yun Qingqing and Sheng Ting would have been victims of Lu Yanchen's murderous stare.

This infuriating woman! She didn't even apologize and was boldly dancing with his arch-nemesis, whispering secrets so intimately. The more he watched, the more bloodthirsty his gaze became.

He knew that Yun Qingqing was likely plotting this to make it easier for her to ask for his reconciliation later. She was incredibly foolish; she could expect a difficult road ahead.

Though Lu Yanchen was in a prominent position, Yun Qingqing paid him no attention whatsoever.

After one dance was complete, Sheng Ting withdrew his hand from Yun Qingqing's waist. At that moment, in Yun Qingqing's eyes, there was only her boss.

"Seventh Master, what would you like to drink? Let me get it for you."

"No need," Sheng Ting said as he casually picked up a glass of champagne and took a sip.

Yun Qingqing also picked up a glass of champagne but refrained from drinking it. While she could handle alcohol reasonably well, she feared any unexpected consequences. She didn't want to leave a bad impression on Sheng Ting. At this point, Yun Qingqing's focus was solely on her job.

After finishing his champagne and placing the empty glass back on the table, Sheng Ting looked at Yun Qingqing with indifference and spoke, "Do you still have feelings for him? I want the truth."

This was an intimidating presence; Sheng Ting's aura was overpowering. Yun Qingqing almost lost her grip on the champagne flute and hastily set it down. She stood upright, her face earnest, unable to lie.

"Seventh Master, I killed my feelings for him the moment he asked me to donate my kidney to Wen Wan.I swear I won't betray you because of him. If I fail, you can..."

Sheng Ting interrupted Yun Qingqing, saying, "That's enough, I believe you."

She breathed a sigh of relief. She understood Sheng Ting's suspicion considering the circumstances of their divorce. After bowing respectfully, Yun Qingqing smiled radiantly, "Thank you for believing in me, Seventh Master."

In such a situation, Sheng Ting offering her a job was like a ray of hope.

"Yun Qingqing, come over here."

Without turning around, Yun Qingqing knew who had spoken. Seeing Yun Qingqing fawning over her arch-nemesis, bowing and smiling like a flower, Lu Yanchen couldn't take it anymore. He harbored a deep-seated hatred for Sheng Ting, who always seemed to outcompete him in business deals.

Turning towards, she deliberately shifted closer to Sheng Ting. With an icy tone, she asked, "What, Mr. Lu?"

Full of resentment, Lu Yanchen's gaze towards Yun Qingqing turned icy. "I told you to come here. Did you hear me?"

Yun Qingqing nodded slightly, but her response was defiant, "I heard you, but why should I listen to you, Mr. Lu?"

"Mr. Lu, perhaps you've had an accident and lost your memory. Don't you remember that we've already completed the divorce proceedings?"

Seeing Lu Yanchen's face darkened even more than ink, the smile of Yun Qingqing's mouth became even brighter.

Lu Yanchen's voice sounded as cold as ice, "Yun Qingqing, I'll say this one last time, come here."

Rolling her eyes in disdain, Yun Qingqing casually replied, "Even if you say it a hundred times, I still won't come over. Lu Yanchen, I am no longer the Yun Qingqing who used to come and go at your beck and call."

Reacting swiftly, Yun Qingqing seized Sheng Ting's arm. Her eyes were dewy and teary as she sought help from Sheng Ting. Seeing her plight, he naturally extended his arms to embrace her. Although Lu Yanchen still held Yun Qingqing's wrist, her other hand rested gracefully on Sheng Ting's black shirt.

Sheng Ting spoke softly, but his voice carried a chilling undertone, "Let go, she doesn't want to go with you."

With a protector by her side, Yun Qingqing regained her composure. In a confident voice, she declared, "Mr. Lu, if you don't release me, I'll have to call the police and report sexual harassment. Seventh Master can be my witness."

Although Lu Yanchen knew Yun Qingqing was deliberately provoking him to expedite her reconciliation, he couldn't control his temper. He released her wrist roughly, and his voice was as cold as ice, "Yun Qingqing, we just divorced, and you're already so eager to be with other man . I never realized you were such a loose woman."