Coming Near the Truth

She was desperate to know what happened..

Yun Qingqing couldn't stand it any longer. She had been watching Manager Wang stutter for half the day without getting to the point, and she was getting impatient.

She raised her voice, "Manager Wang, what's wrong with the CEO? If you don't explain it clearly, we can't solve anything."

Manager Wang's brows were almost knitted together, and he sighed deeply. "Secretary Yun, it's the CEO who wants the finance department to transfer my salary to you."

Yun Qingqing's eyes widened in astonishment. She hadn't expected such a move from the CEO.

"I have elderly parents to support, a child to take care of, mortgage and car loans to pay, and my wife doesn't work. My salary is the only income of my family. Secretary Yun, you can't let this happen!"

Seeing that Manager Wang was on the verge of kneeling in front of her, Yun Qingqing quickly stopped him.

"Manager Wang, don't worry. I won't accept your salary. Even if the finance department transfers it to me, I'll return it to you."

Although she was currently in dire need of money, she couldn't spend Manager Wang's hard-earned salary.

"Thank you, Secretary Yun. I shouldn't have scolded you last night. I apologize for that."

Yun Qingqing smiled awkwardly but politely. Manager Wang had indeed been a bit irritable last night, but it had helped her snap out of her mood.

After seeing Manager Wang off, she began cleaning the CEO's office while deep in thought.

However, the more she thought about it, the more something felt off.

Both Manager Wang and she had made mistakes, but the CEO had ordered the finance department to transfer Manager Wang's salary to her. It wasn't just a matter of fairness; it was clear favoritism!

She glanced at her expensive phone and felt like she was touching the truth. So, as soon as the CEO appeared, she went to prepare coffee.

Using the coffee delivery as an excuse, Yun Qingqing planned to have a clear conversation with the CEO. She was incredibly nervous, feeling like her heart might jump out of her chest.

"Mr. Sheng, I have something to discuss with you."


The CEO picked up the hot cup of black coffee, his gaze on Yun Qingqing unclear.

After a fierce battle between her upper and lower teeth, Yun Qingqing straightened her back.

"Mr. Sheng, I also made a mistake yesterday. Why didn't you punish me and instead ordered the finance department to transfer Manager Wang's salary to me?"

Yes, she was straightforward. She didn't like beating around the bush, knowing how busy the CEO was.

She knew he didn't have time for small talk.

The busy CEO, after sipping some coffee, leaned back in his chair, speaking lazily.

"Secretary Yun, are you asking for punishment?"


She didn't, but she couldn't tell the CEO the truth.

Clasping her hands into fists, Yun Qingqing became even more nervous. Her voice trembled as she continued, "Mr. Sheng, as you know, my relationship with Lu Yanchen is very bad."

"So, no matter how good you are to me, I can't help you get any business secrets from him."

The man pointed to the door. "Get out."

Yun Qingqing: "…"

Was she being too straightforward?

Now that she had no utility value, would the CEO fire her?

But if she didn't speak up now, when the CEO asked her to take action against Lu Yanchen, the consequences might not be as simple as getting fired.

With trembling steps, she followed the CEO to the meeting room. She didn't dare to look at him, afraid that a single glance might lead to him saying the dreaded words of her being fired.

Fortunately, the meeting ended around 11:30 a.m. this time because the CEO had a lunch appointment, but he didn't ask Yun Qingqing to accompany him.

On her first visit to the cafeteria, Yun Qingqing saw Secretary Ma sitting alone in a corner.

Her hair still covered half of her face, piquing Yun Qingqing's curiosity. What kind of appearance did Secretary Ma have?

After getting her food, Yun Qingqing didn't hesitate. She sat down directly across from Secretary Ma.

She smiled and said, "Secretary Ma, thank you for your advice earlier. Do you like chicken legs?"

"No need to thank me. I'm full," Secretary Ma replied, rising from her seat and grabbing her lunchbox, not giving Yun Qingqing a chance to start a conversation.

Baffled, Yun Qingqing wondered if she had the aura of a hooligan or something. Why did Secretary Ma leave without even eating?

Finishing her meal with a heavy mood, Yun Qingqing realized that her current situation was far from ideal. Her superiors knew she had no more value, and her colleagues in the Secretary's Office weren't treating her kindly.

But she didn't want to lose her job!

Without taking an afternoon nap, she returned to her workstation and continued writing the probationary report for RedPlum 14. Although the CEO had asked for a thousand words, she had written two thousand. She wanted to show the CEO that she was competent.

Around 3 p.m., the CEO finally returned to the company. He didn't even spare a glance at Yun Qingqing and went straight to his office.

Not giving up, Yun Qingqing told herself not to give in. With the two-thousand-word probationary report in her hand, she knocked on the CEO's office.

"Mr. Sheng, here is the probationary report I wrote."

"Leave it and get out."

Carefully placing the report on his desk, Yun Qingqing realized that not only her hands but also her feet were trembling. But she couldn't leave just yet.

"Mr. Sheng, would you like me to get you a fresh cup of coffee?"

The CEO asked her in response, "Why not?"

"I'll get it for you right away."

As long as the CEO didn't fire her, she would make a hundred cups of coffee if needed.

After she brought him the coffee, Yun Qingqing noticed that the CEO didn't seem interested in reading her probationary report. She hesitantly asked, "Mr. Sheng, do you have any documents that need organizing?"

The CEO took a cookbook from his drawer and handed it to Yun Qingqing.

Taken aback, Yun Qingqing stared at the cookbook for a while. She found the CEO's request quite unexpected.

Clearing her throat, she asked, "Mr. Sheng, why are you giving me a cookbook?"

"Choose three dishes and a soup from it, and cook them for me this Sunday."

Yun Qingqing: "…"

This task was completely unexpected and out of the blue. Nonetheless, she had learned that her primary duty as the CEO's secretary was to do whatever he asked, so she couldn't refuse.

Carrying the cookbook back to her desk, Yun Qingqing looked at the array of choices. It was harder than she had thought because there were so many options.

She spent the whole day pondering the cookbook's contents, even dreaming about dishes like Braised Pork Ribs, Salt and Pepper Shrimp, and Pickled Vegetable Fish.

Fortunately, it was Saturday and she didn't have to work, so she could sleep in. Yun Qingqing prepared a sumptuous breakfast, intending to treat herself and her unfortunate coworker Bai An'ning.

Bai An'ning volunteered to accompany her when she heard Yun Qingqing intended to visit the elderly lady. They took two buses and finally reached the lady's house.

Worried that the elderly lady might not hear them, Yun Qingqing knocked on the door rather vigorously.

Luckily, they didn't have to wait long, and the door was opened, but it wasn't the elderly lady.