I Don't Have a Boyfriend, But I Just Got Divorced

Yun Qingqing and Bai An'ning exchanged glances. Standing before them was a young man with shoulder-length hair.

"Who are you?"

Yun Qingqing was about to introduce herself after hearing the young man's question, but just then, the elderly lady returned, carrying a basket of vegetables.

"Hello, young lady, what brings you here?"

Upon seeing the elderly lady, Yun Qingqing immediately smiled warmly. "Grandma, I've come to thank you for saving my life."

She gently patted Yun Qingqing's hand, and the elderly lady chuckled. "Saving your life? I just gave you a glass of water."

Bai An'ning chimed in, "Thanks to that glass of water, it saved Qingqing from a lot of trouble."

Then, Bai An'ning took out a red envelope from her bag. "Grandma, this is to show our gratitude. Please accept it."

Yun Qingqing, looking puzzled, couldn't help but think how generous Bai An'ning was. Not only had she paid for the fruit earlier, but now she was giving a thank-you gift to the elderly lady.

Yun Qingqing was deeply moved by Bai An'ning's kindness. She wanted to be lifelong friends with her.

Of course, once she received her salary, she would return the money to Bai An'ning. She knew Bai An'ning's financial situation wasn't great either.

"Dear, do I look like someone who cares about money? Hurry up and put that red envelope away, or I'll get angry," the elderly lady said with a smile.

"That's right, young lady, put the red envelope away. My grannie is not someone who cares about such things," the young man with long hair added as he took the basket from the elderly lady.

But Bai An'ning wasn't giving up. She used her sweetest tone. "Grandma, this is just a small token of our appreciation. Please accept it."

"Indeed, Grandma, please keep it!" Yun Qingqing insisted.

However, when Yun Qingqing tried to slip the red envelope into the elderly lady's pocket, the elderly lady stopped her. Yun Qingqing realized that the elderly lady was surprisingly strong.

Looking at the fruits on the table, the elderly lady said firmly, "If you don't put that red envelope away, I won't accept these fruits either."

After exchanging a glance with Bai An'ning, Yun Qingqing placed the red envelope in Bai An'ning's bag. She whispered, "Thank you."

"Ladies, I can't believe that my grandmother saved such beautiful one," said the young stud, praising Yun Qingqing suddenly.

Yun Qingqing, who was unexpectedly complimented by this young man, quickly waved her hand. "You're too kind."

"Oh my! After all these years, being a grandmother, I never expected that you, my little rascal, would turn out so smooth," Grandma said.

After hearing her grandmother's words, both Yun Qingqing and Bai Anning couldn't help but laugh.

The young man sneered, "Grandma, how can you call me that? I was genuinely praising these two beautiful ladies from the bottom of my heart!"

Casting a disdainful look at her grandson, Grandma then ordered, "Hurry up and wash some fruit for our two beautiful ladies."

"Yes, my beloved grandma."

Yun Qingqing and Bai Anning were once again amused.

They never expected that coming to express their gratitude to Grandma would turn out to be such a joyful occasion.

The elderly lady said, "He's my grandson, You Ye, will often stay over on weekends. He says it helps him find inspiration for songwriting."

Yun Qingqing, who had been a lead singer in a band, couldn't help but feel a bit conflicted. How could she resist the temptation of hearing the songs You Ye wrote?

Bai An'ning, who had been a guitarist in a band, had the same thoughts. But now they both knew as a lawyer and a secretary, they had no business getting involved in music.

So, they spent a pleasant time chatting with Grandma You and You Ye, without mentioning anything related to music. They talked about various topics, and time flew by.

Although Grandma You warmly invited them to stay for lunch, Yun Qingqing and Bai An'ning declined politely. They didn't want to impose any further.

After saying their goodbyes, Yun Qingqing and Bai An'ning left Grandma You's house. It had been a delightful visit.

As they walked away from the house, Yun Qingqing received a text message on her phone. She couldn't help but frown.

You Ye, the grandson, had asked for their WeChat contacts. Yun Qingqing and Bai An'ning didn't want to be impolite, so they agreed.

After adding each other on WeChat, You Ye asked Yun Qingqing, "Do you have a boyfriend?"

Bai An'ning, who was quite the gossip girl, couldn't hold back her laughter and even nudged Yun Qingqing with her elbow.

Smiling, Yun Qingqing didn't hide the truth and replied honestly, "I don't have a boyfriend, but I just got divorced."

You Ye was stunned, and Grandma You held Yun Qingqing's hand, saying, "Dear, your good fortune is still ahead of you!"

"Thank you, Grandma. I feel the same way. I'll come visit often. Please don't find me annoying."

"How could that be? Next time you visit, you must have a meal with us."

"Sure, Grandma."

Yun Qingqing and Bai An'ning had left the house for a while when You Ye, who was still single, finally came back to his senses.

Grandma You looked at him seriously and said, "You lack charm."

You Ye: "..."

After careful consideration, Yun Qingqing prepared the menu for CEO Sheng.

Braised Pork Ribs with Taro, Pork Belly with Preserved Vegetables, Vinegar-braised Potato Strings, and a seafood soup.

As Yun Qingqing paced back and forth in her apartment, holding her phone and contemplating, Bai An'ning grabbed her and pulled her onto the sofa.

"Darling, all you need to do is ask CEO Sheng if he has the ingredients at home and what time you should arrive tomorrow. You're not confessing your love to him," Bai An'ning reminded her.

"Even if you lent me a hundred times more courage, I still wouldn't dare confess to him."

Thinking of her diminishing value in CEO Sheng's eyes, Yun Qingqing felt overwhelmed.

Bai An'ning widened her eyes and burst into laughter. "Oh my god! You've only been working for a few days, and you're already falling for Sheng Ting? Do you like him?"

A slight twitch appeared at the corner of Yun Qingqing's mouth. "I like his money. Do you think he might not fire me just because I'm good at cooking?"

"It's not impossible. You should call Mr. Sheng and confirm what time to go tomorrow," Bai An'ning said empathetically, picking up the phone and placing it in Yun Qingqing's hand.

With a wrinkled brow, Yun Qingqing looked pitiful. "But he was so harsh to me yesterday, and I'm scared."

"How about sending him a WeChat message?"

"No, he told me before to call him if I had something, not to send a message."

Bai An'ning chuckled, "I recall a few days ago you told me he's a warm-hearted boss."

"That's all just a façade. He's really too mysterious. My dear, is your law firm in need of a cook?"

"We don't need one, we don't even need a cleaning lady."

Yun Qingqing: "..."

With the promise of double the bonus, Yun Qingqing dialed CEO Sheng's number.

It didn't take long for him to answer, and she could hear that it was quite peaceful on his end.

Yun Qingqing clenched the pillow tightly and asked, "Mr. Sheng, what time should I come to your house tomorrow?"

"Ten o'clock."

"Okay, Mr. Sheng. Do you have the ingredients at home?"


"Great, Mr. Sheng. Please send me the address later. Goodbye."

As soon as the call ended, Yun Qingqing wanted to hang up, but she didn't dare. She waited for a while, and after five minutes passed, Sheng was still on the line.

"Mr. Sheng, do you have any more instructions?"

"Yes, come down."

Without giving Yun Qingqing a chance to clarify, Sheng Ting hung up the phone. Understanding what he meant, Yun Qingqing quickly put on her slippers and hurried downstairs without even changing out of her bear-patterned pajamas.